  • 改asic可能要以推迟6至9个月产品上市的时间为代价。更有甚者,可能强迫拥有基于过时硅电设备的客户升级。
    Modifying an ASIC can cost six to nine months in time-to-market and, even worse, can force forklift upgrades on customers who own equipment based on out-of-date silicon.
  • 头巾围在头周围的一块布,勾勒出脸的形状,下巴下有褶,中世纪时妇女戴的或作为女习惯装束的一部分
    A cloth wound around the head, framing the face, and drawn into folds beneath the chin, worn by women in medieval times and as part of the habit of certain orders of nuns.
  • 如果有某个参议员建议交5美分的汽油税,美国人会像红猞猁一样争个没完。但是如果政府重了高速公路的出口,他们又会像云雀一样高兴。
    They fight like bobcats if a Senator proposes a five-cent petrol tax, but they're happy as larks when the government repaves their exit from the freeway.
  • 她的指甲刚修过。
    Her nails were freshly manicured.
  • 这位道士受到所有人的尊敬。
    The friar is respected by everyone.
  • 身穿托钵僧统一的灰斗篷的天主教男道士。
    a Catholic friar wearing the gray habit of the Franciscan order.
  • 圣奥古斯丁会成员属于圣·奥古斯丁会的道士及教士
    A monk or friar belonging to any of the Augustinian orders.
  • 加尔默罗会道会成立于1155年的加尔默罗道会,隶属于卡梅尔山的圣母玛丽亚教团
    A monk or mendicant friar belonging to the order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, founded in1155.
  • 她能自己修理冰箱.
    She can mend the fridge by herself.
  • 阿陀斯山位于希腊东北部的一座山峰,海拔约2,034米(6,670英尺),它是实际上独立的阿陀斯山道院社区所在地,该道院最初建于10世纪
    A peak, about2, 034 m(6, 670 ft) high, of northeast Greece. It is the site of the virtually independent monastic community of Mount Athos, originally founded in the tenth century.
  • 为了切实履行作为世界贸易组织成员应尽的义务和中国所作出的承诺,我们正在按世界贸易组织规则的要求,对现行法律、法规、规章进行清理和改。
    With a view to effectively fulfilling its WTO obligations and commitments, China is reviewing and amending, where necessary, existing laws and regulations as required by the WTO rules.
  • 改工会宪章的运动正慢慢加强.
    The movement to change the union's constitution is slowly gathering momentum.
  • 中学毕业后所走道路的日益分化,在促进男女平等方面的作用可能比任何宪法条款的改和法院的决定更大。
    The growing split in post-secondary paths might do more to foster gender equality than any constitutional amendment or court decision.
  • 这样的安排使那些选易得高分课程的学生受益,而惩罚了那些选择数学和理科课程的学生,因为这些课程中只有很少的学生能得到最高分。
    This arrangement rewards students who gravitate to courses where high marks are generously given and punishes those who seek out math and science courses, where far fewer students get the top grade.
  • 遗传性地改动物器官可能开始满足这一需要。
    Genetically modified animal organs could begin to fill this need.
  • 生物界对基因自我补的兴趣使探索者对耐放射线的细菌(deinococcusradiodurans)的基因组的排列顺序进行了研究,这有助于理解小行星上有机物精妙的生理机制,这种机制能使它们在宇宙中长途跋涉后仍能生存下来。
    Biological interest in genetic self-repair led investigators to sequence the genome of the radiation-tolerant bacterium Demococcus Radiodurans. That work constitutes an important step in understanding an ingenious biological mechanuism that might enable an organism to survive a long ride through space on a meteoroid.
  • 他是一位有养的绅士。
    Because he is a gentleman.
  • 中央和内地各省市大力支援西藏的经济、文化建设,建了穿越海拔五六千米高山的川藏、青藏等公路干线、格尔木至拉萨输油管道、羊八井地热电站等大中型基础设施。
    To aid economic and cultural construction in Tibet, the central government and other provinces and municipalities have pooled efforts together to build the Sichuan-Tibet, Qinghai-Tibet and other trunk highways that cross mountains 5,000-6,000 metres above sea level, a finished oil transmission pipeline from Golmud to Lhasa, the Yangbajain Geothermal Power Station and other large and medium-sized infrastructure facilities.
  • 我必须请人理一下这台电视机。
    I must get the television fixed.
  • 烫书脊用金属板用于印刷或饰缚书中的字母或从事或应用于封页的一种工具
    A tool used for printing or gilding letters on book bindings or taking up and applying gold leaf.
  • 在这里,福特只是一名中等偏下的学生,于是他选了一门表演课以提高他的课程平均成绩,但此举没能奏效,因为还只差数周就能毕业的他被学校开除了--但表演课却另有所获--福特看到了前途的曙光。
    A below average student, Ford took an acting class to try raising his grade point average. This didn't help since Ford was kicked out of Ripon just weeks before graduation -- but the acting classes did serve another purpose -- they gave Ford a glimmer of direction in his life.
  • 日本右翼势力企图通过改中学教材,来窜改和美化那段肮脏的历史。
    The right-wingers in Japan are attempting to gloss over the country’s ugly past with revised secondary textbook.
  • 遗传性改动物胰岛细胞的移植可能会有效地治疗这种疾病,因为经过遗传性改动物胰岛细胞能够像健康个体的细胞一样,根据变化的葡萄糖水平来分泌胰岛素。
    The transplantation of genetically modified animal pancreatic islet cells, which could secrete insulin in response to the body's varying glucose levels. Just as the cells in a healthy individual do could effectively cure the disease.
  • 我今天你的自行车。
    I'll have a go at mending your bike today.
  • 你怎样着手理这架电传机?
    How do you go about repairing this telex machine?
  • 美杜莎被柏斯所杀的蛇发女怪
    The Gorgon who was killed by Perseus.
  • 圣母院后面,北边是峨特式长廊的隐院,南边是半罗曼式的主教府邸,东边是“场地”荒芜尖岬。
    Behind Notre-Dame, the cloister and its Gothic galleries spread out towards the north; on the south, the half-Roman palace of the bishop; on the east, the desert point of the Terrain.
  • 市内最美丽的遗迹哈肯夏伦位于卑尔根堡的城墙之内,这座13世纪的哥特式建筑,是在卑尔根市掌握着北海海上贸易的时期为聚会和接待客人而建的。
    The Hakonshallen, the most beautiful monument in the city, lies within the walls of Bergen's fortress. The great 13th century Gothic hall was built for the parties and the receptions in the days of the city's control over trade in the North Sea.
  • 军火库政府管辖的负责储存,发展,生产,试验或理武器,弹药以及其他战备物资的机构
    A governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel.
  • 卢克士将做感恩祷告.
    Brother Luke will say grace.
  • 目前,中国正在按照世贸组织规则和建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,对现行涉外经济法律法规进行全面清理,并按照法律程序进行改和补充,加快建立和完善与国际通行作法接轨的涉外经济管理体制,推动经济结构调整和产业升级,普及世贸组织知识和规则,加快人才培养,不断提高政府的宏观调控能力和企业的国际竞争能力,做好迎接更为激烈的国际竞争的准备。
    At present, China is, in line with the WTO rules and the requirement of establishing socialist market economic system, conducting a thorough checking-up of the laws and regulations concerning foreign trade and economic cooperation and will make amendment and addition according to the legal procedures, speeding up the establishment and improvement of the foreign-related economic administration system in conformity with the international practice, pushing forward the economic restructuring and the industrial up-grading, spreading the knowledge and the rules regarding the WTO, promoting the training of talents, so as to continuously improve the macro regulatory and control ability of the government as well as the international competitiveness of enterprises and therefore get well prepared for the more fierce international competition.
  • 我于1985年在伯明翰大学读完冶金学学位。
    I graduated in metallurgy from Birmingham in 1985.