本附录主要描述操作入口站点(operatorsite)中与soap相关的约定和需求。 This appendix covers the SOAP specific conventions and requirements for Operator Sites.
关于进出香港的船只数目、旅客人数和进出口商品等资料,载列于附录43。 Details of international movements of vessels, passengers and cargo are given at Appendix 43.
本附录说明了在所有uddi操作入口站点(operatorsite)上关于使用xml的一些约定及其细节。 This appendix explains the specifics of XML conventions employed across all UDDI Operator Sites.
参考相关的附录(关于xml使用的细节),可以获得程序员接口规范中使用的xml结构及其缺陷性的更多相关信息。 See the appendix (XML usage details) for more information on specific XML constructs and limitations used in the specification of the programmers interface.
可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品. Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer.
他的胃口好。 He has a good appetite.
胃口 An appetite for food.
好胃口。 Have a good appetite.
胃口怎么样? How about your appetite?
医:您胃口怎样? How is your appetite?
我胃口不好。 I have no appetite.
我吃东西不香[没胃口]。 I've lost my appetite.
对某人的胃口 Jump with sb.'s appetite
你的胃口怎么样? What's your appetite like?
吃东西和你胃口吗? Do you have any appetite?
好胃口的人 A person with a hearty appetite.
我的胃口很不好。 I have get a bad appetite.
我的胃口很不好。 I have got a bad appetite.
他们胃口很好地吃了起来。 They fell to with good appetite.
胃口好(健康的食欲)。 a hearty (or healthy) appetite.
我的胃口很不好。 I've got a bad appetite.
那么怎样满足我的跳舞的胃口呢? And how about my appetite for dancing?
加太多香料的食物厌腻他的胃口。 Too much spicy food cloyed his appetite.
她咬了一口苹果. She bit into the apple.
那个男孩子咬了一口苹果。 The boy bit into the apple.
动物的口套,口络套在动物的鼻口部以防止其咬和吃的一种皮质或者金属丝制成的限制装置 A leather or wire restraining appliance that, when fitted over an animal's snout, prevents biting and eating.
裹在他伤口上的纱布脏了。 The gauze patch applied to his wound is dirty.
在他伤口上涂药。 Apply medicine to his wound.
有个护士正在给他的伤口敷药。 A nurse is applying some medicine to his wound.
在她伤口上涂一些药。 Apply some medicine to her wound.
他的伤口上涂一些药。 Apply some medicine to his wound.
新的分配(尤其是美国国会席位根据人口普查的结果的重新分配)。 a new apportionment (especially a reallotment of US congressional seats on the basis of census results).