  • 一条白鲸每游半里就得浮出水面换气,而巴芬湾的未冻水域还有13里之遥。
    A beluga needs to surface for air about every half mile; free flowing water was more than 13 miles away in Baffin Bay.
  • 布什总统说上星期那次有争议的美战机对巴格达附近的袭击是成功的但有几个“聪明”的导弹没有击中目标。
    President Bush insisted that last week's controversial raids by U.S. and British jets near Baghdad were successful although some "smart" bombs missed their targets.
  • 往南里之处,埋葬着《旧约》中的先知以斯拉。在遥远的东方地平线上,幼发拉底河与底格里斯河在巴格达以南里处一片肥沃的平原上交汇。根据古老的创世传说,这里便是伊甸园。
    Thirty miles to the south,Ezra,the Old Testament prophet,is buried,while on the far eastern horizon,the Euphrates and Tigris 2 rivers meet,310 miles south of Baghdad,in a lush plain that the oldest creation legends hailed as the Garden of Eden.
  • 起初,她声称,所有的生物制剂和武器都已在1991年战争结束后的最初几个月内被销毁,而丝毫没有提及巴格达以西80里处的秘密细菌战工厂。那里的工作是在她的监督下展开的。
    At first she claimed that all biological agents and weapons had been destroyed in the first few months after the 1991 war, and made no mention of the secret germ warfare factory 80 miles west of Baghdad, where work was carried on under her supervision.
  • 邮政支票现在用一张支票加上一张邮政支票卡(第一次取款时可免验邮政支票卡)可以从欧洲大多数地方、地中海周围地区以及香港、巴哈马群岛和日本的9万家邮局支取相当于100镑的当地货币。
    Post checks Each check, when accompanied by a post checks card (included free with your first order of checks) can now be used to draw up to £ 100 in local currency from 90 , 000 post offices in most of Europe and around the Mediterranean as well as Hong Kong, the Bahamas and Japan.
  • 潜水员安德烈·巴拉诺夫斯基说:"我们喜欢在水底庆祝新年。"他和其他队友在西伯利亚贝尔加湖的冰层底下种了一棵55尺高的装饰树。贝尔加湖是世界上最深的湖。
    "We like to celebrate the New Year underwater," said Andrei Baranovsky, one of a team of divers who planted a decorated tree 55 feet below the ice on Siberia's Lake Baikal, the world's deepest lake.
  • 她为他偿还了3,000镑的债务,使其摆脱困境。
    She pay 3,000 to bail him out.
  • 为某人付了3,000镑保释金
    To stand bail of £3, 000 for someone
  • 她为他偿还了3,000镑的债务,使其摆脱困境。
    She paid £3,000 to bail him out.
  • 被告的兄弟出了500镑把他保释出来。
    The accused's brother paid 500 pounds to bail him out.
  • 在二千尺高度从飞机中跳伞。
    Bail out of an airplane at an elevation of 2000 feet.
  • 昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85,000镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。
    The Old Bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a London bank and rob it of £ 85 , 000.
  • 如果你能在工作日回来的话,可以便宜50磅。
    Yes. If you could fly bake on a weekday, it's 50 pounds less.
  • 余额有10镑的计算失误.
    The balance is 10 out.
  • 作为硬汉及好莱坞动作片的雄偶像,席维斯·史泰龙扮演的两个主要角色,已成为美国文化词典中的一部分。洛奇,一位无名的拳击手,战胜了所有劲敌,最终夺得冠军;兰搏,一名勇敢的斗士,擅长于执行激烈的营救任务与复仇行动。
    An icon of machismo and Hollywood \action heroism, Sylvester Stallone is responsible for creating two characters who have become a part of the American cultural lexicon: Rocky Balboa, the no-name boxer who overcame all odds to become a champion, and John Rambo, the courageous soldier who specialized in violent rescues and revenge.
  • 海泽,这位现年60岁的已经谢顶的老教师,在这起二战后德国历史上最严重的古腾堡校园枪击案中勇地挺身而出,控制了年轻的凶手,让他从疯狂的状态中清醒过来,从而避免了更多的伤亡,因而被人们视为雄。
    Heise, balding and 60, has emerged as the hero of Germany's worst postwar massacre for the way he seized the initiative from the young gunman, shaking him out of his frenzied trance and preventing yet more deaths at Erfurt's Gutenberg high chool.
  • 他们为电影《漂亮女人》演唱的配乐情歌《这一定是爱》于1990年4月成为乐队第三首位居美国排行榜冠军的曲目,并成为国排行榜季军。
    The ballad It Must Have Been Love,which was used on the soundtrack of the movie Pretty Woman,became the band's third US chart-topper in April 1990,and also reached UK number 3.
  • 《格萨尔王传》是藏族民间艺人创作、加工并一直作为口头说唱艺术在民间流传的雄史诗,被西藏自治区列为重点研究课题,并设立专门机构进行抢救、整理有关研究机构已收集民间艺人传唱资料录音5000多盘,录像数百盘。
    The popular "Life of King Gesar," the oral epic of the Tibetan people handed down for generations by ballad singers, has been included in the Region's key research projects, with a special institute founded to take charge of collecting more than 5,000 cassettes and several hundred video tapes dealing with the epic.
  • 马尔科娃,艾丽西亚生于1910国女芭蕾舞演员,尤以她在莱奥尼德·马辛的吉塞尔中的精彩表演闻名
    British ballerina known especially for her performance in L閛nide Massine's Giselle.
  • 妮内特·德瓦卢瓦夫人在国创建了芭蕾舞团,而当时的国人从未接触过芭蕾舞。
    Dame Ninette established ballet in a Britain that had no ballet tradition.
  • 她的皇家芭蕾舞学校是式芭蕾舞的摇篮,她的舞蹈团最终发展成科文特加登的著名皇家芭蕾舞团。
    Her Royal Ballet School became the cradle4 of an English ballet style,and her dance company evolved5 into the renowned6 Royal Ballet of Covent Garden7.
  • 1963年她辞去国皇家芭蕾舞团团长一职。
    She stepped down13 as director of the Royal Ballet in 1963.
  • 他乘汽球飞了几百里。
    He flew hundreds of miles in a balloon.
  • 你好!我是里斯·济慈。
    Hi! I'm Morris Keats.
  • 内华达河前苏联欧洲部分西北部的河流,由拉多加湖流至波罗的海的伸出部分芬兰湾,流程约74公里(46里)
    A river of northwest European U.S.S.R. flowing about74 km(46 mi) from Lake Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland, an arm of the Baltic Sea.
  • 奥德河一条欧洲中部的河流,流程约904公里(562里),从捷克斯洛伐克中北部,经过波兰和德国流入波罗的海。它是东欧的一条主要水上通道
    A river of central Europe flowing about904 km(562 mi) from north-central Czechoslovakia through Poland and Germany to the Baltic Sea. It is a major waterway of Eastern Europe.
  • 从这里去巴尔特摩有多少里呢?
    How many miles is Baltimore here?
  • 埃塞克斯郡格兰东北的一个郡,是位于马里兰郊区的一个手工业区。人口40,872
    A community of northeast Maryland, a manufacturing suburb of Baltimore. Population,40, 872.
  • 他们在多米尼加拥有12350亩的香蕉种植园。
    They hold 12350 acres of banana plantations in Dominica.
  • 国商标)一种有弹性的绷带。
    (British trademark) an elastic bandage.
  • 我在酒店的角子老虎机上赢得了6镑。
    I won six pounds on the pub's one-armed bandit.
  • 幸而,纽约及新泽西州州长没有兴趣附和这项致命的决定(增加公路行车速度到每小时65里)。很多其他州向卡车业游说势力低头并向那些草菅人命的人让步,真是一个悲剧。
    The governors of New York and New Jersey have no interest in jumping on this deadly bandwagon (increasing highway speed limit to 65 mph), fortunately. It's a tragedy so many other states are caving in to the trucking lobby and the to-hell-with-human-life crowd.