Chinese English Sentence:
  • 急促或含混地说
    To utter rapidly or incoherently.
  • 高声说,高喊着表示
    To utter with a whoop.
  • 说俏皮话,说妙语
    To make or utter a wisecrack.
  • 狂乱地在疯狂的状态下
    To utter in a frenzied manner.
  • 哀怨地以哀怨的声音
    To utter in a whining way.
  • 照着重复另一人的
    To utter in duplication of another's utterance.
  • 突然出的,叫喊的关于或组成突然出的简短言语的;叫喊的
    Relating to or constituting a sudden, brief utterance; exclamatory.
  • 支吾声话人因考虑措词而发出的声音
    An utterance used by a speaker who is fumbling for words.
  • 在选拔填补该空缺的从选时,部长他决不会任人唯亲。他,这是一个论长处比经验的问题,来不得半点马虎:贤能者当任此职。
    In choosing the man to fill the vacancy, the minister said he would play no favourites: it would be strictly a matter of merit and experience with the best man winning.
  • 你也许有个空房间。
    I've been told you might have a vacant room.
  • 服老一点的同志把位子腾出来,要不然年轻干部没有位子呀。
    We should persuade older comrades to vacate their leading posts. If they don't, there will be no positions for the young cadres.
  • 我暗自道,就是倾家荡产,我也要得到这个姑娘,占有那个我刚才一下子就放弃了的位置。
    I told myself that, even if I had to spend everything I had, I would have that woman and would take by right the place which I had vacated so quickly.
  • 玛:对我来,没有大海,假期就不算是假期了[假期等于白过了]。
    As for me, vacation is no vacation without the sea.
  • 民族资产阶级、乡村富农和小地主们的动摇以至参加抗日斗争的可能性,前面已经过了。
    We have already dealt with the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie, the rich peasants and small landlords and the possibility that they may actually participate in the anti-Japanese struggle.
  • 大概地处理;模糊地或写
    To deal in generalities; speak or write vaguely.
  • 陈文安国会议员,在过去几个月的辩论中,“外国人才”的定义已经被含糊地当成是“在海外念过书,及拥有符合新加坡的适当工作经验”的人士,而这些到本地从事一些本地人也能够从事的工作的外国人,就符合了上述的这个定义。
    Mr Sin said that in various debates over the past few months, the term "foreign talent" has vaguely come to include those "who have studied overseas, and whose practical experiences are suited to Singapore's needs". As a matter of fact, those foreigners who are undertaking jobs that can be done by Singaporeans fit the above definition too.
  • 瓦尔连头都没抬,边看报纸边:“如果你受不了那份热,就甭呆在厨房里嘛。”“我不懂你的意思……。”“我认为你懂了……。既然你讨厌这儿的噪音,为什么要来这儿住呢?”
    Val spoke without looking up from her paper. "If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen." "I don't know what you mean." … "I think you do… If you don't like the noise, why come and live here?"
  • 致告别词的学生代表一个班中具有最高学术地位的在毕业典礼上做告别演的学生
    The student with the highest academic rank in a class who delivers the valedictory at graduation.
  • “范林丁,”监狱长,“明天早上你就可以出狱了,要活出个人样来。
    “Now, Valentine,” said the warden, “You’ll go out in the morning. Make a man of yourself.
  • 经过这次自卫还击战,明我们的军队仍然不愧是英勇善战的人民解放军,不愧是保卫我们社会主义现代化建设的伟大长城。
    This counter-attack has demonstrated that our army still deserves to be called the valiant and battle-tested People's Liberation Army, and that it remains the Great Wall of defence of our socialist modernization.
  • "我不骗你,布朗夫人,"那位警察道。"这个姑娘干活是把好手,但是如果你把钱或贵重物品放在周围,她随时都会偷的。"
    "I'll not deceive you, Mrs. Brown, " the officer said. "The girl is a good worker but if you were to leave money or valuables lying about she'd steal them as soon as look at you."
  • 拼凑一篇陈旧的演稿。
    vamp up an old speech.
  • 如果有人对我:“花上十个路易,您就可以做她的情夫。”我会拒绝的,而且会痛哭一场,就像一个孩子在醒来时发现夜里梦见的宫殿城堡化为乌有一样。
    Had I been told: 'Give her ten Louis and she's yours', I should have refused and wept like a child who sees the castle which he had glimpsed during the night vanish as he wakes.
  • 了声“再见”,就走了。
    He said."See you later."and vanished.
  • 他由于虚荣心作怪而谎。
    He told a lie out of vanity.
  • 毫无疑问,《名利场》是萨克雷所有小中最杰出的作品。
    Vanity Fair is, without doubt, the greatest of Thackeray's novels.
  • 一家由作者自负出版费用的出版社出版了他的小,但仅卖出了几本。
    A vanity press published his novel but only a few copies were sold.
  • 我是不得已才这样做的,老实,并非出自虚荣。”
    I have done so from necessity, I assure you, and not from vanity."
  • ,我能够忘却前情也没有什么了不起的,因为自从玛格丽特离开巴黎之后,我就见不到她了,因此,就像我刚才跟您的那样,当她在杂耍剧院的走廊里,从我身边走过的时候,我已经认不出她了。
    Besides, there would have been no merit in vanquishing her memory, for I had lost sight of Marguerite since the time of her departure and, as I have explained to you, when she passed close to me in the passageway of the Theatre des Varietes, I did not recognize her.
  • 与官方和正统观点不同的任何观点或教。
    any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position.
  • 这个故事有很多说法.
    The story has many variants.
  • 总的来,这种变体通常是会由父母遗传给孩子的,而孩子日后自然也会患上躁郁症。
    Overall, the variant was passed along more often than one would expect by chance to a child who later developed the disease.