  • 顾名思义,这是澳洲白人至上,反土著反移民,公然在个实施民主议会制度的国家,明目张胆地鼓吹种族主义,走高度危险的政治钢索。
    As the name of her One Nation party suggests, it is anti-aborigines and anti-immigrants. In a country that practices parliamentary democracy, she is walking a political tightrope by openly advocating racism.
  • 两个人用的竞赛雪橇。
    a racing sled for one or two people.
  • 宪法虽然允许单族群的政党成立,但绝不允许鼓吹种族主义,排斥其他族群和歧视移民。
    Besides, while the constitution allows the formation of a political group by people from the same race, advocacy of racism, discrimination against other ethnic groups, and prejudice against immigrants are prohibited.
  • 艘摇摇晃晃的赛艇;张不稳的牌桌
    A tippy racing shell; a tippy card table.
  • 法西斯政权种以人独裁下的中央集权为特征的统治方式,对社会经济实行严格控制,通过恐怖活动和新闻书刊的检查强力镇压反对党,典型的是好战的大国民族主义和种族主义
    A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  • 我想买个带变速的跑车。
    I like a racing bike with a gearshift.
  • 多年来,中国妇女为维护世界和平,反对帝国主义、新老殖民主义、霸权主义、切形式的种族主义、法西斯主义、各种形式的恐怖主义等,进行了不懈的努力。
    Over the years, Chinese women have made unremitting efforts to maintain world peace, and to fight against imperialism, old and new colonialism, hegemonism, racism of various forms, fascism and all forms of terrorism.
  • 我们在这里要谈谈我们面临的系列正反对应的挑战,即战争与和平,暴力与非暴力,种族主义与人性尊严,压迫镇压与自由人权,贫困与脱贫等问题。
    We speak here of the challenge of the dichotomies of war and peace, violence and non-violence, racism and human dignity, oppression and repression and liberty and human rights, poverty and freedom from want.
  • 由此,这将标志历史的个巨大进步,这也将作为世界各国人民的个共同誓言:不管种族主义在何地出现,不管它以怎样的面目出现,我们将与之斗争!
    Thus, it will mark a great step forward in history and also serve as a common pledge of the peoples of the world to fight racism wherever it occurs and whatever guise it assumes.
  • 不论是从历史或现代的眼光来看,种族主义仍然是人类面对的最大危险之。有识之士需要时刻保持警惕。
    Viewed from both the historical and current standpoints, racism is demonstrably still one of the greatest dangers facing mankind today, and will continue to exercise the minds of rational-thinking people for a long time to come.
  • 点不。你打开好了。
    Not at all. Go ahead.
  • 我们明白他们的呼声,我们应该在我们的余生致力于用我们国家独特而痛苦的经验去证明人类生存的条件应该是:民主、正义、和平、无种族歧视、无性别歧视、人人富裕,各族人民之间形成种健康的环境,种平等团结的氛围。
    We understand their call, that we devote what remains of our lives to the use of our country's unique and painful experience to demonstrate, in practice, that the normal condition for human existence is democracy, justice, peace, non-racism, non-sexism, prosperity for everybody, a healthy environment and equality and solidarity among the peoples.
  • 中国贯认为,对于危及世界和平与安全的行为,诸如由殖民主义、种族主义和外国侵略、占领造成的粗暴侵犯人权的行为,以及种族隔离、种族歧视、灭绝种族、贩卖奴隶、国际恐怖组织侵犯人权的严重事件,国际社会都应进行干预和制止,实行人权的国际保护。
    China has always held that to effect international protection of human rights, the international community should interfere with and stop acts that endanger world peace and security, such as gross human rights violations caused by colonialism, racism, foreign aggression and occupation, as well as apartheid, racial discrimination, genocide, slave trade and serious violation of human rights by international terrorist organizations.
  • 种族主义者,大男子主义者社会或政治集团的个成员,尤指持性别和种族歧视观点的人
    A member of the social or political establishment, especially one holding sexist or racist views.
  • "这是个种族主义很严重的国家,"托莱多在竞选运动的最后站古印加帝国的首都库斯科说道:"就算最杰出的领导层也很难接受像我这样的人来统治这个国家。
    "This is a very racist society," Toledo said during his final campaign stop in the highlands city of Cuzco. "The elitist leadership still has trouble digesting the possibility that someone like us could come to govern."
  • 世界各国的地理位置是永恒不变的,然而资讯科技的日进千里,地球村的趋势已经逐渐形成,尽管新澳两国迢迢千里相隔,最接近我们的柏斯,也须5小时的行程,族党的胡作非为,对新加坡未必能产生不利的负面影响。
    With the advance in information technology, the trend towards a global village is emerging. Some may think that since Singapore and Australia are far apart - a flight to Perth which is nearest to us takes five hours - racist acts by the One Nation party may not have any negative impact on us.
  • 乔治决心和那些种族主义者刀两断。
    George was determined to break off with those racists.
  • 匹马在前面,把後面的落得越来越远了。
    Drew further and further ahead.
  • 个用来停车的架子。
    a rack for parking bicycles.
  • 一场苦斗迫在眉捷。
    A hard struggle looms ahead.
  • 小书架种放书的小架子
    A small rack for books.
  • 只有美丽鹿角的雄鹿
    A buck with a handsome rack.
  • 再前面一个。
    It's another bloch ahead.
  • 用来放置吸烟者的烟管的个架子。
    a rack for holding a smoker's pipes.
  • 看书架种供放置摊开的书的架子
    A rack for supporting an open book.
  • 我们一直往前走。
    We go straight ahead.
  • 个暂时的用来挂衣服和帽子的架子。
    a rack for temporarily holding coats and hats.
  • 个放干草的架子,干草是用来饲养牲畜的。
    a rack that holds hay for feeding livestock.
  • 请一直往前走。
    Please go straight ahead.
  • 就一直往前走。
    Just go straight ahead.
  • 在架上工作例如制作皮革样的制品。
    work on a rack, of materials such as leather.
  • 笔架,笔筒装支或几支笔的架子或杯子
    A rack or cup for holding a pen or pens.