  • 我们国十分重视安定团结。
    Our country set stability and unity at a premium.
  • 公司非常强调进上下班准时——所以你一定不要迟到。
    This company puts a premium on punctuality—so don't he late.
  • 这个国把对庭的忠诚看得很重要。
    In this country loyalty to the family is put at premium.
  • 在和平时期进行动员准备,将人民武装动员、国民经济动员、人民防空、国防交通等方面的动员准备纳入国总体发展规划和计划,逐步完善动员体制,建立战略物资储备制度。
    In peacetime the state conducts mobilization preparation and integrates armed mobilization of the people, mobilization of the national economy, civil air defense, national defense transportation and other mobilization preparations into the state's overall development plan and program. It improves the mobilization system step by step, and establishes a strategic materials storage system.
  • 里准备课堂学习的工作。
    preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home).
  • 我们在教育训练中给干部创造到地方工作的条件,这对国建设有利,对军队建设和战备也有利。
    Education and training to prepare army cadres to work in civilian units will help to advance national construction, army building and preparedness in the event of war.
  • 23.此外,儿童基金会各国和区域办事处正在建设自己应付紧急状况准备工作方面的能力,对满足灾害和冲突中弱势人口的饮水和卫生需要做出回应。
    23. Moreover, UNICEF country and regional offices are building their capacities for emergency preparedness and response to meet the water and sanitation needs of vulnerable populations in disasters and conflicts.
  • 它们希望看到的,是媒体享有不受约束的权力,利用公开辩论的名义,嘲弄、谴责甚至诋毁国领袖,美国的情形就是最好的例子。然而,这是新加坡和许多国所不能接受的。
    What they like to see happening here is the virtual unfettered prerogative of the media to ridicule, condemn or even defame its leaders under the banner of fostering more open debate, as epitomised in the United States,and which Singapore and many other countries will not accept.
  • 近年来,由于各级政府和全社会的大力支持和积极参与,中国学前教育事业稳步发展,已形成了国、集体和公民个人一起办幼儿园的局面。
    In recent years, due to the vigorous support and active participation of governments at all levels and society at large, China's preschool education has been developing steadily. A new era has dawned in which kindergartens are run by the state, the collectives and the individuals together.
  • 但是,国对探矿权、采矿权有偿取得的费用,可以根据不同情况规定予以减缴、免缴。
    however, the State may, in light of specific conditions, prescribe reduction of or exemption from the compensation for acquiring the exploration right and mining right.
  • 今晚大似乎喝酒喝得太多了,当然在座的各位除外。
    People seem to have drunk far too much tonight, present company excepted of course.
  • 大家都来了。
    Everbody was present.
  • 报纸刊登不同意见始终做到不偏不倚.
    This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.
  • 我的介绍就到这里,谢谢大!
    So much for my presentation. Thank you very much!
  • 现在他正和我们大在一起
    He is presently staying with us.
  • 老教授主持了一次理论物理学的研讨会。
    The old professor had presided over a seminar for theoretical physicists.
  • 那次专题研讨会是由一位著名的科学主持的。
    The special workshop was presided over by a famous scientist.
  • 欧共体主席的职务每6个月就从一个国传递到另一个国
    The presidency the european community pass from country to country every six months.
  • 全国体总对外代表中国的国奥委会。1979年后,全国体总和中国奥委会分立,钟师统当选为单设后的中国奥委会的第一任主席,其后,李梦华、何振梁、伍绍祖先后曾担任过中国奥委会主席。
    Zhong Shitong was elected as the first President of the National Olympic Games Committee after the separation. Li Menghua, He Zhengliang Wu Shaozu are the following three presidents of the NOC.
  • 西方国借口“教案”,向中国政府施加军事或政治压力,提出种种无理要求,强迫赔款,捕杀无辜,甚至以此为口实发动侵略战争。
    On the pretext of these religious cases the Western powers imposed military and political pressure on the Chinese government. They put forward various unreasonable demands, compelled the Chinese government to pay indemnities, and arrested and executed innocent people. Moreover, they even launched aggressive wars on such a pretext.
  • 西方国借口“教案”,向中国政府施加军事或政治压力,提出种种无理要求,强迫赔款,捕杀无辜,甚至以此为口实发动侵略战争。
    On the pretext of these religious cases the Western powers imposed military and political pressure on the Chinese government. They put forward various unreasonable demands, compelled the Chinese government to pay indemnities, and arrested and executed innocent people.
  • 为了专心于研究人类对猫的影响,尼卡斯特罗去了南非的比勒陀利亚的一个动物园,并已录下了沙漠野猫(这种动物据说是猫的祖先)的叫声。
    To zero in on possible human influence on the domestic cat, Nicastro went to a zoo in Pretoria, South Africa, and recorded the calls of wild desert cats (the animals thought to be the ancestors of domestic cats).
  • 当亨利初次约会的对象结果是晚会上最美的姑娘时,轮到亨利来取笑我们大了。
    Henry had the laugh on all of us when his blind date turned out to be the prettiest girl at the party.
  • 在一些热带国,眼疾很流行。
    Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.
  • 没人能禁止他离开这个国
    I can't prevent his leaving the country.
  • 嗯,我这里有几张电影试映招待卷,是一部美国影片,片名叫做“伟大的国”。
    Well, I've got invitation tickets for the preview the American movie "The Big Country".
  • 被骗子欺诈的人;不希望国落入恐怖分子手中
    A person who fell prey to swindlers; did not want the country to fall prey to terrorists.
  • 商店的衣服定价很高。
    The dresses in the shop are priced high.
  • 任何一商店所有的货物都应该标明价目。
    In any shop all goods should be clearly priced.
  • 在他这个行的眼里,这幅画似乎也是一件无价之宝。
    The picture, even to his trained eye, seemed priceless.
  • 饭馆的价钱对我来说贵了些。
    This restaurant is a bit pricey for me.
  • 一种树干多刺的热带树,;其沉实的红色木料可生产出一种人造红色色素,也可用来制造细木具。
    tropical tree with prickly trunk; its heavy red wood yields a red dye and is used for cabinetry.