  • 他大聲說那不是事實.
    He exclaimed that it was untrue.
  • 看來我錯了, 但是我並非故意嚮你撒謊.
    It appears that what I said was untrue, but I did not knowingly lie to you.
  • 這種法和類似的觀點很普遍,但不正確。
    This and similar claims are common, but untrue.
  • 他那樣不合他的本性。
    He was untrue to type when he said that.
  • 污衊,中傷對…壞的、傷害性的、和常常是不真實的言論;…的壞話
    To make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about; speak evil of.
  • 那位政治傢誠懇地,報紙上斷言完全是不真實的。
    The politician stated hand on heart that the newspaper's allegations were totally untrue.
  • 迪剋的夫人收到了一封她丈夫不忠的匿名信。
    Dick's wife received a poison-pen letter telling her that her husband was untrue.
  • 然而要這樣的一個人居然有任何神靈的性質,則是極不真實的;
    But it is most untrue, that it should have any character at all, of the divine nature;
  • 用於祈使句,要某人不再不確之事
    Used in the imperative to tell sb to stop saying things that one thinks or knows are untrue
  • 我看這是真事(話者但願並非真事)
    That's only too true, I'm afraid, ie really true, and not untrue as the speaker might have hoped or wanted.
  • 威廉作演講時非常激動,致使他話過了頭,講了些虛假的狂言。
    William got so excited when making his speech that he went completely over the top. He made some wild statements which were simply untrue.
  • 他們就,是啊!我的兒子在美國留學,他們也這麽我們這樣想是不對的。這是從大陸的觀點看來。
    Then, they would say, "True, my sons now studying in the US say so, too. They say what we believe is untrue, just China's one-sided view.
  • 這個假藉着誓言做出的聲明是在謊;虛偽的人。
    the statement given under oath was untruthful; an untruthful person.
  • 對他來,沒人不可能采取的形式,也沒有無法應用的素材。
    For him, there was no impossible form or unusable material.
  • 單調的用不變的音調餓出或講話
    Sounded or spoken in an unvarying tone.
  • 我還能做些什麽來躲避那些不出的失意和令人不快的感情呢。
    What else I can do to avoid dealing with unvoiced frustration and uncomfortable feelings?
  • 插話尤指表達無用的看法而打斷別人的
    To interrupt the speech of others, especially with an unwanted opinion.
  • 但是不能由此得出結論,一九五七年不存在反對社會主義的思潮,或者對這種思潮不應該反擊。
    Nevertheless, it does not follow that the anti-socialist ideological current did not exist in 1957 or that the counter-blow against it was unwarranted.
  • 我的朋友們告訴我你近來身體欠安。
    My friends tell me that you have been unwell.
  • 我的醫生對我,這是因為我有些神經質,並且總是覺得不舒服的緣故,請相信我醫生的話吧。”
    My doctor says it's because I am highlystrung and always unwell: you must take my doctor's word for it.'
  • “不用了,”他對我,“而且我還勸您把他帶走,他好像不太舒服。”
    'No, ' he said, ' and I would strongly advise you to take him away, for he seems to be unwell.'
  • 你那樣說太愚蠢了。
    It was unwise of you to say that.
  • 老太太低頭俯視着,像一個無心做錯事的孩子一樣怯生生的,不知什麽纔好。
    The old lady looked down, troubled and shy like a child who has unwittingly done wrong.
  • 我在那份報告中還曾指出,為了進行徹底的核查,完成裁軍任務,伊拉剋方面提供實質性的合作是必不可少的,我已經過,這種合作需要更加開誠布公的態度。
    In my last updating, I also said that a decision to cooperate on substance was indispensable in order to bring, through inspection, the disarmament task to completion and to set the monitoring system on a firm course. Such cooperation, as I have noted, requires more than the opening of doors.
  •  另外,由於得先墊出一大筆資金,也就很難做到分散投資。少數幾個房地産就能把投資者的大部分資金套牢,從這個角度看,房地産投資可是高風險的。
    In addition, the size of the upfront capital commitment in real estate investing makes di-versification within the asset class difficult to achieve. The real estate investor has the bulk of his investments locked into a few properties.
  • 所以,新加坡要吸引外地的優秀人才,是十分具挑戰性的工作。
    Singapore thus faces an uphill task in attracting foreign talent.
  • 他從來不大開口話;要想跟他聊上五六分鐘可不是件容易的事。
    He never has much to say; sustaining a conversation of more than five minutes with him is uphill work.
  • 她從前是個大女人,看上去與其是穿着衣服,不如是挂着傢具布。
    She was a large woman who seemed not so much dressed as upholstered.
  • 我們在客廳裏為父親放置了一張軟墊沙發,他喜歡呆在有許多有趣活動的地方,醫生這樣對他還更有好處。
    We have put an upholstered armchair for father in the lounge. He likes to be in the centre of things and the doctor says it will be better for him, too.
  • 她從前是個大女人,看上去與其是穿着衣服,不如是挂着傢具布。
    She is a large woman who seems not so much dress as upholster.
  • 出他心最牽挂的事。
    He says whatever is uppermost in his mind.
  • 這部革命歷史小以秋收起義為中心內容。
    This revolutionary historical novel centres in the Autumn Harvest Uprising.