  • 他们现在饲养的生猪和禽比去年多。
    They're raising more pigs and poultry than they did last year.
  • 孵卵处尤其是鱼或禽的卵或蛋孵化的地方
    A place where eggs, especially those of fish or poultry, are hatched.
  • 一种卖肉和禽的商店(有时也卖鱼)。
    a shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold.
  • 水果、蔬菜和禽的产量也都有不同程度的增长。
    Production of fruit, vegetables and poultry has also risen in varying degrees.
  • 他们还养鱼,饲养禽,这样就增加了总收入。
    They also raise fish and poultry, thus adding to the total income.
  • 他们现在饲养的生猪和禽比去年多。
    They are raising more pigs and poultry than they did last year.
  • 波姑食品一种用禽、猎物和其它肉类、还有蔬菜制成的加有香料的炖品,通常在户外烹制
    A spicy stew made of poultry, game, other meats, and vegetables, usually cooked outdoors.
  • 速冻肉或禽在烹调以前一最好是前一天晚上先要化冻。
    Deep-frozen meat or poultry needs to be thawed out-preferably overnight before it is cooked.
  • 嫩煎的肉片(通常是小牛肉或禽肉)捣成薄片,涂上一层面粉。
    sauteed cutlets (usually veal or poultry) that have been pounded thin and coated with flour.
  • 中国有畜禽品种、类群596个,其中土著畜禽品种(类群)占品种总数的70%以上。
    There are 596 species of livestock and poultry in China, of which over 70 percent are native species.
  • 五香碎肉单独使用或用作填料的细细地切过并加很多香料的肉、鱼或
    Finely ground and highly spiced meat, fish, or poultry that is served alone or used in stuffing.
  • (可食用的)肉可食用肉,尤指(与鱼或禽不同的)哺乳动物的肉
    The edible flesh of animals, especially that of mammals as opposed to that of fish or poultry.
  • 难民正大量涌入这个国
    Refugees are now pouring into the country.
  •    (十五)应当由最高国权力机关行使的其他职权。
    To exercise such other functions and powers as the highest organ of state power should exercise.
  • 现在,让我提醒大,我们是一个强有力的反对党。
    Now let me however, raise a single warning, ours is a very powerful opposition.
  • 俄国曾是一个非常强大的国
    Russia used to be a very powerful country.
  • 国家的力量大了。
    Furthermore, our country will become more powerful.
  • 科学们正在探索在空间摧毁核武器的方法-也就是使该武器失去威力或不再起作用。
    Scientists are searching for ways to destroy nuclear weapons powerless and no longer useful.
  • 我们委派一比较新的公共关系公司来处理我们的宣传广告事务。
    We have appointed a relatively new PR firm to handle our publicity.
  • 我们请了两公共关系公司来介绍拟定的广告宣传活动。
    We have asked two PR firms to make presentation of proposed publicity campaign.
  •  好几年前,一名主管公关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明给人看,公关部的工作不是可有可无的?
    Some years ago, a senior bank executive incharge of public relations (PR) asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department.
  • 好几年前,一名主管公关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明给人看,公关部的工作不是可有可无的?
    Some years ago, a senior bank executive in charge of public relations (PR) asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department.
  • 发现这方法很可行。
    This method was found to be quite practicable.
  • 因而人们想得到比野蛮时代更好的衣着、器皿和具,而多余的食物也使部落的一部分人能生产这些东西。
    A desire arises for better clothing, utensils, and implements, than the savage state contents itself with; and the surplus food renders it practicable to devote to these purposes the exertions of a part of the tribe.
  • 同时,这次还采取了一些具体办法,如每个部门、每个机关,只留少数人坚持工作,大多数干部集中整风,这种办法比过去半日整风半日工作的办法要好,容易行得通,大精神也能贯注些。
    At the same time, specific methods will be adopted. For example, only a small number of cadres will take care of the day-to-day work in each department or government office, making it possible for the rest to concentrate on the movement. This method is better and more practicable than the one we used in the past, when we spent half a day on the movement and the other half on work;
  • 中国人民旺盛的精力、对工作的认真态度、对自己国和文化的自豪、务实的精神和快速增长的经济,给你们的祖母和我留下深刻的印象。
    But your grandmother and I were very impressed by the energy of the Chinese people, their work ethic, their pride in their country and culture, their practicality, and the rapid development of the Chinese economy.
  • 怎么解决这个问题,我看只有实行“一个国,两种制度”。
    As I see it, the only solution lies in practising two systems in one country.
  • 庭成员看病的普通医生。
    a general practitioner who treats all the family members.
  • 从前的军事理论和实际也无不承认这是弱军对强军作战时在战争开始阶段必须采取的方针。
    No previous theorist or practitioner of war has ever denied that this is the policy a weak army fighting a strong army must adopt in the initial stage of a war.
  • 在私营服务方面,市民可向私医生、公共屋恏诊所医生及根据《诊疗所条例》注册的200间诊所的医生求诊。
    Private-sector medical services are provided by medical practitioners working in private medical practices, housing estate clinics and 200 clinics registered under the Medical Clinics Ordinance.
  • 除公营医疗服务外,市民也可使用私营服务,向私医生、公共屋诊所医生及根据《诊疗所条例》注册的183诊所的医生求诊。
    Apart from public service, members of the community may seek medical treatment from the private sector, which includes medical practitioners working in private practices, housing estate clinics and 183 clinics registered under the Medical Clinics Ordinance.
  • --坚持独立自主的方针,根据国现代化建设的需要,以及国内外航天科技的市场需求,开展积极、务实的国际空间合作。
    - Persisting in the independence and self-reliance policy, carrying out active and pragmatic international space cooperation to meet the needs of the national modernization and the demands of the domestic and international markets for space science and technology.