  • 西方国家我们侵犯了人权,其实他们才是真正的侵犯人权。
    Western countries criticize us for violating human rights. As a matter of fact, they are the ones who have violated human rights.
  • 怎么能这是违反协议呢?
    How can it be said that this is a violation of the agreements?
  • 我那时想小提琴手是所有演奏人员中的佼佼者—当然并不是我很在行。
    I thought the violinist was the best of the lot—not that I'm any judge.
  • 维吉尼亚由于错了话面请求奥林的原谅。
    Virginia excusde herself for having offended Orin by saying the wrong word.
  • 研究人员整理了一些联邦健康调查数据发现,对于那些有了固定恋人的青少年来,他们在假期计划中赫然排在第一位的是结束。
    Apparently, losing their virginity is high on the list for those with significant others, according to researchers who reviewed data from a federal health survey.
  • 在ibmsystem/370虚拟存储系统中,修饰或明不能被页出的存储区。
    In System/370 virtual storage systems, not capable of being paged out.
  • 对很多企业来,其解决办法呈现出虚拟专用网(vpn)的形式。
    For many organizations, the solution comes in the form of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
  • 我不明白他作的明。
    he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect.
  • 要成年人学完美的外语几是不可能的。
    It is virtually impossible for an adult to learn to speak a foreign language perfectly.
  •  按照这个学派的法,一个养猪的是社会中具有生产能力的成员,一个教育家却反而不是生产者,供出售的风笛或口琴的制造者是生产者,而大作曲家或音乐名家,却由于他表演的东西不能具体地摆在市场,就属于非生产性质。
    The man who breeds pigs is, according to this school, a productive member of the community, but he who educates men is a mere non-productive. The maker of bagpipes or jews-harps for sale is a productive, while the great composers and virtuosos are non-productive simply because that which they play cannot be brought into the market.
  • 我不知道她以往是否贞节,但她容貌丑陋,对一个女人来,这等于大势已定了。
    I do not know if she is virtuous, but she is ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.
  • 我不知道她以往是否贞节,但她容貌丑陋,对一个女人来,这等于大势已定了。
    I do not know if she was virtuous, but she is ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.
  • 我不知道她以往是否贞节,但她容貌丑陋,对一个女人来,这等于大势已定了。
    I do not know if she was virtuous, but she was ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.
  • 你是我务必去弄一份签证?
    Do you mean I have to get a visa?
  • 除钱以外,签证也是个问题,密歇尔,他每到一个国家就得马上为下一站申办签证。
    Besides money, another problem for backpackers is visas. Michael said he had to apply for a visa for the next stop as soon as he arrived in a country.
  • 脏象学说
    the theory of Visceral Activities
  • 她对子爵一见倾心
    It is said that the moment she saw the viscount she fell in love with him
  • 她对子爵一见倾心。
    It was said that the moment she saw the viscount she fell in love with him.
  • 我的眼睛检查过了,检查报告我的视力非常好。
    I've had my eyes tested and the report says that my vision is perfect.
  • 我等候了几分钟,然后那位负责人回到线上:"有一位女士将会和你。"
    I waited a few minutes and then the super-visor was back on the line. "I have a party who will speak with you."
  • 无论他怎麽努力明,我还是想像不出他的设计到底是什麽样子。
    No matter how hard he tried, I still have no visualization of his design.
  • 这次会议生动地明农民有丰富的知识。
    This meeting has demonstrated vividly that the peasants have a wealth of knowledge.
  • 对某一特定主题给出注释或明的词汇表。
    A vocabulary with annotations for a particular subject.
  • 不过,用词比发音可能更明问题。
    Probably even more telling than vowel sounds is vocabulary.
  • 缄默的不话的或不发出声音的
    Refraining from producing speech or vocal sound.
  • 我从来没有把我的爱情出口;
    I `never told my love' vocally;
  • 忧伤和悲痛或与之类似的表达的。
    vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression.
  • 约翰想到那小木屋去度假,于是我道:“这对你当然挺不错,你喜欢钓鱼、爬山,但这段时间我干些什么呢?”
    John wants to spend the vocation up as the log-cabin. As I said, "Fine and candy for you, since you like fishing and climbing, but what am I supposed to do with my time?"
  • "这孩子看起来又累又饿,可怜的小家伙!"她低声道。
    "The child looks worn-out and very hungry, poor little thing! " she said sotto voce.
  • 威吓,恐吓大声叫嚷地或威胁
    To utter loud, vociferous remarks or threats.
  • 他的小十年前风靡一时。
    His novels were in vogue ten years ago.
  • 中国人:对大多数人来我看是图个方便,但也有些人只是为了赶时髦。
    Chinese:Well,for most people,it's a matter of convenience I should say,but there are also some who just want to be in the vogue.