  • 他来时举目无亲、身无长物,全凭白手起
    Me here without friends or possessions and made his fortune.
  • 产属于上述庭单位的居住空间和财产
    The living spaces and possessions belonging to such a unit.
  • 她也许是她那时代最伟大的作
    She was possibly the greatest writer of her generation.
  • 您能不能接管这工厂?
    Can you possibly take over the factory?
  • 您能不能接管这工厂?
    Could you possibly take over the factory?
  • 主管国邮政服务业的官员。
    the official in charge of the national postal service.
  • 贴在窗上的海报写着:所有的电冰箱、洗衣机和吸尘哭降价5%,许多其它用电器也赔血本出售。
    The poster on the window read: 5% reduction on all refrigerators, washing-machines and vacuum cleaners. Many other household appliances at cut-throat prices.
  • 这些钢琴曲在作曲死后发表了;他死后得到了很高的荣誉。
    these piano pieces were published posthumously; he was honored posthumously.
  • 时,我会顺便去看看她,并告诉她会议已经延期了。
    On my way home, I'll run in and tell her the meeting has been postponed.
  • 67.科学不知道恐龙为何绝种了,但是一些理论推断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的。
    67. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible.
  • 中国的国利益、社会制度、对外政策和历史文化传统,决定中国必然实行防御性的国防政策。
    China's state interests, social system, foreign policy and historical and cultural traditions postulate that China will inevitably adopt such a national defense policy.
  • 要求模特取斜倚着的姿势。
    The artist asked his model to take a reclining posture.
  • 要求模特儿取斜倚着的姿势。
    The artist ask his model to take a recline posture.
  • 这个国好几个月来有些偏差,他们为什么还犹豫不决,不下手整顿。
    The country has been in a bending posture for months, why do they hesitate to deliver the forty whacks?
  • 由于没有提前通知我们要来吃晚饭,我们只能吃些常便饭
    Having arrived unannounced for supper, we had to take potluck.
  • 咱们今晚是到外边去吃饭呢?你还是愿意留在里凑合着吃顿便饭?
    Shall we go out for dinner tonight? Or would you rather stay home and take potluck?
  • 我们未提前告知就来了,所以只好吃常便饭。
    having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck; a potluck supper.
  • 喂,莎莉,本周末在我有一个自助餐聚会,你能来参加吗?
    Oh, sally, we're having a potluck party at my house this weekend. Will you come and join us?
  • 最后,在她们宣誓入主白宫的那个周日,她们将举办的白宫常便饭会来款待结识每个美国人。
    Finally, the Sunday after they're sworn in, they'll host a White House potluck to meet every person in America.
  • 据说英国参加共同市场是为了一碗红豆汤而损害国的利益。
    It was said that by joining the Common Market Britain would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage.
  • 雨天玛丽在里做些琐碎活儿。
    Bad weather found Mary potting about the house.
  • 我们周末做一些琐碎的务事.
    We spent the weekend pottering around (in) the house.
  • 用预告片来大造声势这一招同样也被美国在线的另一旗下公司华纳兄弟学到了手,他们把这一招用在了即将上映的新片《哈里·波特与密室》的宣传上。
    AOL's other moviemaking unit, Warner Bros., used a similar strategy with upcoming film, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."
  • 雨天码丽在里闲混着。
    Bad weather found Mary pottering about at home.
  • 波特一也许很有钱,但不是出身名门望族。
    The Potters may have plenty of money, but they don't come out of the top drawer.
  • 杨家湾陶俑
    pottery figures in Yangjiawan
  • 家禽正在吃饲料。
    The poultry are being fed.
  • 卖家禽的在哪儿?
    Where is the poultry?
  • 喂了家禽没有?
    Have the poultry been fed?
  • 填料调味填料,如填入禽或鱼的
    A stuffing, as for poultry or fish.
  • 现在,禽饲养场绵延几十公里。
    Poultry farms now strefcn for scores of kilometres.
  • 禽饲养场有数不清的鸡鸭。
    There are ducks and hens without number on the poultry farm.