  • 他早就被公认为伟大的剧作了。
    He has long since been recognized as a great playwright.
  • 那位剧作在美国文学史上占有重要地位。
    That playwright have a high place in the history of american literature.
  • 我们听说这位剧作正在写一个新剧本。
    We were told that the playwright had new play in the works.
  • 麦克阿瑟,查尔斯1895-1956美国戏剧作,以与本·海希特共同写成的封面(1928年)而闻名
    American playwright noted for The Front Page(1928), which he cowrote with Ben Hecht.
  • 剧作来到村里,住了下来,并结识了一位老农民。
    The playwright came to the village, stayed and struck up an acquaintance with an old peasant.
  • 剧作在这一场里写了些不寻常的东西,但一点也没有刻意造作的迹象。
    The playwright does something remarkable in this scene, but without any impression of straining after an effect.
  • 一个著名的剧作写了一部长剧,说明像我这种年龄的人已经是不中用了。
    A famous playwright wrote a long play to show that people of my age were on the shelf.
  • 英奇,威廉·拉尔夫1860-1954英国高级教士和作,因其充满悲观论调的传道和文章而被称为“忧伤教长”
    American playwright whose dramas explored the hopes and fears of small-town Midwesterners. His play Picnic(1953) won a Pulitzer Prize.
  • 格兰维尔,哈雷·格朗维尔1877-1946英国演员、剧作、剧院经理和评论,尤以其作品和对莎士比亚作品的评论而闻名
    British actor, playwright, theater manager, and critic particularly noted for his productions and criticism of the works of Shakespeare.
  • 事实上最错误的想法莫过于认为莎士比亚既然是个演员,他就没有资格充当剧作
    Nothing is in fact falser than the idea that, because Shakespeare was an actor, he was disqualified as a playwright.
  • 奥斯本,约翰·詹姆斯生于1929英国剧作,“愤怒的年轻人”组织的一员,因其第一部剧作愤怒的回顾(1956年)而享有盛名
    British playwright and member of the Angry Young Men who is best known for his first play, Look Back in Anger(1956).
  • 不过基德和马洛的胜利却向这位剧作表可以用别的方式博得观众的喝采。
    The triumph of Kyd and Marlowe had, however, shown the playwright that the applause of audiences could be won in other ways.
  • 这位剧作虽然没有进过牛津或剑桥,写起剧来却无疑可以与最有学问的那些人媲美,甚至超过他们。
    The playwright who had been neither to Oxford nor to Cambridge undoubtedly did these things as well as the most scholarly, even better than they.
  • 阿里斯托芬雅典剧作,被认为是最伟大的古典讽刺喜剧作。现存的剧本有云(公元前423年)和吕西斯特拉特(公元前411年)
    Athenian playwright considered to be the greatest ancient writer of satirical comedy. Among his surviving plays are The Clouds(423) and Lysistrata(411).
  • 他用似是而非的遁词为他的教义作辩护,说政治必须象世人那样活着。
    He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen mustlive as the world lives.
  • 班府上全上这一个晚上大致都过得很高兴。
    The evening altogether passed off pleasantly to the whole family.
  • 有些作象乞丐的衣服满是跳蚤,时常使读者感到快乐的激动。
    Some authors provoke their readers constantly and pleasantly like a beggar's coat full of fleas.
  • 递给他满满一杯绿色的浓饮料。他津津有味地喝下去。
    He was handed a glass filled with a thick, green liquid. It slipped down pleasantly enough.
  • 这些具摆放得悦目而和谐.
    The arrangement of the furniture formed a pleasing ensemble.
  • 我和一个有趣的伙在一起。
    I was yoked to a pleasing fellow.
  • 他的愉快感染了大
    he puts duty before pleasure.
  • 举行了公民投票以决定国的命运.
    A plebiscite was held to decide the fate of the country.
  • 举行了公民投票以决定国的命运。
    A plebiscite is held to decide the fate of the country.
  • 具有极权的外交家
    A diplomat with plenary powers.
  • 为什么管子工挣的钱比科学要多呢?
    Why is it that a plumber can earn more than a scientist?
  • 由于森喜朗的民意大幅下滑,最近几次的民调均显示森喜朗的支持度不到两成,再加上自民党内发生严重分歧,因此民众对森喜朗领导国的能力仍有怀疑。
    But with his popularity plummeting- under 20 percent in recent opinion polls- and deep divisions in his Liberal Democratic Party, doubts remained over Mori's ability to lead the nation.
  • 总部设在芝加哥的杂志说,他们公开招募女模特是为那些有可能在安然破产案中失业的员工提供第二次就业机会,因为安然公司,这个昔日金融界的骄子如今已经沦落成为美国历史上惨遭破产的最大一公司。
    The Chicago-based magazine said the open call for models is a second chance for Enron Corp. employees who may have lost their jobs as the one-time Wall Street darling plummeted into the largest U.S. bankruptcy in history.
  • 松鸡松鸡科的狩猎禽中的一种,身体肥胖,貌似鸡,主要产于北半球,生有带斑点的褐色或灰色羽毛
    Any of various plump, chickenlike game birds of the family Tetraonidae, chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere and having mottled brown or grayish plumage.
  • 这位作者剽窃著名作的作品。
    This writer plundered from famous authors.
  • 海盗,海上劫掠者未受任何主权国委派的海上抢劫或从海上来到陆地上抢夺的人
    One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.
  • 由于近来阿根廷遭遇严重的经济危机,货币贬值造成该国商品进口数量急剧下降,假发制造厂也被切断了货源,于是数以百计的贫苦阿根廷人为了糊口,纷纷将自己的头发卖给假发制造厂。
    Hundreds of poor Argentines have turned to selling their hair to a wig factory to survive a huge economic crisis, taking advantage of a plunging currency that priced imports out of the market.
  • 华文知识分子与文化精英的代表人物,必须是世界性的、多元文化的、思想开放的,学者如杜维明与余秋雨、艺术如潘受与陈瑞献都是典型例子。
    The leading Chinese intellectual and cultural elite is necessarily cosmopolitan, pluralistic, and open-minded. Convincing role models are scholars such as Du Weiming and Yu Qiuyu and artists such as Pan Shou and Chen ruixian.