  • 据说这幢大楼常有一个麻疯病女人的鬼魂
    The building is said to be haunted by the ghost of a leper woman
  • 这个流浪汉想起自己是睡在一座鬼魂没的屋子里,吓得脸色苍白。
    The tramp was so frightened at the idea of sleeping in a haunted house that he was like a waxwork.
  • 幻影,幻象常现或萦绕脑际的记忆或幻影
    A returning or haunting memory or image.
  • 接着搬来了第二位房客,一个英俊而略带伤感的中年男子,四十岁头,棕色而怪异的胡须,一双眼睛充满了奇怪的恳求和探究意味。
    Next comes lodger No.2, a handsome, melancholy man in the early 40's, with a brown, mysterious beard, and strangely pleading, haunting eyes.
  • 看着这位73岁的老者,你会难以置信15年前的他病情厉害到披着怪异的格子披风在普林斯顿校园没,沉默寡言,不敢正视别人的眼睛,门牙也烂了。
    Watching this 73-year-old gentleman, you'd find it hard to believe that 15 years ago he was so sick that he was haunting the Princeton campus in mismatched plaids, speaking to no one, afraid to look anyone in the eye, his front teeth rotted.
  • 你以前没过国, 是吧? ②[用于虚拟语气]
    You haven't been abroad before, have you?
  • 这么大的风我不想去,它会吹乱我的新发式。
    I don't want to go out in this strong wind; it will play havoc with my new hair-do.
  • 社会主义国家所以在某些情况下也犯严重错误,甚至现林彪、“四人帮”的破坏这种严重曲折,固然有主观的原因,根本上还是旧社会长时期历史遗留的影响造成的,这种影响不可能在一个早上就用扫帚扫光。
    In certain circumstances, a socialist country may make serious errors, and even experience such major setbacks as the havoc created by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four.Naturally, this has its subjective causes, but basically it is due to influences inherited from the old society with its long history, influences that cannot be swept away overnight.
  • 我从旧金山发,先后在夏威夷、东京和北京中途停留。
    I started from San Francisco and stopped over at Hawaii, Tokyo and Beijing.
  • 这本书使他得到了鹰派的名声。而由于该书获得畅销,他不仅赚了钱,而且使他从此得以入政府内部的许多机密部门。
    It gave him a hawkish reputation and by becoming a best seller it earned him money and also entry into many governmental inner sanctums.
  • 正当军事版图改写,美国得了渔翁之利,成为20世纪末唯一的强权,但是部分美国人对文化的单向输问题缺乏反省能力,政坛和舆论界鹰派人物对文化的霸权心态,让意识形态的对立仍无法在世纪末缓和。
    As military maps are being redrawn in the world, the United States has emerged as the sole superpower at the end of the 20th Century. However, some Americans lack the ability to reflect on the unilateral export of their culture. The cultural hegemony of the hawkish elements in political circles and the media makes it impossible to soften the impact of the clash between different ideologies.
  • 正当军事版图改写,美国得了渔翁之利,成为20世纪末唯一的强权,但是部分美国人对文化的单向输问题缺乏反省能力,政坛和舆论界鹰派人物对文化的霸权心态,让意识形态的对立仍无法在世纪末缓和。
    As military maps are being redrawn in the world, the United States got the fisherman's benefit and has emerged as the sole superpower at the end of the 20th Century. However, some Americans lack the ability to reflect on the unilateral export of their culture. The cultural hegemony of the hawkish elements in political circles and the media makes it impossible to soften the impact of the clash between different ideologies.
  • 有些船长是普通水手身。
    Some of the captains came in at the hawse-hole.
  • 欧洲的一种山楂属植物,叶深裂,果亮红色;在园艺上已培育各种不同的类型,常用作绿篱;在北美东部成为逸生种。
    European hawthorn having deeply cleft leaves and bright red fruits; widely cultivated in many varieties and often grown as impenetrable hedges; established as an escape in eastern North America.
  • 她在独奏会上首先演的是海顿的奏鸣曲.
    Her recital led off/She led off her recital with a Haydn sonata.
  • 晚年,海顿写了清唱剧《创世纪》和另一首也同样很色的声乐作品《四季》。
    As an old man, Haydn wrote his oratorio The Creation and another equally splendid work for voices, The Seasons.
  • 1800年之前,他曾经版了模仿海顿和莫扎特的作品,但是已经带有贝多芬独特的力与美。
    Before 1800, he had published works modeled upon Haydn and Mozart, but already touched with the power and beauty that are Beethoven.
  • 海斯说:"无论从曲调、歌词还是表演方面来说,我们都希望这张专辑是于自然。
    "Musically, lyrically, and performance-wise, we wanted this album to grow out of something natural," says Hayes.
  • 女性中,1942年因《米尼弗夫人》(又译《忠勇之家》)而获奖,生于英国的格丽娅·嘉森和因《马德龙·克劳迪特的罪恶》和《机场》而两次获奖的海伦·海斯,都活到了92岁。
    Among the women, British?born Green garson, who won in 1942 for Mrs Miniver, and Helen Hayes, who won twice, for The Sin Of Madelon Claudet and Airport, both lived to 92.
  • 他知道根本没有边门和后门可让公使夫人溜去。于是小海斯想到了白宫存放煤、旧家具和其他一些杂物的地下室。
    As there were no back or side doors through which the minister's wife could slip out,Hayes Junior thought of the basement which was used to store coal,old furniture,and other odd things.
  • 在一次白宫的正式宴会上,英国公使夫人低声对海斯夫人说,她有急事想早点离席,是否能从边门悄悄溜去。
    Once in the course of a formal reception at the White House,the British Minister's wife whispered to Mrs.Hayes that she had to leave early and asked whether it was possible for her to slip away unnoticed by a side door.
  • 他跑到谷仓,爬上草垛,打开铁罐,倒所有硬币清点起来。
    He ran into the barn, climbed to the hayloft and uncovered the tin can. He poured the coins out and began to count.
  • 总结这三四年来本地节目的表现,你会发现一个怪现象:平时演水平不错的团体,一参加艺术节,水平就走样。
    An assessment of performances by local theatre over the last three to four years will make one realise this strange phenomenon: arts houses which have usually done fairly well will go haywire when they perform during the Arts Festivals.
  • "他孤注一掷,拿了所有的钱来挽救企业。"
    He hazarded all his money to save the business.
  • 这些例子是随便举来的。
    These instances were cited at hazard.
  • 我想我们已经做好了准备,可以应付任何可能现的危险。
    I think we have provided for every possible hazard.
  • 他胡乱做的答案竟然是对的。
    The answer he gave at hazard turned out to be correct.
  • 结果这个常常粗心大意、被同事取了个外号叫“冒失鬼”的家伙又一次错——那个“俄罗斯间谍”是军情五处的特工。
    But it turned out that accident-prone Parr - once nicknamed "Hazard" by colleagues - actually handed over the secrets to an MI5 agent.
  • 第五十一条 转移危险废物的,必须按照国家有关规定填写危险废物转移联单,并向危险废物移地和接受地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告。
    Article 51 Whoever transfers hazardous waste, must, according to relevant State regulations, fill in duplicate forms for transfer of hazardous waste and report to the competent administrative departments of environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the places where the hazardous waste is to be moved out or moved in.
  •  (三)转移危险废物,不按照国家规定填写危险废物转移联单或者未向移地和接受地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告的;
    when transferring hazardous waste, failing to fill in duplicate forms for transfer of hazardous waste according to relevant State regulations, and failing to report to the competent administrative departments of environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the places where the hazardous waste is to be moved out or moved in;
  • 丘陵地带透过薄雾朦胧地现在眼前。
    The foothills were looming ahead through the haze.
  • 你一狱警察就会盯住你。
    Remember, the police will haze their eye on you the moment you come out of prison.