  • 为战胜封锁政府用运进口货物。
    The government brought in goods by air to beat the blockade.
  • 日本用其战斗力颇强的几十个师团的陆军(目前已到了三十个师团)和一部分海军,从陆海两面包围和封锁中国,又用军轰炸中国。
    Japan is using dozens of army divisions of fairly high combat effectiveness (now numbering thirty) and part of her navy to encircle and blockade China from both land and sea, and is using her air force to bomb China.
  • 这辆新车有许多精巧的附加装置,如调和防抱死装置。
    The new car has many added refinements such as air-conditioning and anti- blocking brakes.
  • 门或窗户上的平行的或交错的木条,它可以挡住人的通路却可以让气进来。
    a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a passage but admitting air.
  • 如果腹喝酒,酒精会更迅速地传入你的血液。
    If your stomach is empty, the alcohol will pass into your bloodstream more quickly.
  • 护士必须小心,避免将气注入病人的血流中。
    A nurse has to take care not to inject air into the bloodstream of her patients.
  • 气中有浓郁的花香。
    The smell of blossom weighed down the air.
  • 喷水鲸鱼通过鼻子喷射出满是水的
    To spout moist air from the blowhole. Used of a whale.
  • 他把空气吹入瓶中。
    He was blowing into the bottle.
  • 把吸烟产生的烟雾吹向中。
    blowing tobacco smoke out into the air.
  • 与它的前身蓝调音乐一样,爵士乐是美国第一批真正本土发展的音乐形式之一。但是,爵士乐能进行大胆而不可预测的即兴演绎,这就给了乐手们蓝调音乐所不能提供的宝贵发挥间。
    Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly indigenous musics to develop in America, yet its unpredictable, risky ventures into improvisation gave it critical cache with scholars that the blues lacked.
  • 泄气阀,小龙头用来排或降低压力的一种小阀门或小龙头,如锅炉上的
    A small valve or faucet used to drain or reduce pressure, as from a boiler.
  • 请把这些箱子腾,好装这些书。
    Please empty out these boxes to bold these books.
  • 最大胆的谈家不总是最伟大的实干家。
    The bold talker is not always the greatest doer.
  • 英武的个个昂首挺胸,双手高举,直指天
    the valiant warrior kings, with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven.
  • (一道)闪电照亮了天
    A bolt of lightning lit up the sky.
  • 一道闪电划破夜空
    A lightning bolt split the night sky.
  • 军轰炸了两个城镇。
    The airforce bombed two towns.
  • 空中轰炸
    To bomb from the air.
  • 敌人的狂轰滥炸在这个国家造成了前的死亡和破坏。
    The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
  • 曼梯·里一毕业就入了伍,被分派到陆军航兵第27轰炸队,这个轰炸队在1941年12月7日前两周到达马尼拉。
    Right after graduation, ML enlisted and was assigned to the 27th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Corps. The group arrived in Manila two weeks before Dec.7, 1941.
  • 言过其实的充满洞或虚假的语言;吹牛的
    Full of empty or pretentious language; bombastic.
  • 这座城市有这样强固的防掩蔽网是不可能被炸瘫痪的。
    With such a fortified shelter network the city cannot be bombed out.
  • 一九四一年十二月七日,日本袭珍珠港的美国军舰,正式加入第二次世界大战。
    Japan entered World War II when, on December 7, 1941, its aircraft bombed United States warships at Pearl Harbour.
  • 强烈的风暴吹入热气团内产生激烈爆炸的地区。
    a storm in which violent winds are drawn into the column of hot air rising over a severely bombed area.
  • 军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险任务的各项指示。
    The Air Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.
  • 军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险任务的各项指示。
    The air commodore brief the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.
  • "隐形"飞机一旦装有精确制导炸弹,军就拥有了一种实际上难以摧毁的轰炸机。这种飞机不仅能减少己方的伤亡,而且还能减少敌方平民的伤亡。
    Also,when they were loaded with precision guided bombs,the Air Force would have a practically invulnerable bomber that would not only reduce friendly losses but also reduce the losses of enemy civilians.
  • 轰炸机、机关枪、远射程炮、毒气,是矛的发展;防掩蔽部、钢盔、水泥工事、防毒面具,是盾的发展。
    The bomber, the machine-gun, the long-range gun and poison gas are developments of the spear, while the air-raid shelter, the steel helmet, the concrete fortification and the gas mask are developments of the shield.
  • 袭几乎把这座城镇夷为平地。
    The bombing raid practically leveled the town.
  • 袭过後幸存的建物绝无仅有.
    Few buildings survived the bombing raids intact.
  • 在整个70年代和80年代,军一直在研制更好的轰炸系统。
    The Air Force continued working on better bombing systems throughout the l970s and l980s.