  • 你不敢把这个藏匿处说来吗?
    Don't you dare tell about the hiding place?
  • 从一个隐蔽的地方来并使人惊奇。
    jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone).
  • 那个逃犯被人从他隐藏之处拖了来。
    The escaped prisoner was dragged from his hiding - place.
  • 逃犯从他躲藏的地方给拉了来。
    The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding-place.
  • 他从躲藏的地方来,使在场的人都十分吃惊。
    He emerged from his hiding place and surprised everyone present.
  • 有人说只有在阶级社会中的上流有闲阶级才能创作艺术作品;在她分等级的价值观念中诚实是第一位的。
    it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art; in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first.
  • 而java按对象的分层数据结构来存储信息,对象的分层数据结构能够映像实际业务或真实世界实体。
    On the other hand, Java stores information in object-hierarchical data structures that map to business or real-world entities.
  • 整组宫殿建筑布局谨严,秩序井然,寸砖片瓦皆遵循着封建等级礼制,映现帝王至高无上的权威。
    These were laid out very precisely in accordance with a feudal code of architectural hierarchy which designated specific features for reflecting the paramount authority and status of the emperor.
  • 我愿2500英镑, 不能再多了.
    I'll go to 2500 but no higher.
  • 他向上一级的法院提了申诉。
    He appeals to a higher court.
  • 生于苏格兰高地。
    He was born in the Highland.
  • 抛杆赛苏格兰高原上的一种竞赛,将一根又长又重的木杆一端接一端地抛掷,从而表现力量
    A long, heavy wooden pole tossed end over end as a demonstration of strength in Scottish highland games.
  • 为…中最突出的事物
    To be a highlight of.
  • 必须把党的思想理论建设摆在更加突的位置。
    We must highlight the Party's ideological and theoretical building.
  • 在这里,我要提文化传统在发展的过程中所面对的三个挑战。
    Here, I would like to highlight three challenges in the process of development of cultural traditions.
  • 一年之内,中国两位最高领导人访同一地区,甚属少见,也充分说明中国领导人对东南亚的高度重视。
    The unusual visits by China's top leaders within merely a year highlight the importance Beijing accords to the region.
  • 你可以感觉他们以前从未看过马戏表演,今晚看来会成为他们幼小生命中的一段精彩时分。
    One could sense they had never been to the circus before.It promised to be a highlight of their young lives.
  • 因此,申请者应该将自己的学术履历或个人经历加以梳理,发掘自己能脱颖而的特点,进而加以强调。
    Thus an applicant should comb his academic history or personal experience for anything that makes him stand out,and then highlight it.
  • 将在2002年可持续发展首脑会议推的环境规划署《全球环境展望报告》将重点阐述区域和全球水资源状况及如何应对水资源面临的威胁。
    UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook Report, to be issued at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, will highlight the state of regional and global water resources, as well as the responses to the threats to them.
  • 要加强首都优势资源的开发,加快发展突体现首都资源优势和特点的信息服务及中介服务业、旅游及会展业、科技教育业、文化体育业,形成新的经济增长点;大力发展金融业、商贸流通业、房地产业、运输邮政业,完善城市综合服务功能。
    The development of information and consultant services, agent services, tourism, convention and exhibition industry, science and technology education, culture and sports will be highlighted. Other elements of the service sector, including financing, commodity circulation, real estate services, transportation, post and telecommunications, will also be fostered so as to further improve the city's overall service capacity.
  • 高度成功的戏剧演
    a highly successful theatrical production.
  • 那倜墙砌得很高,可防止窃贼进
    The highness of the wall prevents theives from entering.
  • 此后,虽然他不断片,但事业坎坷不平。他拍摄的《夜色》(“thecolorofnight”)和《疯狂终级者》(“fourrooms”)不算成功,但也产了《低俗小说》(“pulpfiction”)和《十二只猴子》(“12monkeys”)这样的好片。
    Since then, his film career has continued to be prolific but uneven, with lows such as The Color of Night (1994) and Four Rooms (1995) and highs such as Pulp Fiction (1994) and 12 Monkeys (1995).
  • 高价买了两张罗斯芭蕾舞票。
    I paid a hight price to get two tickets for a Russian ballet.
  • 1997年夏,克洛斯现在舞台上,在劫持惊险剧《空军一号》中演明智的副总统,哈里森·福特饰经常训斥下属的总统。接着她又在喜剧《进进》中有短暂表演。
    Close showed up in theaters as the no?nonsense V.P.to Harrison Ford's ass?kicking President in the 1997 summer hijack thriller Air Force One,and then cropped up in a brief appearance in the comedy In &Out.
  • 1997年夏,克洛斯现在舞台上,在劫持惊险剧《空军一号》中演明智的副总统,哈里森·福特饰经常训斥下属的总统。接着她又在喜剧《进进》中有短暂表演。
    .Close showed up in theaters as the no nonsense V.P.to Harrison Ford's ass kicking President in the 1997 summer hijack thriller Air Force One,and then cropped up in a brief appearance in the comedy In & Out.
  • 部队很早就发去进行10英里行军。
    The troop set forth on their ten-mile hike early.
  • 全国性的播的演说;全国性的反对税收增多
    A speech that was broadcast nationwide; nationwide opposition to the tax hike.
  • 一位前模特儿以她同许多男友的枕头谈话为基础写了一本有趣的小说。
    A former model wrote a hilarious novel based on pillow talk with her many male friends.
  • 尖削的小山,突的小山
    A sharp, ridged hill.
  • 平静的湖水映山坡。
    The still water of the lake mirrored the hillside.
  • 比赛的第一阶段并不很困难,只是在最后三英里的不平整的山地上才分高低强弱。
    The first part of the race is not really difficult; it's the final three miles over rough and hilly ground that will separate the men from the boys.