  • 这次爆炸把那个旧烟囱炸倒了.
    The explosion toppled the old chimney.
  • 一个靠宰杀或肉做包装在市场上做买卖的人。
    a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market.
  • 我送她一条编织的披肩作圣诞礼物。
    I gave her a knitted shawl as a Christmas gift.
  • 我请求她我钩一条围巾。
    I asked her to crochet a shawl for me.
  • 要每日或每周向劳动者预付全部报酬,就必须事先准备好比足够维持现有生产规模更多的资本,将其拨归生产使用。不论劳动者得到多少报酬,总要比精明的奴隶主为了自身利益而予奴隶的报酬要多些。
    In order that the whole remuneration of the labourers should be advanced to them in daily or weekly payments, there must exist in advance, and be appropriated to productive use, a greater stock, or capital, than would suffice to carry on the existing extent of production: greater, by whatever amount of remuneration the labourers receive, beyond what the self-interest of a prudent slave-master would assign to his slaves.
  • 我设法你弄点吃的。
    I'll try and rustle you up something to eat.
  • 英镑急速升值出口商造成困难.
    The pound's rapid appreciation is creating problems for exporters.
  • 谈到圣诞礼物,全家都认为海伦姑妈说到点子上了,那就是送他们一付雪橇。
    As far as Christmas presents were concerned, the family agreed that Aunt Helen had hit the bull's eye by giving them a sledge.
  • 派来调查的警察说,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理撬开来的。
    The policeman who is sent down to examine, says my house has been broken open on the most scientific principle.
  • 他们在他床的四周放上屏风,以便医生他检查。
    They put a screen around his bed so that the doctor could examine him.
  • 派来调查的警察说,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理撬开来的。
    The policeman who was sent down to examine, says me house has been broken open on the most scientific principles.
  • 可不可以我一张开往巴黎的卧车票?
    Can I get a ticket on the sleeper train to Pairs?
  • 我剥一个橘子好吗?
    Would you peel me an orange?
  • 她把面包弄碎,然后喂鸟吃。
    She crumb the bread before feeding it to the birds.
  • 卢卡斯觉察到他的女朋友把他扔了。
    Lucas senses that his girl is running out on him.
  • 三月份,伊丽莎白在肯特郡去看望此时已嫁柯林斯先生的女友夏绿蒂・卢卡斯。
    In March, Elizabeth visits her friend Charlotte Lucas, now married to Mr. Collins, in Kent.
  • 请再给我切一片。
    Please carve me another slice.
  • 请给我切一块蛋糕。
    Please cut me a slice of cake.
  • 请切给我一片火腿。
    Please slice me a piece of ham.
  • 逆消打法予一切或一削,如旋转
    A cut or slice imparting such a spin.
  • 请给我切一块蛋糕。
    Please cut a slice of cake for me.
  • “那么,”少校说,“斯利克,我你一条妙计。”
    "Now," says the major, "I'll give you, Slick, a new wrinkle on your horn."
  • 我们正考虑在这样的事情上他们更多的发言权。
    We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.
  • 当创建幻灯片时,你可以使用幻灯片控制器来设计幻灯片的外观并出一种从头到尾贯穿始终的格式。
    As you create slides, use the slide master to design how your presentation will look and to give it a format that carries through from beginning to end.
  • 那位富翁在遗嘱中什么都没他儿子留下。
    The rich man left his son nothing in the will.
  • 我一卷彩色三十六张的胶卷。
    A 36 exposure roll for color slides, please.
  • 我递他绳子,他接住了。
    I passed him the rope and he took it.
  • 我很抱歉,我现在不能马上把幻灯片你看,因为我把放映机借我岳母了。
    I'm sorry. I can't show you the slides right now because I lent my projector to my mother-in-law.
  • 你办的事不可草草了事。
    Do not slight over the work assigned you.
  • 给我有折扣吗?
    Are there any discount tickets for me?
  • 我一张去芝加哥的单程二等票好吗?
    Can I have a second-class one way ticket to Chicago,please?
  • 我一张离机卡好吗?
    May I have a disembarkation card?