  • 我们写字台的抽屉里都是废纸和未回复的信件,该把它清理一下了。
    We must do out our desk drawer; it's full of waste paper and unanswered letters.
  • 挑选能帮助你达到目标的人,是件必须小心谨慎的事,你可能最后会发现,你原先挑选的人并不合适。你也可能在一段时间之后发现,有意料之外的事情必须找人来做。
    Choosing the people who will help you attain your goal must be done carefull.You may initially select some people who you later decide are not appropriate,and you may discover that there are unanticipated needs for knowledge that must be filled.
  • 鞋子呈现出三种颜色;家具发现是未装配的。
    These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled.
  • 瑞士信托银行透露其在基亚索市一大分行的经理参与了一未经授权的秘密交易,这时这一丑闻就被暴露在光天化日之下。
    The scandal came to light when the Credit Swiss Bank revealed that the manager of one of its major branches in Chiasso had been involved in seret, unauthorized deals.
  • 需要那没有的或拿不到的东西的状态。
    the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable.
  • 这样的分子不可避免地要混进一来,在学习中,在工作中,再加洗刷不迟。
    Unavoidably, some such elements will creep in, but there will be time to comb them out in the course of study and work.
  • 在这一点上,有一部分抗日的文艺家就不赞成,因此团结的范围就不免要小一
    On this issue there is a section of anti-Japanese writers and artists who do not agree with us, so the range of unity will unavoidably be somewhat more limited.
  • 新西兰奥克兰的绿道医院日前曝出"心脏"丑闻,该医院目前正在向当年失去孩子的家庭归还这在医院中保留了半个多世纪的心脏。
    Green Lane Hospital is offering hearts taken from babies and children back to families unaware that they have been stored for up to 50 years.
  • 伊丽莎白完全不明了这情形,她只觉得达西是个到处不讨人喜欢的男人,何况他曾经认为她不够漂亮不配跟她跳舞。
    Of this she was perfectly unaware; -- to her he was only the man who made himself agreeable no where, and who had not thought her handsome enough to dance with.
  • 东西的价格已经高得令人难以置信。
    The prices of those articles have shot up to unbelievable heights.
  • 她起先显得很正经,但后来变得随和,还讲了个笑话。
    She was very formal at first, but then she unbent a little and told a joke.
  • 那位船长虽然多数时间与我疏远,但有时也会和蔼一,对我说说他到过的好地方。
    The captain, though he kept me at the stick's end the most part of the time, would sometimes unbuckle a bit and tell me of the fine countries he had visited.
  • 他想起了他曾在战争中见过那没有掩埋的尸体。
    He remembered the unburied dead he had seen in the war.
  • 这座古老建筑物的那古老肥大塔楼,由于年久失修而中间凸起,宛如大酒桶由于腐烂而倾颓下来,从上到下裂开,看上去就像解开钮扣而袒露在外的一个个大肚皮。
    whose huge and ancient towers, rounded by age like casks, sinking together with old age, and rending themselves from top to bottom, resembled great bellies unbuttoned.
  • 所有这仪式都是不必要的。
    All these ceremonies were uncalled for.
  • 乐观、坚定、目标明确,这特性使我能够在学术和和生活中取得成功
    My unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives
  • 但是这研究对不确定性没有足够的重视。
    However, these studies do not provide much attention to uncertainty
  • 有一部分干部可以到下面去工作,替换一下面的干部,让他们回到生产中去,待遇不降低。
    Others can be sent to replace cadres at lower levels, who can return to production with their material benefits unchanged.
  • 现象相当厉害,而且还在发展,并没有刹祝
    These phenomena are widespread, they are increasing and have so far gone unchecked.
  • 未校验的命名空间则不需要任何校验过程,当然这命名空间必须被注册为tmodel。
    Unchecked namespaces do not require any validation, although the namespaces must still be registered as tModels.
  • 他对你说这话,真是无礼。
    It was uncivil of him to say such things to you.= He was uncivil to say such things to you.
  • 结果,一体内特征并不明确。
    As a result, some body features are unclear.
  • 当两位候选人进行竞选时,结果可能还有把握,但第三者声明参加竞选时,情况就变得不明朗了。
    With two candidates standing for an election, the result seemed certain, but when a third threw his into the ring, everything became unclear.
  • 当然,父亲会经常供给一零钱,但是叔叔和婶婶也总是额外收入的源泉。
    Father, of course, provides a regular supply of pocket-money, but uncles and aunts are always a source of extra income.
  • 她迟将加入俱乐部,但目前仍想保持自由。
    She will join the club later, but at the moment wants to remain uncommitted.
  • 第五、我们要保护我们的企业集团,还是让市场力量迫使它们进行改组,集中于核心业务,或者让那不具竞争力的企业关闭?
    Fifth, we face the choice of protecting our conglomerates or allowing market forces to force them either to restructure in order to concentrate on their core competencies or to allow the uncompetitive ones to die.
  •  第五、我们要保护我们的企业集团,还是让市场力量迫使它们进行改组,集中于核心业务,或者让那不具竞争力的企业关闭?
    Fifth, we face the choice of protecting our conglomerates or allowing market forces to force them either to restructure in order to concentrate on their core competencies or to allow the uncompetitive ones to die; and
  • 为那真正喜欢驾驶的人而设计得简单小巧的车型;简单机器。
    small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring; an unsophisticated machine.
  • 毫无疑问,这样的人会失去一天真和无忧;
    No doubt,such a person loses some of his innocence and unconcern;
  • 游客大多没把坏天气放在心上。
    Most tourists were unconcerned at the poor weather.
  • 1995年4月5日,中国再次正式声明,重申无条件向所有无核国家提供“消极安全保证”,并承诺向这国家提供“积极安全保证”。
    On April 5, 1995, China made another official statement, reiterating its unconditional provision of "negative security assurance" to all non-nuclear-weapon states, at the same time undertaking to provide these nations with "positive security assurance."
  • 在这里,党要求那有不同意见的党员,在实际行动中无条件地执行党的决议,这是完全正确和必要的。
    In this connection, it is entirely correct and necessary for the Party to demand that members who hold different views unconditionally carry out Party decisions in their actions.