  • 她在考慮這一切問題時,心中有不出的煩惱。
    She suffered unspeakable trouble while she considered all these questions.
  • 她根本不是一個美人,但是她有一種無法出的魅力。
    She is not at all a beauty, but she has an unspeakable charm.
  • 現在不行,改天再吧。
    Not now, some other time (ie at an unspecified time in the future), perhaps.
  • 未詳細明來源的法國的一種便宜的餐酒。
    cheap French table wine of unspecified origin.
  • (在否定陳述中)既不太小也不太大的但未明的。
    (in negative statements) either every little or very great but unspecified.
  • 不用語言表達的;不能出來的:
    Not expressed in words; unspoken.
  • 他的見解之所以重要,是因為他的見解代表着普通美國大衆沒有出來的意見。
    The importance of his ideas is that they represent the unspoken opinion of the silent majority.
  • 遺憾的是,情況往往不是這樣。有時候你要跟大傢在一起,就感到有種不出的壓力。
    Unfortunately it's not always the case and sometimes you sense the unspoken pressure to join the crowd.
  • 以情緒不正常的語氣斷斷續續地
    Spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion.
  • 一個廣為報道但未經證實的消息,他們兩位曾經互寄電子郵件多年。
    One widely reported (but unsubstantiated story) is that the two have exchanged e? mails for several years.
  • 蘭登作了一次不成功的朗誦。老師有點不悅,對他道:“蘭登,你在這門課上好像進步不大,你好像缺乏志嚮。”
    Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject."
  • 她努力勸他去買一輛新車,但沒有成功。
    she tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to buy a new car.
  • 詹姆斯他不喜歡我的新工作,但他自己卻又申請過但沒有申請到。因此對他來那民許是聊以自慰的話。
    James says he would hate to have my new job, but he applied for it himself unsuccessfully, so it’s probably just sour grapes on him part.
  • 他總抱怨,這個國傢被搞得一塌糊塗,但實際上他所攻擊的敵人是不存在的,因為我們的領導者實際上衹不過是一些普普通通的人,他們正嘗試做一項極其艱難的工作,但尚無成效。
    He was complaining that the country is being ruled in a thoroughly evil manner, but really he was attacking men of straw-our leaders are, in fact, just ordinary men who are attempting unsuccessfully to do a difficult job.
  • 女兒通常會把好幾個不合適的男子帶回傢,看看爸爸是否會話算數。
    The daughter usually reacts by bringing home a series of unsuitable males to see if Daddy will put his money where his mouth is.
  • 這楝房子封孩子多的家庭來是不適合的。
    This house is unsuited for a family with a lot of children.
  • 鄉村小學校的教材,完全些城裏的東西,不合農村的需要。
    The texts used in the rural primary schools were entirely about urban things and unsuited to rural needs.
  • “晚上好,”我回答。她的出現使我平添了幾分不安,又猜不透她是什麽用意。
    “Good evening,” I replied, a little discomforted by her presence and unsure of her intentions.
  • 二十世紀三十年代,中國科學家也在青藏高原進行過考察和調查,但總體上,他們對青藏高原特殊自然生態環境的認識還不全面、不係統。
    In the 1930s, Chinese scientists also carried out some surveys and investigations there. But, generally speaking, their knowledge of the unique natural eco-environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was incomplete and unsystematic.
  • 按照毛澤東同志所起草的黨中央關於領導方法的决定的話來,就是“將群衆的意見(分散的無係統的意見)集中起來(經過研究,化為集中的係統的意見),又到群衆中去作宣傳解釋,化為群衆的意見,使群衆堅持下去,見之於行動,並在群衆行動中考驗這些意見是否正確。
    This means to quote from the Central Committee's "Decision on Methods of Leadership", drafted by Comrade Mao Zedong"take the ideas of the masses (scattered and unsystematic ideas) and concentrate them (through study turn them into concentrated and systematic ideas), then go to the masses and propagate and explain these ideas until the masses embrace them as their own, hold fast to them and translate them into action, and test the correctness of these ideas in such action.
  • 我們的這種意見,按照幾個同志的法卻不能成立。
    However, some comrades argue that this view of ours is untenable.
  • 不久以前,到太空旅遊是不可思議的。
    Voyages through space were unthought-of till recent times.
  • 這個項目能獲得最後的成功在當時對人們來是難以置信的
    That this project would achieve ultimate success was unthinkable at the time.
  • 他笨手笨腳的又邋遢;可是話回來,他總是樂於助人。
    He's clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help.
  • 邁剋爾他認識的一個人極其邋遢時,他並不是在講你——可是如果話得恰當,那就當是對你的吧!
    Micheal was not talking about you when he said that a person he knew was extremely untidy-but if the cap fits, wear it.
  • 那些最令世人感動的人,嚴格地不是天才,而是那些熱忱的、能力中等而不屈不撓的人;
    Hence it happens that the men who have most moved the world, have not been so much men of genius, strictly so called, as men of intense mediocre abilities, and untiring perseverance;
  • 確實地;得厲害一點,沒有朋友可以嚮之傾訴心事的人們可是吃自己的心的野人。
    Certainly, if a man would give it a hard phrase, those that want friends, to open themselves unto, are carnnibals of their own hearts.
  • 她童年時期受過不完的艱難困苦。
    She went through untold hardships in her childhood.
  • 記者把某些個人的私生活細節公佈於衆,這可能為他們造成不盡的痛苦。
    Reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives.
  • 十二個月光陰中間,天上每日幾十架飛機偵察轟炸,地下幾十萬大軍圍追堵截,路上遇着了不盡的艱難險阻,我們卻開動了每人的兩衹腳,長驅二萬餘裏,縱橫十一個剩
    For twelve months we were under daily reconnaissance and bombing from the skies by scores of planes, while on land we were encircled and pursued, obstructed and intercepted by a huge force of several hundred thousand men, and we encountered untold difficulties and dangers on the way; yet by using our two legs we swept across a distance of more than twenty thousand li through the length and breadth of eleven provinces.
  • 對於孩子,對於想象力豐富的人,或者對於從未出過遠門的人來,第一次接近一個大城市真是奇妙的經歷。
    To the child, the genius with imagination, or the wholly untravelled, the approach to a great city for the first time is a wonderful thing.
  • 他說的是假的。
    What he said was untrue.