  • 匪徒对他大打手,打得他浑身是伤。
    The gang set about him, injuring him badly.
  • 把他带出去痛打一顿
    Took him outside and gave him the works.
  • 我一看到他,就认他来了。
    I recognized him the moment that I saw him.
  • 他突然醒悟到是她卖了他。
    It dawned on him that she had betrayed him.
  • 租车司机看见了他,在后面紧追不放。
    The taxi driver saw him and ran after him.
  • 原地腾跃一匹受驯马的向上跳跃但不向前走动,同时后腿踢
    An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out.
  • 北半球的蟾蜍,其每只后脚上有突的铲状角。
    burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny spade-like projection on each hind foot.
  • 我借助事后的认识才得以做判断。
    I am able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight.
  • 在她的暗示下我解了这道题。
    I solved this problem at his hint.
  • 他吐露一点他的意向。
    He let fall a hint of his intentions.
  • 她吐露一点她心中的打算。
    She let fall a hint of her intentions.
  • 声音中流露一丝迟疑。
    There was a hint of incredulity in her voice.
  • 我随意地给他个暗示,可他没领会来。
    I threw out a hint, but he failed to catch it.
  • 在对外开放方面,实行了比其他地区更为优惠的办法,外贸口享受全部外汇留成,允许西藏在内地转销一般性进口商品。
    In opening up, the region implements a more preferential policy than other areas. It can retain all foreign exchange it earns from overseas trade and sell general imported products in the hinterland.
  • 举办内地西藏班(校),中央政府累计拨基建专款7300万元,各有关省市财政配套资金1亿多元;
    The Central Government has allocated a special capital construction fund totalling 73 million yuan and relevant provinces and municipalities have appropriated necessary funds amounting to well over 100 million yuan for running those Tibetan classes and schools in the hinterland.
  • 从八十年代中期起,中央政府还拨专款,在内地一些省市创办西藏初中班,在北京、
    Since the mid-1980s, to make it easier for secondary school students from Tibet to study in inland China the Central Government has appropriated special funds to set up Tibetan junior middle-school classes in some of the provinces and municipalities in the hinterland and one Tibetan middle school each in the cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Chengdu.
  • 所有由内地到西藏的人员,都要遇到高山反应、生活习惯很不适应等种种困难,但为了响应政府支援西藏人民的号召,他们不惜付很大个人牺牲,自觉服从调动。
    All those who go from the hinterland to Tibet experience many difficulties. They have to make a major effort to overcome mountain sickness and extremely different customs and habits in order to adjust to life in Tibet. By responding to the central government's call to aid the Tibetan people, they show they are willing to work in the region and do not hesitate to make personal sacrifices.
  • 我从唱片套中抽唱片
    I drew the record out of its sleeve.
  • 有小船出租。
    Boats for hire.
  • 他们按小时出租小船.
    They hire out boats by the hour.
  • 这辆车是出租的。
    This car is for hire.
  • 受雇;出租
    To hire out; let.
  • 他有马出租。
    He has horses on hire.
  • 售或租的自行车
    Bicycles for sale or for hire
  • 按钟点出租自行车。
    Hire out bicycles by the hour
  • 租马车用于公开租的单马力交通工具
    A one-horse vehicle for public hire.
  • 借(马匹)以供别人租用
    To let out(a horse) for hire.
  • 他们还出租自行车。
    They also let bicycles out on hire.
  • 租汽车停车场指定为租汽车侯租的地方
    A place designated for taxicabs waiting for hire.
  • 可以租马或车子的地方。
    where horses and vehicles are kept for hire.
  • 租马车一辆马车,尤指用于租的
    A one-horse carriage, especially one for hire.
  • 他们有自行车租,每小时1.5元。
    They have bicycles on hire, 1.5 yuan and hour.