  • 马蒂亚斯,罗伯特·布鲁斯生于1930美国运动员,曾获两届奥运会十项全能冠军(1948和1952年)
    American athlete who won two consecutive Olympic gold medals in the decathlon(1948 and1952).
  • 位填充--在传输端,每遇到5个续的1就插入一个0。
    Bit stuffing - inserts a 0 any time five consecutive 1s are encountered at transmitting end.
  • 总理、副总理、国务委员续任职不得超过两届。
    The Premier, Vice-Premiers and State Councillors shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
  • 这所大学答应给我续两年的联邦资助,每年2万美元。
    A university has promised me a federal grant of $ 20 000 per year for two consecutive years.
  • 付给一定时期内阅读续发行的报纸或杂志的费用。
    a payment for consecutive issues of a newspaper or magazine for a given period of time.
  • 街区城镇中沿着续的街道两边的呈长方形的地段
    A usually rectangular section of a city or town bounded on each side by consecutive streets.
  • 衰退经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个续季度的社会总产品净值的下降
    An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.
  • 但你肯定知道,极少有运动员能续获得奥运冠军。
    However, you must be aware of the fact that few can be a consecutive champion at Olympics.
  • 工业企业实现利润在续几年较大幅度增加的基础上继续快速增长。
    The profits of industrial enterprises maintained fast growth following the high increase over the past consecutive years.
  • 在边缘或边界的邻接。例如,不间断的续的一串存储单元。
    Touching or joining at the edge or boundary. For example, an unbroken consecutive series of storage locations.
  • 美国在1932年似乎也经历过同样的困境,但那不是孤立事件,而是续4年的灾难的一部分。
    But what happened in 1932 wasn't in isolation; it was part of four consecutive years of catastrophe.
  • 第四,中国农业续三年大丰收,粮食储备充裕。
    Lastly, China's agriculture has reaped good harvests for three consecutive years, and grain reserves are ample.
  • 迄今,“长征”系列运载火箭共实施了63次发射;1996年10月至2000年10月,“长征”系列运载火箭已续21次发射成功。
    Up to now, the "Long-March" rockets have accomplished 63 launches, and made 21 consecutive successful flights from October 1996 to October 2000.
  • 元音续在续的音节中两个紧密相的元音中间轻微的停顿,例如在reality和naive中
    A slight pause that occurs when two immediately adjacent vowels in consecutive syllables are pronounced, as in reality and naive.
  • 作为一个单元传送的一组续机器字中的一部分,特别是针对输入和输出而言。
    A subdivision of a group of consecutive machine words transferred as a unit, particularly with reference to input and output.
  • 中国女队两年前在日本被朝鲜联队打败。而在此之前,中国女队曾续八次夺得世界冠军。
    China had won the women's title eight consecutive times before being toppled in Japan by United Korea two years ago.
  • 因此,形成了敌占区年的歉收和今年严重的灾荒。
    As a result there have been consecutive crop failures there over the past few years and a serious famine this year.
  • 起诉状,答辩状在法律程序中,分别由原告、被告或检举人和被检举人所做的续的供述、辩解和反辩解
    The consecutive statements, allegations, and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, in a legal proceeding.
  • 一般上,如果续三个月往同个方向转变,是经济正转向的征兆。
    As a general rule, turning points in the economy are signaled by three consecutive months of LEI changes in the same direction.
  • 现在下种间苗已经完毕,只要雨水及时,不致形成续性的灾荒。
    Now the work of sowing and thinning out seedlings has ended, and with timely rainfall, there will be no consecutive natural disaster.
  • 高凤莲是八十年代世界上唯一续三次夺得世界柔道锦标赛重量级(72公斤以上级)冠军的女运动员。
    Gao Fenglian is the only female athlete in the world who had won heavyweight championships at three consecutive World Judo championships in the 1980s.
  • 1983年至1986年,全国续三年开展的“严厉打击刑事犯罪活动”都把毒品犯罪作为重点。
    In the three consecutive years from 1983 to 1986, China launched a nationwide campaign to crack down on criminal offenses, targeted mainly at drug-related crimes.
  • 一种机器,操作员续按动键盘上的键时,在纸上或类似的材料上产生类似印刷的正文。
    A machine designed to product print-like text on paper or similar material as a result of an operator manually depressing keys consecutively on a keyboard.
  • 每箱均须标印唛头t。&co。/tokio,同时加上续编号。
    Mark the cases T.&Co./TOKIO. and number consecutively.
  • 编…页码标出续的张或页的数字(比如一本书)
    To number consecutively the pages or leaves of(a book, for example).
  • 编张数号给一本书或一本手稿标出续页码的过程
    The process of numbering consecutively the leaves of a book or manuscript.
  • 可为一系列作者使用多个这样的标记,但它们必须续放置。
    You can have multiple author tags for a list of authors, but they must be placed consecutively.
  • 在分布式处理控制执行程序(dpcx)中,一串重复的数据行,在全屏幕格式或全屏幕画面上作为一个组。
    In DPCX, a series of lines repeated consecutively as a set on a full-screen form or full-screen panel.
  • 字符识别中的一种情形,其中同一行上两个续打印字符的字符间隔参考线的间距小于指定的距离。
    In character recognition, a condition in which the characters spacing reference lines of two consecutively-printed characters printed on the same line are separated by less than a specified distance.
  • 此后,中国续五年都在联大第一委员会提出上述“两案”,均获协商一致通过。
    Subsequently, for five years China had presented these two proposals to the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, and they had been adopted by consensus.
  • 洗衣粉广告里的小男孩都知道“哥哥的旧衣”不能穿,可见坡人多重视新衣。
    Even the little boy in the TV commercial for detergents tells you that his elder brother's old clothes "aren't fit to wear", apparently a consensus among Singaporeans.
  • 问题是单一的应用模型和以后续不断的升级模式对客户和供应商已经失控。
    The problem is that the monolithic application model and consequent continual incremental upgrade pattern has gotten out of hand for both consumer and vendor.