  • 海伦身于一个知识分子家庭。
    Helen comes from an intelligent family.
  • 海伦穿着她最好的衣服去了。
    Helen came out in her best dress.
  • 佩加索斯其蹄在赫利孔山上踏希波克里尼灵感泉的生有翼的飞马
    A winged horse that with a stroke of his hoof caused the fountain Hippocrene to spring forth from Mount Helicon.
  • 船员被直升飞机(从遇难的船中)救.
    The crew were taken off (the wrecked vessel) by helicopter.
  • 失事船只上的所有船员都被直升机营救来了。
    The crew were taken off the wrecked vessel by helicopter.
  • 糟就糟在没有人认他。
    The hell of it was that nobody recognized him.
  • 您好,大众租车公司。
    Hello. Dazhong Taxi Company.
  • 一颗子弹击中了他的钢盔后(变向)飞了去。
    A bullet struck his helmet and was deflected from its course.
  • 她伸出了援助的手。
    She stretched out a helping hand.
  • 许多动物在其幼崽弱小无法自助时都显了母性的本能。
    Many animals display maternal instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.
  • 自从1952年首次一在赫尔辛基奥运会以来,中国运动员走过了漫长的道路。
    China's athletes have come a long way since 1952 when they appeared at the Helsinki Olympics.
  • 设址于莫斯科的赫尔辛基观察委员会(一个人权组织)创始人之一夏兰斯基对于苏联新闻发言人格拉西莫夫的评论提异议。格氏声称想离开苏联的犹太人大部分在70年代已经离开了。
    Natan Sharansky, one of the founders of the Helsinki Watch Committee in Moscow, a human rights group, took issue with the comments by Gennadi I. Gerasimov, the Soviet press spokesman, that most of the Jews who wanted to leave the Soviet Union left in the 1970's.
  • 放出折边
    Let a hem down
  • 把折边放出来。
    Let out the hem
  • 在山中过了十年隐士生活之后,那老人走了大山。
    The old man has come in from the cold after ten years of living a hermit's life in the mountains.
  • 随着在海明威著作中不断现,这种思想就形成了。
    the idea occurs with increasing frequency in Hemingway's writings.
  • 不过火地选择突你优点的套装--不要穿紧身衫或让你整晚都要留意裙边的超短裙。
    Choose an outfit that accentuates your positives without going overboard -- don't wear that too-tight blouse, or that really short skirt that will make you self-conscious about your hemline all night.
  • 毒药从芹叶钩吻中提炼来的毒药
    A poison obtained from the poison hemlock.
  • 第二类为轻度次品,例如针脚不匀、锁边不当,这些次品不会使衣服卖不去。
    The second type are minor defects, such as uneven stitches and improper hemming, which will not make the garments unsalable.
  • 血红蛋白尿尿液中现血红蛋白
    The presence of hemoglobin in the urine.
  • 血者如血友病患者等易血或经常血的人
    A person, such as a hemophiliac, who bleeds freely or is subject to frequent hemorrhages.
  • 止血阻止流血或大
    The stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage.
  • 血鼻子血;血从鼻流
    A nasal hemorrhage; bleeding from the nose.
  • 但是tpa的一个主要副作用是脑血。这是致命的。
    But one major side effect of tPA is brain hemorrhage, which can be fatal.
  • 瘀斑,瘀点身体表面略呈紫色的小斑点,如皮肤上或粘膜上的,由微小的血引起,常见于斑疹伤寒中
    A small purplish spot on a body surface, such as the skin or a mucous membrane, caused by a minute hemorrhage and often seen in typhus.
  • 纽约州西威姆斯坦市的一家小进口公司估计,利用iphone该公司每月可节省1200-1500美元。
    A small import/export house in West Hemp stead, N.Y., estimates that the company saves from $1,200 to $1,500 per month with the IPhone.
  • 这里应当指:在目前的条件之下,农业生产是我们经济建设工作的第一位,它不但需要解决最重要的粮食问题,而且需要解决衣服、砂糖、纸张等项日常用品的原料即棉、麻、蔗、竹等的供给问题。
    It should be pointed out that in the present conditions agriculture occupies first place in our economic construction; It is by agriculture that we solve both the most important problem of food, and the problem of raw materials such as cotton, hemp, sugar-cane and bamboo, which are needed for the making of clothes, sugar, paper and other necessities.
  • 那只母鸡已经孵了全部小鸡。
    The hen has hatched all her chickens.
  • 我们的母鸡已孵13只小鸡。
    Our hen has hatched thirteen chickens.
  • 母鸡孵了一窝小鸡。
    The hen brought off a brood of young.
  • 作咯咯叫声母鸡发这种有特色的声音
    To utter the characteristic sound of a hen.
  • 因而就有了这出戏。
    Hence the play.