  • 我那时躺在医院里只好听她讲那乏味的故事。
    Lying in my hospital bed, I was a captive audience to her uninteresting stories.
  • 我躺在医院里只好听那乏味的旧故事。
    Lying in my hospital bed, I was a captive audience to these uninteresting old stories.
  • 特徵绝不是日本所独有的。
    These features are by no means unique to Japan.
  • 无线设备对信息访问提出了一独特的难题:
    Wireless devices present some unique challenges to accessing information:
  • 数据的一种集合,其中每一项可唯一地被一个标号或相对于其它项的位置或某其它方法所标识。
    A collection of data in which each item is uniquely identified by a label, by its position relative to the other items or by some other means.
  • 车载个人电脑的要价计划在1,300美元或更高一
    AutoPC units go for $1,300 and up.
  • 新教派有这样一名字:万有得胜教会、普遍生命教会和圣经基石上帝教会。
    Such new churches have names like the Church Universal and Tri-umphant, the Universal Life Church, and the Bible Rock Church of God.
  • 中国政府认为,公约生效三年以来,执行情况总体是积极的,但也存在着不容忽视的问题:公约普遍性不足,个别缔约国以国内立法的方式对公约变相保留,一缔约国化学武器销毁工作进展缓慢等。
    It is the view of the Chinese government that the implementation of the Convention has been, on the whole, satisfactory, since it entered into force three years ago. However, there are problems which should not be ignored: The universality of the Convention leaves a lot to be desired; a certain State Party has made de facto reservations regarding the provisions of the Convention in the form of domestic legislation; and some State Parties have been very slow destroying their chemical weapons stockpiles.
  • 北京大学、清华大学等一著名的高等学校专门举办了民族班。
    In addition, some well-known universities including Beijing University and Qinghua University run classes specially for minority nationality students.
  • 程序包括用c、c++、perl、vb,甚至unix外壳语言写的程序。
    Those include programs written in C, C++, Perl, Visual Basic and even Unix shell languages.
  • 虽然有死硬派会争辩说,他们不需要图形用户接口,但缺乏简易的配置和管理是不会帮助unix赢得任何新的支持者。
    Although some die-hards would argue that they don't want a GUI, the lack of easy configuration and administration isn't helping Unix win any new supporters.
  • 结果,用于某internet业务的标准unix命令已经进入联机团体语言当作名词和动词来描述业务本身。
    As a result, the standard Unix commands for certain Internet services have entered the online community’s languages as both nouns and verbs to describe the services themselves.
  • 他对那他认为不公平的事都要说。
    He spoke out against things he thought were unjust.
  • 可惜西方媒体却选择对这一切视而不见,继续把新加坡和一真正的独裁政体混为一谈。
    Sadly, the Western media choose to ignore these, and continue to place the Republic unjustifiably in the company of the truly authoritarian regimes elsewhere.
  • 你作了一毫无根据的假设。
    You have made several unjustified presuppositions.
  • 想想看,她竟然说出这对你无情的话!
    Fancy her saying such unkind thing about you!
  • 她对他那无情的话仍然感到痛苦。
    She was still smarting over his unkind words.
  • 他们纯粹出於忌妒才说你这坏话
    They only said such unkind things about you out of envy
  • 他们纯粹出於忌妒才说你这坏话。
    They only say such unkind thing about you out of envy.
  • 别再对我开那不友好的玩笑了,行不行?我受够了。
    Lay off making unkind jokes on me , can not you ? I have had enough.
  • 我们最不了解的领域可能在于对这潮流和对人类无法发现的新技术的反应。
    The areas where our ignorance is likely to be greatest may be in the reaction to these trends and to the unknowable discoveries of new technology.
  • 他不知道所编制的程序是正确还是谬误,是对还是错;也不知它会将他引向成功还是失败,不知道它是在为他的目标服务,还是为一邪恶的、他并不了解的力量服务。
    He does not know whether its programming is true or false, right or wrong, whether it's set to lead him to success or destruction, whether it serves his goals or those of some evil, unknowable power.
  • 这样你就学会了在东亚和东南亚不去直视对方,而你在地中海地区、西亚和拉丁美洲做业务时,你就得忘掉这
    While you may learn to use an indirect gaze in East and Southeast Asia, you have to unlearn that lesson when doing business in the Mediterranean region, West Asia, and Latin America.
  • 我们要不加快,就会迟到了。
    We'll be late unless we speed up.
  • 只有让孩子们与他人接触,只有让他们负责决定某事情,他们才会有所改变。”她说。
    Kids won't change unless they reach out to someone else, unless they are put in charge of something to fix," she says.
  • 在自然力当中,有从数量上说是无限的,另一从数量上说则是有限的。
    Of natural powers, some are unlimited, others limited in quantity.
  • 有时一大的长途汽车公司还出售不限旅程的专用票。
    Special tickets for unlimited travel are sometimes offered by the larger bus companies.
  • “把他带回去,”监狱长对看守笑道,“给他一衣服,明天早上7点给他开锁后让他到我这里来。
    “Take him back,” the warden said to the guard smiling, “and give him some clothes. Unlock him at seven in the morning and let him come to me.
  • 此一法则所着重的,并非一意料之外的回报(例如让位给老年人所得到的回报),而是诚恳和热心的付出。
    The issue here is not some unlooked-for benefit,such as might come from offering a chair to a senior citizen.It is a matter of honesty and earnest effort.
  • 他可真倒霉,竟然闯进那原先要发生在别人身上的以外事故里去了。
    He is so unlucky that he run into accident which start out to happen to somebody else.
  • 星期五加13历来被认为是非常不吉利的日子,这是从神话、圣经故事、风俗习惯中产生的一不好的联想而来的。
    Friday-the Thirteenth has long been considered extremely unlucky because it has some bad associations which came from mythology, tale of the Bible, and the customs and habits.
  • 同居而未结婚的人同样有着活跃的性生活,但是,研究发现,与未婚的人相同,他们从中得到的感情满足比起已婚的人要少
    Unmarried couples who live together also have an active sex lives but, like unmarried people, get less emotional satisfaction from it than married people, the studies found.