  • 埃斯基尔斯土纳瑞典东部位于斯德哥尔摩西面的一座城市,659年被特许为特区。人口88,664
    A city of southeast Sweden west of Stockholm. It was chartered in1659. Population,88, 664.
  • 普福尔茨海姆德国西部一城市,位于斯图加特西北偏西。1195年特许建立,它拥有著名的珠宝业和钟表制造工业。人口104,023
    A city of southwest Germany west-northwest of Stuttgart. Chartered c.1195, it has a noted jewelry and watchmaking industry. Population,104, 023.
  • 库奥皮奥芬兰中部一城市,位于赫尔辛基东北偏北。于1782年特许设市,它是地处一伐木区的冬季运动中心。人口77,371
    A city of south-central Finland north-northeast of Helsinki. Chartered in1782, it is a winter sports center in a lumbering area. Population,77, 371.
  • 克拉根福奥地利部一城市,位于格拉茨西。1279年在地图上标出。现在是制造业中心和著名的滑雪场。人口87,321
    A city of southern Austria southwest of Graz. It was chartered in1279 and is today a manufacturing center and noted ski resort. Population,87, 321.
  • 布莱特尔博罗美国佛蒙特州东部城市,位于新罕布什尔州边界康涅狄格河上,于1753年获得特许权,现在是冬日旅游胜地。人口11,886
    A town of southeast Vermont on the Connecticut River and the New Hampshire border. It was chartered in1753 and is now a winter resort center. Population,11, 886.
  • 位于漆咸道的永久性博物馆和柴湾鲤鱼门博物馆的建筑工程进展良好。
    Construction of the permanent Museum of History at Chatham Road South and the Lei Yue Mun Museum in Chai Wan progressed well.
  • 电影结束后,大家开始天海北地闲聊起来。
    As the movie came to an end the room filled with chatter.
  • 北疆数字微波工程,西安经兰州、乌鲁木齐、伊宁到霍尔果斯口岸的四条群干线光缆;乌鲁木齐经吐鲁番、库尔勒、若羌从茫崖出疆的第二出疆光缆,亚欧光缆;
    Digital microwave communications link the southern and northern parts of the region, and optical cable trunk lines link Urumqi with Xi’an, Lanzhou, Yining, Korgas checkpoint, Turpan, Korla, Ruoqiang and Mangya.
  • 猎豹产地为非洲及西亚的一种腿长、善奔的野生猫科动物(猎豹),毛为黄褐色带黑斑,爪为不可缩回式。猎豹是陆地上行动最快的动物,短距离奔跑速度可达每小时96公里(60英里)
    A long-legged, swift-running wild cat(Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and southwest Asia, having black-spotted, tawny fur and nonretractile claws. The cheetah, the fastest animal on land, can run for short distances at about96 kilometers(60 miles) per hour.
  • 南京化学工业公司
    Nanjing Chemical Industry Corporation
  • 切斯特英国中西部市镇,位于利物浦东处迪河上。罗马人曾在此筑堡守卫流入威尔士的这条河流,并将些地称为迪瓦。切斯特以其街、沿着主要街道的两排商店和房屋而著名。人口58,100
    A borough of west-central England on the Dee River south-southeast of Liverpool. The Romans built a fort here to defend the river crossing into Wales and named the settlement Deva. Chester is known for its Rows, a double tier of shops and houses along its main streets. Population,58, 100.
  • 美国部的两种小栗子树的小的坚果。
    small nut of either of two small chestnut trees of the southern United States; resembles a hazelnut.
  • 拉腊米城美国怀俄明州东一城市,位于夏延城西北。于1868年由于铁道的建成而成立,是怀俄明大学(1886年成立)所在地。人口26,687
    A city of southeast Wyoming west-northwest of Cheyenne. Settled in1868 with the coming of the railroad, it is the seat of the University of Wyoming(founded1886). Population,26, 687.
  • 齐是大国,在今山东省的中部和东北部;鲁国较小,在今山东省的部。
    Chi was a big state in the central part of the present Shantung Province, and Lu was a smaller one in the southern part.
  • 因此我得以先打其西路于宜黄部地区,一举消灭李明、陈时骥两个师。
    Thus we had the opportunity to attack his western column in southern Yihuang County first, and at one stroke we annihilated the two divisions under Li Ming and Chen Shih-chi.
  • 齐军乘魏军疲惫,在桂陵(今河省长垣县西北)设伏袭击,大败魏军,赵国之围也随着解除。
    Taking advantage of their exhaustion, the troops of Chi engaged and routed them at Kueiling (northeast of the present Hotse County in Shantung). The siege of Hantan, capital of Chao, was thus lifted.
  • 在湖就闹平江惨案,在河就闹确山惨案,在山西就闹旧军打新军,在河北就闹张荫梧打八路军,在山东就闹秦启荣打游击队,在鄂东就闹程汝怀杀死五六百个共产党员,在陕甘宁边区就闹内部的“点线工作”、外部的“封锁工作”,并且还准备着军事进攻。
    In Hunan, there was the Ping kiang massacre;in Honan, the Chuehshan massacre;in Shansi, the old army attacked the new army;in Hopei, Chang Yin-wu attacked the Eighth Route Army;in Shantung, Chin Chi-jung attacked the guerrillas;in eastern Hupeh, Cheng Ju-huai killed between five and six hundred Communists;and as for the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region, the die-hards are trying to set up a spy network from within and enforce a "blockade" from without, and are preparing an armed attack.
  • 当使用chicano这个词来指墨西哥裔美国人时要小心,在西部一些地区这个词有种族骄傲色彩;在另一些地区它可能被认为是贬抑性的
    Care should be taken in using the term Chicano when referring to Mexican-Americans. In some regions of the Southwest the term suggests ethnic pride; in others it may be felt to be derogatory.
  • 开始,雪球四处张望,好像失去了方向,但她并没有试图揭开盖在“瓜头”身上的草,而是飞到它惯用的栖木上呆在那儿。
    At first Snowball seemed disoriented when she looked around, but she didn’t try to uncover the chick. Instead, she flew up to her normal perch and stayed there.
  • 产于美国部的山雀,与黑冠雀形似但较小。
    southern United States chickadee similar to the blackcap but smaller.
  • 稻子是大多数方省份的主要作物。
    Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces.
  • 【多用于新英格兰】【多用于美国中部】
    Chiefly New England Chiefly Upper Southern U.S.
  • 【多用于美国中部】
    Chiefly Upper Southern U.S.
  • 常作middlings【多用于美国部】
    Oftenmiddlings Chiefly Southern U.S.
  • 主要产于美的一个乔木属。
    trees of chiefly South America.
  • 主要产于维吉尼亚施多流域的苹果。
    apple grown chiefly in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.
  • 比西部鞭尾蜥蜴的斑纹更暗更多;产于从科罗拉多东部到奇瓦瓦的东部地区。
    markings are darker and more marked than in western whiptail; from southeastern Colorado to eastern Chihuahua.
  • 伊基克智利西北部城市,濒临太平洋,位于秘鲁边界以。建于16世纪,于1883年由秘鲁割让给智利。人口110,153
    A city of northwest Chile on the Pacific Ocean south of the Peruvian border. Founded in the16th century, it was ceded to Chile by Peru in1883. Population,110, 153.
  • 智利首都和最大城市;美洲最大的城市之一。
    the capital and largest city of Chile; one of the largest cities in South America.
  • 智利最大的岛屿,也是唯一有人定居的岛屿;远离智利中部的位置上。
    the largest Chilean island and the only one to be settled; located off south-central Chile.
  • 弗得角美洲大陆最端,在智利部的麦哲伦海峡
    The southernmost point of mainland South America, in southern Chile on the Strait of Magellan.
  • 智利部一城市,位于麦哲伦海峡沿岸;世界上最靠的城市。
    a city in S Chile on the Strait of Magellan; the southernmost city in the world.