  • 民主集中主义的制度,一定要在革命斗争中显出了它的效力,使众了解它是最能发动众力量和最利于斗争的,方能普遍地真实地应用于众组织。
    Democratic centralism can be widely and effectively practised in mass organizations only when its efficacy is demonstrated in revolutionary struggle and the masses understand that it is the best means of mobilizing their forces and is of the utmost help in their struggle.
  • 设计了这些机是为了提高效率。
    These machines have been devised to raise efficiency.
  • 许多事情,比如对学术论文的评价,科学技术人员业务水平的考核,研究计划的制订,研究成果的鉴定,等等,都应该充分发扬民主,走众路线,广泛倾听有关科学技术人员的意见。
    We must give full play to democracy and follow the mass line, trusting the judgement of the scientists and technicians in such matters as the evaluation of scientific papers, the assessment of the competence of professional personnel, the elaboration of plans for scientific research and the evaluation of research results.
  • 这消息使广场上的人欢欣鼓舞。
    The crowds in the square were elated by the news.
  • 这消息使人欢欣鼓舞。
    The crowds were elated by the news.
  • 前几天对天安门事件进行了平反,全国各族人民欢欣鼓舞,大大激发了人民众的社会主义积极性。
    The recent reversal of the verdict on the Tiananmen Incident has elated the people of all of China's nationalities and greatly stimulated mass enthusiasm for socialism.
  • 他在人中挤出一条路。
    He elbowed his way through the crowd.
  • 从人群中挤过去
    to elbow one's way through a crowd
  • 古罗马公民议会古罗马的众集会,有立法或选举的任务
    A popular assembly in ancient Rome having legislative or electoral duties.
  • 腺一个或一细胞或一器官,它们能生产出供身体或体腔使用的分泌液或为了从体内排除出去
    A cell, a group of cells, or an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body or in a body cavity or for elimination from the body.
  • 信奉杰出的一人物统治的人。
    someone who believes in rule by an elite group.
  • 培养族的文化精英,必须是发展新加坡文化精英总蓝图中的一部分,为新加坡增加文化资源。
    Cultivation of an ethnicity-based cultural elite must be achieved as a part of the development of a Singapore cultural elite, and add to the overall cultural resource of Singapore.
  • 那只狐狸躲避那一狗。
    The fox elude the dog.
  • "9·11"之后不久,他把9位劫机犯称为"那伙计",还发誓要把本·拉登"从山洞里面熏出来。
    In the days after September 11, Mr Bush referred to the 19 hijackers as "those folks". When talking of al-Qaeda, he promised to "smoke 'em out".
  • 建立举报制度,设立并公布举报电话、电子信箱,接受众监督和社会监督。
    An offence reporting system will be established with telephone numbers and email address published for public supervision.
  • 六千万就是西南地区人口中百分之九十的基本众,要把他们发动起来,搞土改闹翻身。
    The 60 million referred to the working masses, who accounted for 90 per cent of the population in the Southwest. We had to arouse them to carry out land reform and emancipate themselves.
  • 我们希望各级党委和每个党支部,都来鼓励、支持党员和众勇于思考、勇于探索、勇于创新,都来做促进众解放思想、开动脑筋的工作。
    We hope every Party committee and every Party branch will encourage and support people both inside and outside the Party to dare to think, explore new paths and put forward new ideas, and that they will urge the masses to emancipate their minds and use their heads.
  • 肃清封建主义残余影响,对广大干部和众说来,是一种自我教育和自我改造,是为了从封建主义遗毒中摆脱出来,解放思想,提高觉悟,适应现代化建设的需要,努力为人民作贡献,为社会作贡献,为人类作贡献。
    For most of the cadres and the masses, the process of eliminating surviving feudal influences is a kind of self-education and self-remoulding, which will enable them to free themselves from such influences, emancipate their minds, raise their political awareness, adapt themselves to the needs of our modernization programme and thus make contributions to the people, society and mankind.
  • 不打破思想僵化,不大大解放干部和众的思想,四个现代化就没有希望。
    Our drive for the four modernizations will get nowhere unless rigid thinking is broken down and the minds of cadres and of the masses are completely emancipated.
  • 这就极大地激发了人民众建设新中国和新生活的积极性,解放了社会生产力,使社会经济以中国历史上空前的速度心。
    This fired the people with soaring enthusiasm for building a new China and a new life, emancipated the social productive forces and set the economy on the track of unprecedented growth.
  • 1959年以后,翻身农奴在广大城乡纷纷成立业余歌舞队和藏戏队,以众喜闻乐见的文艺形式,自编自演了众多反映翻身解放后新生活的节目。
    Beginning in 1959, the emancipated serfs set up amateur song and dance and Tibetan opera teams one after another in cities and townships. They composed, wrote and performed a number of programs reflecting the people's new life since the liberation in the forms loved by the masses.
  • 各条战线上的众和干部,都要做解放思想的促进派,安定团结的促进派,维护祖国统一的促进派,实现四个现代化的促进派。
    The masses and cadres in all fields of endeavour should promote the emancipation of the mind, foster stability and unity, support the reunification of the motherland, and strive for the four modernizations.
  • 为了争取中华民族和劳动众的解放,为了使反对民族投降主义的斗争坚决有力,必须反对共产党内部和无产阶级内部的阶级的投降倾向,要使这一斗争开展于各方面的工作中。
    We must fight this tendency inside the Communist Party and the proletariat and extend the fight to all spheres of our work, in order to invigorate the struggle against national capitulationism, and in order to achieve the liberation of the Chinese nation and the emancipation of the toiling masses.
  • 新中国通过这些规模宏大的众运动,仅用了短短几年的时间,就荡涤了几千年封建社会遗留下来的污泥浊水,使妇女在政治、经济、文化、社会和家庭生活各方面都获得了根本性解放。
    By means of these large-scale mass movements, New China took only a few years to clean up the filth and mire left over from a feudal society that had lasted for thousands of years. It effected fundamental emancipation for women in all aspects of political, economic, cultural, social and family life.
  • 这场改革废除了领主、贵族、头人等特权者的一切特权,消灭了人剥削人、人压迫人的旧制度,使千百万少数民族众翻身解放,获得人身自由,成为国家和自己命运的主人。
    This reform abolished all the privileges of the privileged few--feudal lords, nobles and tribal chiefs--and the old system of exploitation and oppression of man by man. As a result, tens of thousands of the minority people won emancipation and personal freedom and became masters of their homelands and their own destinies.
  • 很多众在英国大使馆外面示威。
    Large crowds demonstrated outside the British Embassy.
  • 大学生今天早晨放火烧使馆。
    University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.
  • 学生最后决定去大使馆。
    This the crowd of student finally decides goes the embassy.
  • 学生最后决定去大使馆。
    This group of students finally decided to go to the embassy.
  • 体现了正确路线的方针和政策,变成了众的行动,得到了众的拥护,经过抗日战争时期,党员从三万人发展到一百二十多万人,军队也从三万人发展到一百万人,解放区人口达一亿多。
    Having won the support of the masses, the principles and policies that embody the correct line have been translated into action by the masses. After the War of Resistance Against Japan, the number of Party members jumped from 30,000 to over 1.2 million, the army from 30,000 to one million and the population in the liberated areas to over a hundred million.
  • 他们住在 山环抱的村庄里。
    They live in a village embosomed with hills.
  • 单卵的由一个受精卵或胚胎细胞而派生来的。尤指用于同卵双
    Derived from a single fertilized ovum or embryonic cell mass. Used especially of identical twins.