  • 她把衣服晾来晒干以前先把它们拧干。
    She wrung out the clothes before hanging them up to dry.
  • 他脸上的线条僵住了,眼里闪拼搏的光,更加满不在乎地打量着四周的一切。
    The lines of his face hardened, and into his eyes came a fighting light.
  • 让我们拿精神来吧,要记得:最难忍受的不幸是决不会来临的(不幸)。
    Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.
  • 让我们拿精神来吧,要记得:最难忍受的不幸是决不会来临的(不幸)。
    Let us be of good cheer, remember that the misfortune hardest to bear is those which never come.
  • 他们比赫克博士更实际,他们将避免做企图公开违背国际团结的事来。
    Being more hardheaded than Dr.Heck, they will avoid attempting to fly in the face of international unity.
  • 我几乎很少出去过。
    I hardly go out.
  • 几生产不比这更好的东西。
    This can hardly be improved on.
  • 三氮污染在全国各地区均较突,矿化度和总硬度超标主要分布在东北、华北、西北和西南等地区,铁和锰超标主要在东北和南方地区。
    The pollution of nitrogen is rather significant in various regions in the whole country. The unattainment of mineralization and total hardness is mainly located in north-east, north China, north-west and south-west regions. The unattainment of iron and manganese is mainly located in north-east and south regions.
  • 产深色木材的几种硬木的任意一种。
    any of several hardwood trees yielding very dark-colored wood.
  • 你所付的一切将会得到上帝的报答,上帝是公平的。
    Your hardworking will be rewarded by God one day. God is equal to everyone!
  • 勤劳的人们已创建起美好的世界,而沿着他们生活道路前进的人们将会比他们做得更加色。
    The wonderful world has been built up by hardworking men, and those who follow them along life's road will improve on their efforts.
  • 产于美利奴的健壮的绵羊,产高质量的肉食和羊毛。
    hardy sheep developed from the Merino producing both good mutton and fine wool.
  • 他们出去打野兔了。
    They went hunting for hares.
  • 猎人守候着兔子从洞里来。
    The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow.
  • 狗把兔赶出矮树丛。
    The dog roused a hare from the bushes.
  • 一个人拍打灌木丛驱猎物,另一人则把被驱的野兔逮住。
    On one beat the bush and another caught the hare.
  • 那猎人用猎犬赶一只野兔。
    The hunter used a dog to put up a hare.
  • 他把公司中的他拥有的股票全部卖掉后国了。
    He sold out his hare of the business and went abroad.
  • 一遇到难题,就提枝节问题把话题扯开去。
    Whenever he got in a difficulty he would start a hare.
  • 朱利安又提了一个愚蠢的筹款计划。
    Julian came up with another of his hare-brained schemes for raising money.
  • 猎犬嗅了兔子的气味,便开始跟踪追赶。
    The hound picked up the hare's smell and started to chase after it.
  • 天主说:“你做了什么事?听着!你弟弟流的血从地上向我哭诉。”
    The Lord said,‘What have you done? Hark! Your brother's blood that has been shed is crying out to me from the ground.'
  • 爵士音乐历史中这个时期的主要人物是新泽西州生的钢琴家杰姆·约翰逊。他常在纽约城最大的黑人区哈莱姆演奏。
    The main figure in this period of jazz history was James P. Johnson, a pianist from New Jersey who played in Harlem, the largest Negro section of New York City.
  • 当克林顿不外旅行时(约有一半时间),他通常呆在查帕阔,坐专车去哈勒姆的办公室上班,然后,总是在晚上回到住处。
    When he's not traveling (about half the time), Clinton stays in Chappaqua and rides 45 minutes to his Harlem office in a SUV driven by the Secret Service, always returning at night.
  • 美国东南部大型的无毒蛇;常没于农场。
    large harmless snake of southeastern United States; often on farms.
  • 通过协定如果其他当事人不庭的话我将免于承担法律责任
    Under the agreement, I would be held harmless if the other parties defaulted.
  • 底比斯城如今只能勾起卡德摩斯和哈耳摩尼亚的无限伤感。他们弃城走,投奔了安奇里亚人。那里的人们热情地接待了他们,并拥戴卡德摩斯为王。
    Cadmus and Harmonia quitted Thebes, now grown odious to them, and emigrated to the country of the Enchelians, who received them with honor and made Cadmus their king.
  • 1958年,他成为纽约爱乐乐团的音乐指挥——第一位领导一个第一流交响乐团、生在美国的常任指挥。
    In 1958, he became music director of the New York Phil- harmonic the first American-born conductor to head a top symphony orchestra.
  • 被敲时发和谐的鸣声
    To sound with a harmonious ring when struck.
  • 出纳员以身殉职。
    The cashier died in harness.
  • 给那匹小马套上马具,我们要坐车去逛逛。
    Harness the pony and we will go for a ride in the cart.
  • 高尔夫球中可以继续比赛的球位;那个棒球迷伸了手,指了一个被判为可以继续比赛的犯规动作;球场已经可以比赛了;大键琴音乐很容易演奏——p·h·朗。
    a playable lie in golf; the baseball fan reached out and caught a foul that was judged playable; the ball field was playable; harpsichord music is readily playable- P.H.Lang.