  • 过去的十年里,雨后春笋冒出了许多百万富翁。
    Many millionaires have sprung up in the last ten years.
  • 柳穿鱼一种如杂草蔓生的多年生草本植物(柳穿鱼),产于欧亚大陆,长有狭长叶,开有绚丽的长花距的黄色和橙色花朵的总状花序
    A weedy, perennial herb(Linaria vulgaris) native to Eurasia, having narrow leaves and racemes of showy, long-spurred yellow and orange flowers.
  • 间谍们一都训练得严守秘密,而且他们一都会那么做,所以说真正的间谍故事是极其少见的,就我个人来说,还没看过一本读起来真正让人感觉真实的间谍故事。
    Spies are trained to keep their mouths shut and they don't often lose the habit.That's why true spy stories are extremely rare, and personally I have never seen one in print that rang completely true.
  • 那老人把文瑞克抱在怀里摇了一会儿,之后他睁开了眼睛,正视着我,以一种坚定的命令的口气说:“你好好照看这孩子。”
    The old man rocked and cradled Erik in his arms for a moment, and then his eyes opened arid set squarely on mine. He said in a firm commanding voice, "You take care of this baby."
  • 公鹿的角生小树枝的短叉。
    The antlers of stags give off short tines like twigs.
  • 从宗教的、哲学的和一意识形态的观点对共产主义提出的种种责难,都不值得详细讨论了
    The charges against Communism made from a religious, a philosophical, and, generally, from an ideological standpoint, are not deserving of serious examination.
  • 不但应当了解马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林他们研究广泛的真实生活和革命经验所得出的关于一规律的结论,而且应当学习他们观察问题和解决问题的立场和方法。
    It is not just a matter of understanding the general laws derived by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin from their extensive study of real life and revolutionary experience, but of studying their standpoint and method in examining and solving problems.
  • 用于短裙或长袍的精细(一较硬)的网。
    a fine (often starched) net used for veils or tutus or gowns.
  • 侍者:中式筵席一都由冷盘开始。
    A Chinese dinner party usually starts with cold dishese.
  • 地说,具有战略眼光的政治家,只能产生于大国,而小国由于地域的局限,不需要有全球战略,因而难以产生国际级的政治奇才。
    Normally, statesmen with a strategic vision are the product of large countries. Restricted by their geography, small countries have little need for global strategies, and therefore can hardly produce statesmen of international stature.
  • 为了实行速决,一应不打驻止中之敌,而打运动中之敌。
    In general, to achieve quick decision, we should attack a moving and not a stationary enemy.
  • 华盛顿的塑像和真人一大小。
    The statue of Washington was as large as life.
  • 税收刑事法一分为以下三种:
    Criminal statutes are generally divided into one of three categories:
  • 似猫的似猫的,尤指象猫安静或无声无息的
    Resembling a cat, especially in being quiet or stealthy.
  • 冷酷的眼神;像在高空作业的工人一样的钢铁的勇气。
    steely eyes; steely nerves like those of a steeplejack.
  • 他奇迹地引导该国度过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当选。
    He is re- elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster.
  • 但我认为六年强制教育是不完整的措施,实施起来,既不能扭转辍学率,也不能提高一国民的教育水平。
    To me, six years of compulsory education is but a half measure. It would not serve the purpose of stemming school drop-out rates, or raise the educational level of the younger generation.
  • 但我认为六年强制教育是不完整的措施,既不能扭转辍学率,也不能提高一国民的教育水平。
    But to me, six years of compulsory education is but a half measure. It would not serve the purpose of stemming school drop-out rates, or raise the educational level of the country's people.
  • 在西藏,形成于十七世纪并沿用了300多年的法律——《十三法典》、《十六法典》,将人严格划分为三等九级:“上等人”是大贵族、大活佛和高级官员,“中等人”为一僧俗官员、下级军官和上等人的管家等,“下等人”是农奴和奴隶。
    In Tibet the Thirteen-Point Law and Sixteen-Point Law formulated in the 17th century and used for more than 300 years, divided the people strictly into three classes and nine grades: the people of the upper class were big nobles, Grand Living Buddhas and high officials, the people of the intermediate class were ordinary clerical and secular officials, junior officers and stewards of upper class people, and the people of the lower class were serfs and slaves.
  • 用于炖或煮的金属制的锅;一有盖子。
    a metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid.
  • 栅栏村庄一种乡间的村庄,一由被栅栏围住的茅屋组成
    A rural village, typically consisting of huts surrounded by a stockade.
  • 1.证人一是社区中的有威望的人士(银行家、商人、证券经纪人),他们作证的是在交易发生时就纪录在案的交易。
    1. Witnesses tend to be respected individuals in the community (bankers, businessmen, stockbrokers) who are testifying about transactions that are recorded on paper at the time of the transaction.
  • 汽车司机一都遵守新的限速规定吗?
    Are motorists in general stopping within the new speed limits?
  • 遮篷,雨篷,布篷一种顶状的结构物,一由粗帆布或塑料制成,作为遮蔽,用于沿街铺面、窗子、门或甲板的上面
    A rooflike structure, often made of canvas or plastic, that serves as a shelter, as over a storefront, window, door, or deck.
  • 格林教授的报告一完,立刻响起了暴风雨的掌声。
    Scarcely had Professor Green finished his report when stormy applause broke out.
  • “我一看这两行题词就知道,在您眼里,接受您赠书的那位可怜的姑娘确实是不同寻常的,因为我不愿意把这两行字看作是一的恭维话。”
    'I saw straightaway that, in your eyes, the poor girl to whom you had given the book did not belong in the usual category, for I could not bring myself to see the lines simply as a conventional compliment.'
  • 整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻令人惊奇。
    The whole evening seems strangely unreal.
  • 整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻令人生奇.
    The whole evening seemed strangely unreal.
  • 中国古典文化在英美的影响更广。且不提孙子兵法被刻在西点军校的墙上,就连我们一文学爱好者都不太注意的作品,都被涉及。
    Western scholars are not only captured by great writings, such as the thinking of China's renowned military strategist Sun Zi, expounded in the Art of War, and already sculptured on to the walls of United States Military Academy in West Point. They are also interested in lesser known works that Chinese scholars normally do not bother about.
  • 中国古典文化在英美的影响更广。且不提孙子兵法被刻在西点军校的墙上,就连我们一文学爱好者都不太注意的作品,都被涉及。
    Chinese classic culture has greater impact in Britain and the US.Western scholars are not only captured by great writings, such as the thinking of China's renowned military strategist Sun Zi, expounded in the Art of War, and already sculptured on to the walls of United States Military Academy in West Point.They are also interested in lesser known works that Chinese scholars normally do not bother about.
  • 但这是一的方针,还不是具体的方针。
    But this strategy is general, not specific.
  • 他们走马观花地走遍意大利。
    They travel(l)ed like a blue streak through Italy.