  • 但是目前這個結果還衹停留在數據階段,因此凱爾索博士研究者們正在尋找證明這種基因變體反常作用的生物學方面的證據。
    That association is only statistical, and Kelsoe said researchers now are looking for biological evidence that this variant of the gene acts abnormally.
  • 把他成是英雄、天才、笨蛋,不一而足。
    He is variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.
  • 但是在同一個原則下,就無産階級政黨在各種條件下執行這個原則的表現來,則基於條件的不同而不一致。
    But while the principle remains the same, its application by the party of the proletariat finds expression in varying ways according to the varying conditions.
  • 明有關通過交變電磁場來實現的傳輸(無綫電波、光)。
    Concerning transmission(radio waves;light) by varying electrical and magnetic fields.
  • 改掉這個習慣對你來極其重要,對你的孩子們則更為重要。
    it is vastly important to you, and still more so to your children, that you should break this habit.
  • 這位大臣,政府正考慮提高增值稅,不過這也許衹是試探輿論反應而已。
    The minister said that the government was considering increasing VAT, but he was probably only flying a kite.
  • 財務主任總經理已拒絶支持他與增值稅辦公室的辯論。
    The finance director say the managing director have refuse to back him up in his argument with the vat office.
  • 請註意,我聽將會有一個提高增值稅比率的令人吃驚的預算方案。
    Keep your ears to the ground; I've heard a rumour that there is going to be a surprise budget to increase the rate of VAT.
  • 上帝:“要有一穹窿將水上下分隔!”
    God said, "Let there be a vault between the waters, to separate water from water."
  • 要吃素,母雞要有數。
    When the fox say he is a vegetarian, it's time for the hen to look out.
  • 要吃素,母雞要有數。
    When the fox says he is a vegetarian, it 's time for the hen to look out.
  • 反對黨的演者猛烈抨擊政府。
    The opposition speakers fell vehemently on the government.
  • 大聲,叫喊大聲地、猛烈地出(某事),尤指抗議
    To utter(something) or cry out loudly and vehemently, especially in protest.
  • 羅切斯特安慰她這衹是一個惡夢,但清晨簡卻發現了被撕破的婚紗碎片。
    Rochester assures her it is only a bad dream, but in the morning Jane finds the ripped fragments of the veil.
  • 如果我們不設法透過文字的表層看清話人的目的,我們就不會頭腦清醒地思考問題。
    We are not thinking very clearly unless we try to see through the veil of words and realize something of the speaker's purpose.
  • 對你這回行為失檢,我們可以不予公開,但我先把話明白,要是你下次重犯的話,你是要受處分的。
    We shall draw a veil over your recent bad behaviour, but I must warn you that if this happens again you will be punished.
  • 他此刻不想說話。
    He is not in the talking vein now.
  • “這從天鵝絨日益發達,我也確實看出來了。”皮貨商答腔
    “I, too, am well aware of it by the increasing preference for velvet stuffs,” said the furrier.
  • 人傢甚至還對我,尤其是弗爾南多,他的報復心可重了。”
    It was even told me that Fernand, especially, was terrible in his vengeance."
  • 威尼斯方言在威尼斯的意大利語的一種
    The variety of Italian spoken in Venice.
  • 總的來,我從古代威尼斯學來、對新加坡很適用的五道啓示是:
    To sum up, the five lessons which I have learnt from ancient Venice which are relevant to Singapore are:
  • 恕我冒昧地。。。。
    I venture to say that....
  • 然後她衹能回擊一個平擊球,對維納斯來就更容易再打斜射球了。
    She could only return it as a flat-shot, which made it easier for Venus to slice again.
  • 希望,是惟一决不會失去真實性名聲的全球性謊者。
    Hope is the only universal liar who never loses his reputation for veracity.
  • 我可以證明他的是實話。
    I can speak to his veracity.
  • 這動詞可以出來,也可以省略。
    The verb may be either expressed or understood.
  • 他無法把自己的感情用言語清楚。
    He couldn't put his feelings into words, ie express them verbally.
  • 這樣的代碼能使其可以用於各種各樣的應用程序,從口授文本變成字處理的文檔、到話控製計算機的功能。
    Such code makes it possible for a variety of applications, from dictating text into a word processing document to verbally controlling a computer's functions.
  • 普遍的看法是人們都這部影片好看。
    The general verdict was that people had enjoyed the film.
  • 差點出某事在被回憶出或表達出來的邊緣
    On the verge of being recalled or expressed.
  • 但是愛瑪雖然認為邱吉爾想要開口嚮她表白愛情,卻沒有鼓勵他把心事出來。因為在愛瑪的想象中,自己總是拒絶邱吉爾的求婚,總是把兩人的愛情歸結為平靜的友誼。
    But she, believing him to be on the verge of a declaration of love, did not encourage him because in her daydreams she always saw herself refusing him and their love ending in quiet friendship.
  • 蘇東坡,當他第一次讀莊子的文章時,他覺得他自從幼年時代起似乎就一直在想着同樣的事情,抱着同樣的觀念。
    Su Tungp'o said that when he first read Chuangtse, he felt as if all the time since his childhood he had been thinking the same things and taking the same views himself.