  • 具有高度观赏向头状序的麦草,有精美的绢状长芒;北美和亚洲东北。
    barley grown for its highly ornamental flower heads with delicate long silky awns; North America and northeastern Asia.
  • 但是在无亲缘物种,如稻子和大麦的基因组中也存在这种基因。因此它有可能存在于大多数的显植物中。
    But the gene is also present in the genome of unrelated species such as rice and barley, so it probably exists in most flowering plants.
  • 有柄;有柄藤壶是通过肉足或者柄附在底部的。
    a pedunculate flower; a pedunculate barnacle is attached to the substrate by a fleshy foot or stalk.
  • 我认为是,由“淡雅”逐渐改变为“俏”。
    I'd say there is gentle move away from the simple to the baroque.
  • 装有栅栏的监狱单人牢房;鸟的斑羽毛。
    Barred prison cells; barred plumage on a bird.
  • 酒店或酒吧里通常供应生。
    Peanuts are often served in pubs and bars.
  • 一堵高墙挡住了去园的路。
    A high wall bars the way into his garden.
  • 殖民者以印布交换印地安人的土地。
    The colonists bartered calico for Indian land.
  • 桂:如果你们要用棉易货,我们需要和我们公司的其它部门联系一下。
    We need to consult the other department of our corporation if you decide to barter with cotton.
  • 拥有任何其他物品,便仅仅是拥有这一具体物品。如果你不想要这件物品而想要另一件物品,你首先要把它卖掉,或者如果可能的话,费很多事,很多时间寻找持有你想要的物品并愿意和你进行物物交换的人。
    To possess any other article of wealth, is to possess that particular thing,and nothing else: if you wish for another thing instead of it,you have first to sell it, or to submit to the inconvenience and delay (if not the impossibility) of finding some one who has what you want, and is willing to barter it for what you have.
  • 塑像、彩色玻璃窗、瓣格子窗、蔓藤饰、齿形装饰、斗拱、浮雕之类,建筑艺术可依照它认为合适的对数,尽情发挥其想象力,并加以排列组合。
    Statues, stained glass, rose windows, arabesques, denticulations, capitals, bas-reliefs,--she combines all these imaginings according to the arrangement which best suits her.
  • 瓣爪某些瓣或萼片狭长、柄状的基部
    The narrowed, stalklike basal part of certain petals or sepals.
  • 颖片禾草类的小穗状的两个禾壳状的基部苞片之一
    One of the two chaffy basal bracts of a grass spikelet.
  • 热带产的主要是草本的科,叶基生或似苞片,小。
    family of chiefly tropical herbs with basal leaves like bracts and small flowers.
  • 岩菖蒲属的一种植物,具有线形的基生叶和小的穗状
    a plant of the genus Tofieldia having linear chiefly basal leaves and small spicate flowers.
  • 美国东部毛茛科的一种高草本植物,具有大的基生叶和白色瓣的
    tall perennial of the eastern United States having large basal leaves and white summer flowers.
  • 浓密的多毛的多年生的植物,有三角形的叶子和圆锥序的玫瑰紫色的
    densely hairy perennial having mostly triangular basal leaves and rose-purple flowers in panicled clusters.
  • 北美洲的一种多年生植物,具有多毛的羽状基叶,紫色的朵,果实顶端有宿存的羽毛状柱。
    North American perennial with hairy basal pinnate leaves and purple flowers and plume-tipped fruits.
  • 水杨梅属植物中的任何一种,通常具有羽状的基叶和不同颜色的
    any of various perennials of the genus Geum having usually pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers.
  • 南美洲的秋海棠,有纤维性根,基生叶上有突出的裂片、像天使的翅膀,总状序、珊瑚红色。
    South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers.
  • 钓钟柳一种长年生的茎细有成簇状且浓密的叶子和蓝色或白色钟状的植物(圆叶风铃草风铃草属)
    A perennial plant(Campanula rotundifolia) having slender stems, dense clusters of basal leaves, and bell-shaped blue or white flowers.
  • 一种杂草,具有羽状半裂的基叶和小白构成的细小总状序,继之的是一个籽的有翼短角果。
    annual herb having pinnatifid basal leaves and slender racemes of small white flowers followed by one-seeded winged silicles.
  • 岩扇属的任何一种植物;多年生草本常绿植物,叶基生、平滑而坚韧,美丽、单生、白色。
    any plant of the genus Shortia; evergreen perennial herbs with smooth leathery basal leaves and showy white solitary flowers.
  • 生于美国西部具球茎的一个植物属,叶基生,色各种各样;有时归入葱科。
    genus of western United States bulbous plants with basal leaves and variously colored flowers; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae.
  • 报春属任何一种短茎植物,具有簇生基生叶和丛生的伞状序和头状序的绚丽的朵。
    any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads.
  • 一种草本植物,有基生叶和多叶、有毛的茎,单生,有白色或乳白色的边;生在美国西北部。
    herb with basal leaves and leafy hairy stems bearing solitary flower heads with white or pale cream rays; northwestern United States.
  • 北美西部的一种植物,具有木质根茎、成簇的、挺直的草状基生叶,穗状、乳白色的
    plant of western North America having woody rhizomes and tufts of stiff grasslike basal leaves and spikes of creamy white flowers.
  • 一个矮生草本植物大属;广泛分布于整个热带和温带,叶基生,圆锥序,开略带紫色短暂
    large genus of low-growing herbs; widespread throughout tropical and warm temperate regions having usually basal leaves and panicles of purplish ephemeral flowers.
  • 水杨梅一种多年生草本植物中的一种,蔷薇科水杨梅属有羽状基叶,呈各种颜色,含多个雌蕊
    Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Geum in the rose family, having often pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers with many pistils.
  • 七筋菇属的任何一种温带百合科植物,叶基生、宽阔,白色、淡黄色或略带紫色,浆果蓝色或黑色。
    any temperate liliaceous plant of the genus Clintonia having broad basal leaves and white or yellowish or purplish flowers followed by blue or black berries.
  • 羊耳蒜,双叶兰多种羊耳兰和叶兰属的小型陆生兰中的一种,通常有一对叶片,顶端有一簇发绿或发紫色的
    Any of numerous small terrestrial orchids of the genera Liparis and Listera, having usually two basal leaves and a terminal cluster of greenish or purplish flowers.
  • 北欧或北美的一种罕见的沼泽兰,单一,从白色到紫色,笔直的茎呈微红色,茎顶部有紫色斑点。
    rare north temperate bog orchid bearing a solitary white to pink flower marked with purple at the tip of an erect reddish stalk above 1 basal leaf.