| - 幾個法官評論說在frye案中召開有關dna的聽證會是極端錯誤的。
Several judges have remarked that Frye hearings over DNA can be extremely vicious. - 她對生命的熱忱,使她完全投入雅加達和新加坡兩地之間瞬息萬變的生活經驗。她曾說過:“天堂可以等候,我卻不能!”
True to the intensity of her passion for embracing the vicissitudes of the lived experience that Jarkata and Singapore can offer, she was often in betweenness: "Heaven can wait, but I won't !" - 維剋多成功的演說使他的地位得到提高。
Victor's successful speech carried him forward. - 維剋托懂得多,說得少。
Victor knows a lot but talks a little. - 那位年輕的新娘抱怨說她被關在一幢維多利亞式樓上,遠離自己的親友。
The young bride complained that she was incarcerated in Victorian mansion, far from her relatives and friends. - 年輕的新娘抱怨說,她被關在維多利亞式的宅第裏,遠離親戚和朋友。
The young bride complained that she was incarcerated in a Victorian Mansion, far from her relatives and friends. - 但是,對每個球迷來說,我們需要的是耐心。
However, to every indi-vidual fan, we need patience. - 她住在維城,用英語說,就是維也納。
She lived in Wien A-Vienna. - 那部小說以第二次世界大戰後的維也納為背景。
Thescene of the novel is set in Vienna just after World War II. - 對幾代維也納人來說,施特勞斯父子象徵着這個城市的真正靈魂。
To several generations of Viennese, the Strausses represented the true soul of the city. - 據《洛杉磯時報》昨日報導:剋林頓聲言他從未得到優遇,事實正好相反,他叔父曾幕後使用影響力,並曾展開一項“有計劃的遊說活動”協助民主黨總統候選人逃避越戰徵兵。
Contrary to Bill Clinton's claim that he never got special favors, his uncle pulled strings and ran a"concerted lobbying campaign" that helped the Democratic presidential candidate dodge the Vietnam draft, the Los Angeles Times reported yesterday. - 對正常的觀察者來說事物最遠的地方。
the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer. - 對正常的觀察者來說事物最近的地方。
the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer. - 這些應用程序含有一個位置選擇器、地圖查看器、駕駛說明和黃頁等界面。
These applications include a location picker, a map viewer, driving directions and Yellow Pages interfaces. - 他很善於說服對方同意他的觀點。
He is very good at talking opponents over to his viewpoint. - 這是從金錢的觀點來說的。
It's form the dollar-and-cent viewpoint. - 我們要設法說服他同意我們的觀點。
We'll try to talk him over to our viewpoint. - 我說我們在人權的觀點上很多是一致的,
I also said that actually we share many similarities in the viewpoint of human rights. - 警方說公衆應保持警惕。
The police said that the public should be vigilant. - 他有一所大房子和一輛昂貴汽車,且不說在法國還有一座別墅了。
He have a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in france. - 居民們說,伯明翰市靠近阿斯頓維拉足球場的這一地區本是中産階級居住區,現在卻成了英國最糟的毒品危險區。
Residents say the former middle class area near Aston Villa football ground in Birmingham has become one of the worst drugs black? spots in Britain. - 小說,中的那個壞蛋在書中倒數第二章裏被幹掉了。
The villain of the novel is polished off in the last chapter but one. - 每當一個特別難演的反面角色出現時,舞臺監督總是習慣地說:“讓別人來幹吧!”
Producers have a way of saying “Let George do it” whenever a particularly difficult villain role turns up. - 然而正是這些對他的笑話笑得聲音最大的人,如今在這裏揮舞拳頭,不斷詛咒他,公然說他是個惡棍!
Yet here were the very men who had laughed the loudest at his jests, now flourishing their fists in his face, loading him with imprecations, and defying him to his teeth as a villain! - 對於星期一播出的電視係列中的惡棍來說,推動世界的力量不是愛情,而是金錢。
It's not love, but money that makes the world go round for the villains in "The Sweeney" (TV series) on Monday. - 我試圖嚮她解釋為什麽與文森特交往時應小心,但說了好大一會兒,她纔明白。
I tried to explain why she should be careful in her dealings with Vincent but it was some time before the penny dropped. - 現在我大聲說道:“我想念他。”這正好是告訴他真相的適當時候,告訴文森特的父親我找到了另一個人。
Now I say out loud, " I miss him," and this is the right time to tell the truth. To tell Vincent's father that I have found someone else. - 這份報告充分說明工會是正確的.
The report fully vindicated the unions. - 她說她有權得到這一頭銜, 歷史學家證明此事屬實.
Her claim to the title was vindicated by historians. - 科奇弗說她感到該城市為她出了氣。
Kirchofer says she felt vindicated by the city's support. - 如果說年輕一代還未能開口說話,我們也一樣。是不是我們這些知識分子又失敗了一次?這是不是知識分子的又一次背信棄義?然而我們是否真的為了維護理智和文明的價值而堅持了這一主張?
If the younger generation has not yet found a voice, neither have me. Is it we, the intellectuals, who have once again failed? Is this one more trahison des clercs? Yet have we really pressed the case for the vindication of reason and civilized values? - 拿我們軍隊來說,“三八式”上來都不容易。
When it comes to the army, it's even difficult for comrades of the "1938 vintage" to get promoted.