我们学校的饭菜简直没法吃。 Our school meals are hardly eatable.
可吃的饭菜 An eatable meal.
面包放久了,简直不能吃了。 The bread was so old that it was hardly eatable.
这肉几不能吃。 This meat is hardly eatable.
到了冬天,他们用斧子把那种面包砍开,放在水里浸上二十四个钟头才能吃。 In the winter they break this bread up with an axe, and they soak it for twenty-four hours, in order to render it eatable.
他把吃下的东西全吐了出来。 He vomited up all he had eaten.
我一整天围着火热的炉子辛辛苦苦地做出这顿饭,可是他们现在几乎一点儿也没有吃。 I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal, and now they've hardly eaten any of it.
松饼通常烤热加黄油吃。 Muffin is usually toasted and eaten hot with butter.