  • '哈姆斯沃思先生,'我低声地
    'Mr Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.
  • 话的声音像是来自阴间。
    Her voice sounded like a voice from the dead.
  • 他们的话声变成了耳语。
    Their voices fell to a whisper.
  • 到物质,她所给我的,也只是一个空虚。
    In material terms, all she has given me is also a void.
  • "准备好,"他对杰基,还是用的那个听着怪怪的名字。
    "Get ready,"he said to Jacky,again using that strange-sounding name.
  • 杰基和我们生活了许多年,虽然它是我们曾经养过的最聪明的狗,但我们再也没能服它表演马戏班绝技。
    Jacky lived with us for many years,and although he was the smartest dog we ever had,we could never persuade him to perform circus tricks again.
  • 在门口停下来了临别的最后一句话;比利舅舅离开时迸发出来的咒骂——布瑞特·哈特。
    paused to deliver a parting shot at the door; a Parthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy- Bret Harte.
  • 大声讲话过多地或高声地
    To talk much or volubly.
  • 此外,我记录在这里的大部分事实,在巴黎还有其他的见证人;如果光靠我还不足为凭的话,他们也可以为我出面证实。
    I would further add that there are reliable witnesses in Paris for most of the particulars which I bring together here, and they could vouch for their accuracy should my word not be enough.
  • 他发誓再也不喝酒了。
    He vowed never to drink alcohol again.
  • 这是我们常听一般人们口中所的流行语。
    It is a common saying which we often hear in the mouths of the vulgar.
  • 林彪把毛泽东思想庸俗化的那套做法,罗荣桓同志首先表示不同意,学习毛主席著作要学精神实质。
    Comrade Luo Ronghuan was the first to express his disapproval of Lin Biao's vulgarization of Mao Zedong Thought. He said that when we study Chairman Mao's works we must study their essence.
  • 这种争论方式——如果可以称作争论的话——使我想起俗话的“女人的逻辑”这一,因为女人有时声称他们喜欢或相信某东西是“因为”他们喜欢或相信它。
    This mode of arguing, if arguing may it be called, reminds me of what is vulgarly termed "a woman's reason'; for women sometimes declare that they love or believe certain things “because" they like or believe them.
  • 桑德拉:“我能够更自如地表现自己柔弱、易挫的一面,它可以使我自信地:‘这就是我’”。
    " I've become morecomfortable with showing my weakness and my vulnerability.It's given me confidence to say, 'this is who I am.'" said Sandra.
  • 什么也没说,是吗?
    Nothing was said, was it?
  • 如果你在会上把心里的话都出来,你会觉得舒畅得多。
    You'll feel a lot better if you shoot your wad at the meeting.
  • 这件工作非做不可,咱们干就干吧。
    The job has to be done, so let's wade in immediately.
  • 韦德昨夜很晚才回家,更确切地,今天凌晨才回家。
    Wade came home very late last night, or rather very early this morning.
  • 他唠叨了半个小时,结果什么要紧的话也没出来。
    He waffled on for half an hour, and at the end of it had said very little of any importance.
  • 在我们的田间展开的这场化学战似乎明植物没有自己的防御系统抵抗疾病人侵。
    This chemical warfare being waged in our fields might suggest that the plants have no defences of their own against disease.
  • 当地传在20世纪40年代,小镇的一群年轻人在广场上发动了一场食物大战。
    Local legend claims the event began in the 1940s after a group of youngsters waged a food fight on the town square.
  • 从参战的成分来则是片面的,因为抗战还只是政府和军队的抗战,不是人民的抗战。
    As regards participation, it is still a partial war because it is being waged only by the government and the army, and not by the people.
  • 香港的天气,你是不定的。
    You simply can't wager on the weather in Hong Kong.
  • “可是我愿打一个不小的赌,先生,像台尔森银行这样的企业在--不十五年--在五十年前怕就已经挺兴旺了吧?”
    `But I would hold a pretty wager, sir, that a House like Tellson and Company was flourishing, a matter of fifty, not to speak of fifteen years ago?'
  • 不是医生向勤务工发号施令,而是我对医生该做什么。这是上下颠倒的一个实例。
    Instead of the doctors giving the porters orders, we were telling the doctors what to do! It was a case of the tail wagging the dog.
  • 瓦格纳解释:"我认为,当一个人在公路上,尤其是身处拥挤不堪的城市道路上的时候,有很多东西可以让人感到压抑。因为其他司机会对他们造成不断的威胁。
    "I think that when a person is on the road, in a crowded urban area in particular, many things can cause them to feel stress (because there is the) constant threat from other drivers," Wagner explained.
  • 传奇小;传奇小中传统的流浪者形象;传奇式的英雄。
    picaresque novels; waifs of the picaresque tradition; a picaresque hero.
  • 她哭著: `我的钱都丢了!'
    I've lost all my money!' she wailed.
  • 他哭着:“你拿了我的书。”
    ‘You've taken my book,’ he wailed.
  • 她哭着:"我的钱都丢了!"
    'I've lost all my money!' she wailed.
  • 如结果证明您是对的,我将服他们放弃索赔。
    If the result proves you are right, I'll persuade them to waive the claim.
  • 如结果证明您是对的,我将服他们放弃索赔。
    If the result proves you are right, I 'll persuade them to waive the claim.