  • 出了事只能怪她自己.
    She only has herself to thank for what happened.
  • 她隐讳地表达了自己的感情。
    she expressed herself metaphorically.
  • 据《伦敦晚报》报道,伦敦北部的赫特福德郡警察局向那些仍未自首的罪犯发警告:要么现在就投案,要么就在监狱中"迎接"世界杯,而在此期间,监狱是不会提供电视的。
    In 'Operation Red Card', police in Hertfordshire, north of London, sent a simple message to defendants who have been failing to turn up in court: surrender now or spend the World Cup in a police cell with no television, according to the Evening Standard newspaper.
  • 这些无线电波以每秒15千赫的波长发
    These radio waves are coming at 15000 hertz.
  • 不要怕给我们提意见。
    Don't hesitate to give us your suggestions.
  • 有什么问题请尽管提
    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to raise them up.
  • 为了保护自己,他会毫不犹豫地卖你。
    He won't hesitate to throw you to the wolves to protect himself.
  • 你在犹豫什么呢?说来吧。
    Why are you hesitating? Come out with it.
  • 你在犹豫什么呢?说来吧。
    Why is you hesitating? Come out with it.
  • 不这样做,就会弄迟疑坐困的错误,实际上适合了敌人的战略要求,陷自己于被动地位。
    Failure to make such a plan will lead to the mistake of hesitating and allowing oneself to be tied down, which in fact serves the enemy's strategic objects and reduces one to a passive position.
  • 毫不犹豫地自告奋勇;脱口而
    Volunteered without hesitation; spoke without thinking.
  • 没有顾忌或犹豫地说一个人的意见。
    speak one's opinion without fear or hesitation.
  • 他经过一番踌躇之后,把真相说了来。
    After some hesitation he came out with the truth.
  • 支支吾吾的声音;暗示着迟疑。
    utter 'hems' and 'haws'; indicated hesitation.
  • 犹豫了一会,她终於道了全部真相。
    After some hesitation, she come out with the whole truth.
  • 犹豫了一番后,乔治终于捐了许多钱支持该运动。
    After some hesitation, George jumped aboard and contributed heavily to the campaign.
  • 呋喃无色、易挥发的杂环有机化合物的一种,含有一个由四个碳原子和一个氧原子构成的环,从桐油提炼来,用于合成糠醛及其它有机化合物
    One of a group of colorless, volatile, heterocyclic organic compounds containing a ring of four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom, obtained from wood oils and used in the synthesis of furfural and other organic compounds.
  • 在灌木丛中砍一条小路
    Hew a path through the underbrush.
  • 有了这个信念,我们就能从绝望之山开采希望之石。
    With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.
  • 劈柴挑水的人, 做苦活的人(自《圣经》)
    hewers of wood and drawers of water
  • 他们在丛林中开辟一条路.
    They hewed a path through the jungle.
  • 于安全的原因,村民们力图阻止砍伐村子周围的古树。
    The villagers are trying to prevent the ancient trees around the village from being hewn down for safety reasons.
  • 打呃或发类似打呃的声音
    To make a hiccup or a sound like a hiccup.
  • 我们的邮政系统临时了一点小问题.
    There's been a slight hiccup in our mailing system.
  • 那一帮小偷现在电视上时垂头掩面。
    The thieves hid their heads when they appeared on TV.
  • 她逃地主的家,躲到山里。
    She ran away from the landlord's house and hid herself in the mountains.
  • 狐狸尾巴总是要露来的。
    A fox cannot hide its tail.
  • 如果我们摆一个阵容,使人民感到是一个僵化的班子,保守的班子,或者人民认为是个平平庸庸体现不中国前途的班子,将来闹事的情形就还会很多很多,那就真正要永无宁日。
    If they feel that the leadership is hidebound, conservative or mediocre and that it does not represent the future of China, there will be many more disturbances and never any peace.
  • 最後总算把孩子从躲藏的地方都找了来.
    The children were finally all winkled out of their hiding places.
  • 找出盗贼的藏身之地
    Nosed out the thieves' hiding place.
  • 伏击者那些隐藏以进行其不意的袭击的人
    Those hiding in order to attack by surprise.
  • 我们开枪把敌人从躲藏的地方赶了来。
    We shot the enemy out of their hiding places.