  • 非虚幻的散文形成一种出版物的独立部
    nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication.
  • 雇主同样会被检控,其中大部被判罚款,如案情严重,更会被判入狱。
    Their employers were also prosecuted. Most of them were fined, but prison sentences were imposed in serious cases.
  • 暂停在拉丁或希腊韵律学中,表示在一个音步中由于单词的收尾而引起的行间停顿,尤其是当这一中断与意义的划相一致的时候
    In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.
  • 以部得勘探者或开办企业者的既得利益为条件放出的款额。
    funds advanced to a prospector or to someone starting a business in return for a share of the profits.
  • (供给探矿者的)贷款给探矿者或兴办企业的人贷款以求获得商定收益的一部
    Supplies or funds advanced to a mining prospector or a person starting a business in return for a promised share of the profits.
  • 大部警务人员的晋升机会保持良好。
    Promotion prospects in the Force remained good at most levels.
  • 根本原因在于,统一和裂关系着藏族、汉族和国内其他民族的兴衰成败,合则共荣,则两伤。
    This is by no means fortuitous. The fundamental reason is that unity or separation has a decisive bearing on the prospering or decline of the Tibetan, the Han and all the other ethnic groups of China.
  • 商业行为划得越细致,工人结合得越紧密,整个团体获得各个人的协作越有保障,则工厂的发展越有把握。
    The manufactory prospers so much the more in proportion as the commercial operations are divided, the more closely the workmen are united,and the more the co-operation of each person is insured for the whole.
  • 事件发生在周二晚十一点十五。当时两名便衣武警发现金恩在东好莱坞召一名身着女装的男妓。
    The incident began at 11:15 p.m. Tuesday, when two undercover vice officers spotted King in East Hollywood picking up a male prostitute in drag.
  • 他们认为警察没有尽力把附近街道上的神女(也就是婊子)撵走。卖淫活动在伯明暑假十猖獗。
    They felt the police weren't doing enough to clear the streets in their neighbourhood of the girls on the game (i.e. who are prostitutes). The oldest profession is alive and well in Birmingham.
  • 这种家庭只是在资产阶级那里才以充发展的形式存在着,而无产者的被迫独居和公开的卖淫则是它的补充。
    In its completely developed form this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
  • 生长很低或俯卧的灌木,有苗条的拖尾的枝;布在新西兰。
    low-growning to prostrate shrub with slender trailing branches; New Zealand.
  • 一年生有轮生叶子和小白绿色花的杂生野草;广泛布于北美洲。
    annual prostrate mat-forming weed having whorled leaves and small greenish-white flowers; widespread throughout North America.
  • 有粉红色花的匍匐杂草草本;广泛布于欧洲和亚洲的沙丘和低矮灌木中及海岸悬崖。
    prostrate weedy herb with tiny pink flowers; widespread throughout Europe and Asia on sand dunes and heath and coastal cliffs; naturalized in eastern North America.
  • 轮生粟米草一种(轮生粟米草粟米草属)属匍匐的、可做草席的一年生杂草,广泛布在北美洲,生有轮生叶和细小的绿白色花
    A prostrate, mat-forming annual plant(Mollugo verticillata) widespread as a weed throughout North America and having whorled leaves and small, greenish-white flowers.
  • 西方国家一向来都认为恐怖子都是回教徒,而一些国家的回教徒甚至从小就被灌输憎恨西方国家的心理,尤其是美国。
    The West has been conditioned to think that terrorists were born Muslims and Muslims in certain countries were brought up to hate the West, especially protagonist America.
  • 李登辉在国际上进行裂活动受到沉重打击。部“台独”势力被迫放弃了某些极端的裂主张。
    Lee Teng-hui has received a heavy blow for his separatist activities in the international community, so that some of the " Taiwan independence" protagonists have had to abandon certain extremist propositions aimed at division.
  • 提供充的保护免受大风和气候之害
    provide adequate protection from wind and weather
  • 生活饮用水地表水源保护区为一级保护区和其他等级保护区。
    Such protection zones shall be divided into first-grade protection zones and protection zones of other grades.
  • 1967年,在大约二百个宗教派别中有六千九百万新教徒,信耶稣教的约占各教会教徒人数的百之五十六。
    In 1967 there were 69,000,000 Protestants in some 200 denominations, with Protestantism accounting for roughly 56 percent of the people who are members of churches.
  • 抗议者们充发表了自己的看法,但他们的观点几乎没有能对那些沉默的大多数产生影响。
    The protesters make the most noise but their views have little o f no effect on the silent majority.
  • lsp可以由标签配协议(ldp)或其他协议自动建立。
    LSPs may be built automatically by the label distribution protocol (LDP) or other protocols.
  • 基于组的协议在现有的无线网络下比标准的internethttp协议更为有效。
    Packet-based protocols are more efficient over the existing wireless network than the standard Internet HTTP protocol.
  • 语言史的属于、关于一个原始母语各支之间关系的
    Of or relating to the relationship between or among languages that are descendants of a protolanguage.
  • 子组缨细胞质内一个亚微观结构单位,由一团子组成
    A submicroscopic structural unit of protoplasm, composed of a cluster of molecules.
  • 微生物,细菌微小的活的物质或细胞,能发育成新的有机体或部有机体
    A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop.
  • 后生木质部初生木质部中不同于原生木质部的一部,以更宽的导管和管胞为特征
    The part of the primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and is characterized by broader vessels and tracheids.
  • 动物学中研究原生动物的支。
    the branch of zoology that studies protozoans.
  • (身体的一部)延长或突出
    To extend or protrude(a body part).
  • 有点像穆斯林头巾的大南瓜,从花束中间伸出一个圆形部
    large squash shaped somewhat like a turban usually with a rounded central portion protruding from the blossom end.
  • 犀鸟一种犀鸟科属鸟类,产于东半球的热带地区,其嘴巨大,且基部有扩大的突出部
    Any of various tropical Old World birds of the family Bucerotidae, having a very large bill often surmounted by an enlarged protuberance at the base.
  • 我们为他们感到十自豪。
    We are very proud of them.