Chinese English Sentence:
  • 于一系列的误解,爱玛以为哈里特在赞扬邱吉尔,其实哈里特赞扬的是奈特利先生。
    Through a series of misinterpretations, Emma thought Harriet was praising Churchil when she was really referring to Mr. Knightley.
  • 哈里特是私生女,其父何人仍是个谜。爱玛认为这女孩可能身名门,便极力使她相信她以前交往的人都配不上她。
    Harriet was the natural daughter of some mysterious person, and Emma, believing that the girl might be of noble family, persuaded her that the society in which she had moved was not good enough for her.
  • 哈里因被委任经理的职位感到很高兴,但是他若一个差错,他们就会使他陷入困境。
    Harry is flattered to have been given the manager's job, but if he makes one mistake they'll throw him to the wolves.
  • 哈里不会做任何决定,他只是个不参加与经营而与我合伙的人。
    Harry doesn't make any decisions; he's just my sleeping partner.
  • 哈特承认了那件事,我觉得无所谓。也许他应该早先就开诚布公说来。
    Gary Hart's admission doesn't bother me a bit. But he probably should have said it before and been up front about it.
  • 另外还有一个例子。在1984年的民主党初选中,副总统沃尔特·蒙代尔向他的主要竞选对手,参议员加里·哈特提了一个致命的问题:"where'sthebeef?"
    Another example was Vice President Walter Mondale's deadly question to Senator Gary Hart,his main competitor in the 1984 Democratic primaries,“ Where's the beef?”
  • 学生时代,他获得过麻省理工学院和哈佛的惠尔怀特国奖学金。
    As a student, he was awarded the MIT Traveling Fellowship at Harvard.
  • 一分付,一分收获。
    they gathered a harvest of examples; a harvest of love.
  • 丰收景象在我们面前展现来。
    A scene of rich harvest spread out before us.
  • 丰收景象在我们面前展现来。
    The good harvest scene emerges in front of us.
  • 他带钱出来了吗?
    Has he come it?
  • 吉姆想悄悄溜大教室,但被教师看见了,并惩罚了他。
    Jim tried to sneak out of study hall but the teacher saw him and settled his hash.
  • 我们必须把任命布朗先生的问题讨论一个结果来。
    We must hash out the question of Mr Brown's appointment.
  • 吉姆想从房间里溜去,但他父亲看到了,将他狠狠地揍了一顿。
    Jim tried to sneak out of the room but his father saw him and settled his hash.
  • 那犯人说:“我一狱就要干掉那个警察。”
    The prisoner said: "I'll settle that policeman's hash when I get out of prison."
  • 煮半熟的卷心菜头,挖菜心,填充一些牛肉细丝或火腿,然后烘焙;蘸番茄和干酪沙司吃。
    parboiled head of cabbage scooped out and filled with a hash of chopped e.g. beef or ham and baked; served with tomato or cheese sauce.
  • 在散列技术中,用以解决溢问题的一种方法,它利用相邻的存储区来存放溢部分。
    A technique used to solve overflow problems in hashing. It uses a neighbour storage area to store the overflow items.
  • 教师向他指错误后,他立即作了改正。
    When the teacher pointed out the mistake to him he hasten to correct it.
  • 不要匆促对人做判断。
    Don't judge others hastily.
  • 你不应匆忙作这样的决定。
    You shouldn't come to such a decision hastily.
  • 刚一触到爱德蒙的手,他就觉得再也无法忍受了,于是便一下子冲屋子去了。
    Scarcely, however, had he touched Edmond's hand than he felt he had done all he could do, and rushed hastily out of the house.
  • 我认为如此仓促地做决定是不正确的。
    I don't think it's right to make such a hasty decision.
  • 法院匆促做的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏.
    The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial.
  • 我在催逼之下匆匆地做决定.
    I was hustled into (making) a hasty decision.
  • 我们可以再一次看到仓促作决定的後果.
    Yet again we can see the results of hasty decision-making.
  • 他们本不该作这样草率的决定。
    They shouldn't have made such a hasty decision.
  • 他是不喜欢匆忙做决定的。
    He was not given to hasty decisions.
  • 性急难免出麻烦。
    A hasty man is seldom out of trouble.
  • 不要匆忙地作决定,先得好好考虑一下。
    Don't make hasty decision. Look round well first.
  • 我们认为最好不要匆忙作决定。
    We judged it better not to make a hasty decision.
  • 法院匆促做的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏。
    The unfair and hasty decision of the court make a mockery of the trial.
  • 奖品为随意挑选来的前三人所得。
    Prizes went to the first three out of the hat.