  • 十月明蓝色的天气——海伦·亨特·杰克逊;蓝色的火焰;吸烟发的蓝色烟雾。
    October's bright blue weather- Helen Hunt Jackson; a blue flame; blue haze of tobacco smoke.
  • 这片烟雾里夹杂着悬浮颗粒、灰尘、煤烟灰和其他污染物。如今这片褐云的覆盖范围早已超了印度半岛的研究地带,正在向亚洲东部和东南部蔓延。
    A cocktail of aerosols, ash, soot and other particles, the haze's reach extends far beyond the study zone of the Indian subcontinent, and towards East and Southeast Asia.
  • 在迷蒙的过去,当中石器时代让位于新石器时代时,有一些在地理上相隔遥远的地区,突然现了人类迄今所了解的最为成功的发明群体和革命者。
    In the misty, hazy past, as the Mesolithic Age gave way to the Neolithic, there suddenly appeared in widely separated geographic areas the most highly successful group of inventors and revolutionaries that the world has ever known.
  • 他把知道的全都说来了。
    He coughed out all he knew.
  • 他可以看他没有怀疑什么。
    He could tell he suspected nothing.
  • 他把知道的全部说来了。
    He coughed up all he knew.
  • 他在做决定前慎重考虑讨。
    He debated carefully before he decides.
  • 修女的头巾勾勒脸部并下垂到肩的修女头巾的那部分
    The part of a nun's headdress that frames the face and falls over the shoulders.
  • 主教冠基督教主教的礼拜仪式的头饰,是其标志的一部分,在西方教堂中,是一个高而尖的帽子,在前和后有尖状突,在隆重的庆祝仪式上佩戴
    The liturgical headdress and part of the insignia of a Christian bishop. In the Western church it is a tall pointed hat with peaks in front and back, worn at all solemn functions.
  • 这孩子偷偷摸摸地溜了屋子, 走向游泳池。
    The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool secretly.
  • 出发去城里
    Headed off for town.
  • 如果使用soap的http绑定的话,soap1.1要求在http头上现一个名为soapaction的头字段。
    SOAP 1.1 requires the presence of the HTTP header field named SOAPAction when an HTTP binding is specified.
  • 如果目的地的mac地址现了,该路由器就把这个mac地址装进包的报头中(取掉自己的mac地址,因为不再需要它了),把该包送到目的端站。
    If the destination's MAC address appears, the router installs that MAC address in the packet header (removing its own MAC address because that's no longer needed) and sends the packet to the destination endstation.
  • 岬,海角伸到水体中的陆地或岩石的高脊;岬或海角
    A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water; a headland.
  • 那个流氓吓唬小男孩,让他掏了所有的钱。
    The rascal hectored the boy into taking out all of his money.
  • 她有时会表现作威作福的样子。
    She does now and then hector a little.
  • 春天到了,树篱长了新叶子。
    Spring has come and the hedge putts forth new leaves.
  • 春天到了,树篱长了新叶子
    Spring has come and the hedge is putting forth new leaves
  • 当狐狸从栅栏后现时,狗发了吠声。
    The dog gave tongue when the fox came through the hedge.
  • 孩子被这只刺猥吓坏了,父亲把它从花园里弄了去。
    The child was frightened by the hedgehog.The father rolled it out of the garden.
  • 心不在焉的,茫然的陷入沉思且未注意到周围的情况或活动的;神的
    Deep in thought and heedless of present circumstances or activities; preoccupied.
  • 他不听从我们的劝告,去游泳给淹死了。
    Heedless of our advice, he go for a swim and drowne.
  • 他尽快地从那里跑了来。
    He heeled out of there as soon as he could.
  • 政府看来希望用最经济的办法来维持美国的霸权。在它的梦想世界里,外交政策都会像海湾战争一样——别人钱,美国为所欲为。
    The Administration's apparent aspiration is to retain American hegemony on the cheap. In its dream world foreign policy would all be like the gulf war-everyone else would pay and America would have its way.
  • 国际舆论指,印度进行核试验,无非是要开发核武器,迈进核武器国家门槛,进而谋求地区霸权,这不仅破坏了南亚地区的和平与稳定,而且对世界的和平构成了威胁。
    The international media pointed out that by conducting nuclear tests India simply aimed to develop nuclear weapons, make its way into the ranks of nuclear countries and further seek regional hegemony. This has not only damaged peace and stability in South Asia, but also posed a threat to world peace.
  • 积极参与联合国和其他国际事务,同世界各国人民一道,致力于和平、发展与进步的事业,反对霸权主义和强权政治,反对一切形式的恐怖主义,推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,为维护世界和平,促进共同繁荣作更大贡献。
    China will play an active part in the affairs of the United Nations and other international affairs, stand with people of all other countries in the causes for peace, development and progress and against hegemony, power politics and terrorism in all its forms, promote the establishment of a just and reasonable new international political and economic order, and make even greater contributions to the maintenance of world peace and promotion of common prosperity.
  • 这样恶劣的天气海真是愚蠢透顶。
    It's the height of stupidity to go out to sea in this bad weather.
  • 请说出你的身高。
    Please state your height.
  • 她丝毫不差地说其高度。
    She told the height to an inch.
  • 指雄伟的高度;特别是高其他事物。
    of imposing height; especially standing out above others.
  • 不但如此,有的人还认为谁要是坚持实事求是,从实际发,理论和实践相结合,谁就是犯了弥天大罪。
    Some people even go further: they maintain that those who persist in seeking truth from facts, proceeding from reality and integrating theory with practice are guilty of a heinous crime.
  • 本人为合法继承人这一要求
    Claimed to be the true heir