  • 旧中国,家庭财产只能由男性占有和继承,寡妇再嫁不得带走财产,嫁的女儿也不能继承父母遗产。
    In old China, family assets could only be owned and inherited by men. If a widow remarried, she could take nothing and a married daughter had no right to inherit anything from her parents.
  • 乔将自己的画伪称是雷姆卜兰特的画卖
    Joe palmed off his own painting as a Rembrandt.
  • 这幅画的售须要有专家认可它确是伦勃朗的原作才行。
    The sale of the painting is conditional on the expert's agreement that it is an original Rembrandt.
  • 后来在议会上应对对手一个接一个的争论时----他在这门技艺上也许是无人可比的----很少有人猜想得到他在这样的场合显露的不寻常的准确记忆力,原来是在德雷顿牧区教堂里他父亲的训练之下培养成功的。
    When afterwards replying in succession to the arguments of his parliamentary opponents--an art in which he was perhaps unrivalled--it was little surmised that the extraordinary power of accurate remembrance which he displayed on such occasions had been originally trained under the discipline of his father in the parish church of Drayton.
  • 比如,当气温为32华氏度,风速为每小时10英里时,风寒因素则降到20华氏度,听上去要冷得多。那些在这种天气还要去的人会觉得更艰苦,更具冒险性。
    For example, when a temperature of 32 F combines with a 10-mile-an-hour wind, the wind-chill factor drops to 20~F, which sounds a lot colder and makes those who venture out in it feel hardy and adventurous.
  • 一个演员提示另一个演员下一步行动所发的对白。
    an actor's line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech.
  • 我们现在要先由《秋镫琐忆》(主人公是作者之妻秋芙)中摘录几段来,然后由《浮生六记》(主人公是芸)中摘录几段。
    We will begin with certain select passages from the Reminiscences Under the Lamp-Light with the author's wife Ch'iufu as the heroine, and follow it with selections from Six Chapters of a Floating Life, with Yiin as the heroine.
  • vandenbrink公司推了转向灵活而风格独特的carver轿车,它的驾驶室很像小汽车的(尤其像新甲壳虫的驾驶室),但里面的座椅又和摩托车一样前后排列。
    The Vandenbrink Carver is a crossover vehicle of a different sort:its enclosed cabin is reminiscent of a car's(specifically,the New Beetle's),but it seats just two in tandem like a motorcycle.
  • 他安分地服刑,获减型狱。
    He did his porridge peacefully, earned his remission and came out.
  • 那个年轻人安分地服刑,后来获减刑狱。
    The young man did his porridge peacefully, earned his remission and came out.
  • 货款及本人为贵方所能收回的余款将迅速汇
    The net proceeds of the goods, and whatever balance I may receive on your account, will is remit at the first opportunity.
  • 第八,中国法律规定,外商投资者从所投资企业取得的利润,在履行纳税义务后,可自由汇境外。
    VIII).As provided by the Chinese law, foreign investors may freely remit abroad their profits originated from the investment enterprises after fulfilling taxation obligations.
  • 由怀特先生转交的货物,已全部售,现将所得净款以汇票形式寄,详情如下。
    The parts handed over to us by Mr. White have disposed of, and we now remit the proceeds in the bills noted at foot.
  • 由怀特先生转交的货物,已全部售,现将所得净款以汇票形式寄,详情如下。
    The parts hand over to us by Mr. White we have dispose of, and we now remit the proceeds in the bill noted at foot.
  • 我们已经将款以支票汇
    We've already remitted the amount by cheque.
  • 请将汇款送出纳员。
    Please send remittance to the treasurer.
  • 以邮局汇付方式缴纳费用的,以邮局汇的邮戳日为缴费日。
    where any fee is paid by way of postal remittance, the date of remittance indicated by the postmark shall be the date of payment;
  • 贵方一眼即可看,欠款会越来越多,惠请立即寄款,当不胜感谢。
    You can readily see that arrear can soon run into a large sum. Your prompt remittance will be appreciate.
  •  (四)在合格投资者汇入本金、汇本金或者收益两个工作日内,向国家外汇局报告合格投资者的资金汇入、汇及结售汇情况;
    4. Reporting to SAFE about foreign exchange remittance and repatriation of QFII, in two working days after QFII remits/repatriates its principal/proceeds;
  • 汇款未收到,何时通过哪家银行汇
    RMTTNCE UNRCVD WHN AND THRU WHT BNK U SNT-remittance not yet received; when and through what bank did you send
  •  (七)保存合格投资者的资金汇入、汇、兑换、收汇、付汇和资金往来记录等相关资料,其保存的时间应当不少于十五年;
    7. Keep the records and other related materials on QFII's fund remittance, repatriation, conversion, receipt and payment for no less than 15 years;
  • 它们被从其它的生活区驱逐去,只能生活在这一小片遗留下来的栖息地里,结果它们受到更多更严重的干扰,”世界鹦鹉信托基金会的主任詹姆斯·吉拉迪说。世界鹦鹉信托基金会是一个致力于鹦鹉的生存和福利的慈善机构。
    But currently they are in a very small chunk of forest left way up in the mountains," says James Gilardi, director of the World Parrot Trust, a charity that works for the survival and welfare of parrots. "So they're sitting on this little remnant of habitat and they've been chased out of the rest of their range and, consequently, they're exposed to more sorts of perturbations in a more severe way."
  • 这些土文物揭开了一个古文化的遗迹。
    The excavations brought to light the remnants of an ancient civilization.
  • 用发挥全党的积极性,锻炼大批的干部,肃清宗派观念的残余,团结全党像钢铁一样。
    Let us give scope to the initiative of the whole Party membership and so train new cadres in great numbers, eliminate the remnants of sectarianism, and unite the whole Party as solidly as steel.
  • 蒂姆·卡希尔(timcahill)自身就是一位冒险者,在他被问及为什么冒险者要从事冒险活动,冒着生命危险去追求那种极度刺激时,从本质上给了“世界上有两类人”的解释。
    Asked why adventurers do what they do -- that is, risk their lives in pursuit of extraordinary thrills -- Tim Cahill, an adventurer himself, essentially gave the "two-kinds-of-people-in-the-world" answer.
  • 这正是东京的烟民们所经历的,因为日本烟草公司推了一种由拖车改装而成的自由吸烟室。
    That's what Tokyo smokers got when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space.
  • 在利用高新技术改造传统口产业方面,外经贸部和国家经贸委等有关部门建立联合工作机制,利用技术改造支持口产品升级换代,1999年可增加口50亿美元,增幅为21%。
    Talking about the remolding of traditional export industries utilizing high and new technology, MOFTEC, the State Economic and Trade Commission and relevant agencies have set up a joint working mechanism to assist the upgrading of exports through technological transformation. The export growth for 1999 is expected to reach USD 5billion, rising by 21%.
  • 遇有破坏农会的言论行动而罪状较轻的,则邀集多人涌入其家,提比较不甚严重的质问。
    When someone harms a peasant association by word or deed and the offence is a minor one, the peasants collect in a crowd and swarm into the offender's house to remonstrate with him.
  • 另一些著述家(其中包括麦克库洛赫先生和萨伊先生)则把非生产性一词看作是贬意的,反对将这个词用于任何被认为是有用的劳动,所谓有用的劳动,是指所带来的好处或快乐与所付的代价价值相等的劳动。
    There are others (among whom are Mr. M'Culloch and M. Say) who looking upon the word unproductive as a term of disparagement, remonstrate against imposing it upon any labour which is regarded as useful-which produces a benefit or a pleasure worth the cost.
  • 老人对他的愚行提规谏。
    The old man remonstrated about his foolish behaviour.
  • 我们封虐待战俘之事提抗议。
    We remonstrated against the ill-treatment of prisoners of war.
  • 不悔的没有悔悟的或未表现悔悟的
    Having or exhibiting no remorse.