  • 新郎喝了一瓶兰地以使自己有精神应付典礼。
    The bridegroom took a brandy to fortify himself for the ceremony.
  • 小睡小睡,常指在
    A brief sleep, often during the day.
  • 彩蝶,花蝶,纹蝶,纹红蝶多种蝶属和胥属的色彩绚丽的蝴蝶
    Any of various brightly colored butterflies of the genera Limenitis and Vanessa.
  • 早些时候,丽迪雅不顾伊丽莎反对,执意前往布赖顿,那里驻扎着韦翰所在的部队。
    Earlier Lydia has insisted, over Elizabeth's objections, on going to Brighton, where Wickham's regiment is now stationed.
  • 热化高度热情、热烈或辉煌
    A high degree of emotion, intensity, or brilliance.
  • 生产耀眼的白灯
    The brilliant white light so produced.
  • 她两眼闪光,晶莹明亮.可是突然她脸色苍
    Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but soon her face lost its colour.
  • 狮子狗脸的美洲小猎犬,有光滑的斑纹皮毛或黑色带斑点的皮毛。
    small pug-faced American terrier breed having a smooth brindle or black coat with white markings.
  • 宫和新闻界之间的一些相互争斗
    Some bristly exchanges between the White House and the press.
  • 宫和新闻界之间非常敏感的交流;他变得敏感、爱记恨;对他的同事揶揄、刻毒。
    bristly exchanges between the White House and the press; he became prickly and spiteful; witty and waspish about his colleagues.
  • 这只21岁的大猩猩名叫罗米纳,生活在英国西部布里斯托尔动物园的西部低地地区。这只不幸的大猩猩自出生的时候就因患有先天性内障而生活在黑暗之中。
    Romina, a 21-year-old Western lowland gorilla at Bristol Zoo Gardens, west England, had congenital cataracts in both eyes.
  • 北美西部一种小型松树;光滑的灰色树皮,木质脆软;类似于狐尾松。
    small pine of western North America; having smooth gray-white bark and soft brittle wood; similar to limber pine.
  • 作一个明的暗示叫我们离开
    Gave us a broad hint to leave.
  • 吃菜花和圆菜效果最好。
    And broccoli and cabbage were singled out as the most protective foods.
  • 花椰菜十字花科的一种草本植物(芸苔属甘蓝或花椰菜),与洋菜和花茎甘蓝有联系,生有色未充分发育的花朵和有大的可食的花头
    An herb(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) in the mustard family, related to the cabbage and broccoli and having a whitish undeveloped flower with a large, edible head.
  • 敷有碾碎的胡椒籽的肉排,用平底锅烤熟,和兰地酒与黄油沙司一起食用。
    steak covered with crushed peppercorns pan-broiled and served with brandy-and-butter sauce.
  • 身份证或胶卷外面的感光层;包含着悬浮在明胶上面的优质溴化银颗粒。
    a light-sensitive coating on paper or film; consists of fine grains of silver bromide suspended in a gelatin.
  • 长有粉红色或色花朵的一种欧洲植物,当叶子被划破时分泌出有清洁功能的液体。
    plant of European origin having pink or white flowers and leaves yielding a detergent when bruised.
  • 北极色海鸥;冬季向南迁移至英格兰和新不伦瑞克。
    white arctic gull; migrates as far south as England and New Brunswick.
  • 我的心情又好了,我立誓在查比的余生,确保它将以马的货币形式--谷物、糖、刷身、奔跑机会--获得它的奖赏,还有许多的爱。
    My heart light once more,I vowed that for the rest of his days,I was going to make sure Chubby got his reward in horse currency: grain,sugar,brushing,the chance to run and lots of love.
  • 也许目前正在发行的《merdeko》算得上一部。其中二战期间的日本士兵被描述成了印度尼西亚摆脱种人野蛮的殖民统治的英雄。
    Perhaps the current release Merdeka, which paints Japanese World War II soldiers as heroes who save Indonesia from brutish white settlers.
  • 一项由英格兰金汉郡奇特恩斯大学学院的研究者进行的研究发现,以医护工作者为例,如果顶头上司不近人情的话,他们的血压通常就会比平时高出一些。
    A study by researchers at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College in England found that the blood pressure of healthcare assistants was higher when they were supervised by someone they considered unreasonable.
  • 我不明为什么每次他提出不合理的要求时,我总是得让步。
    I don't see why I should have to buckle under every time he makes an unreasonable demand.
  • 前总统克林顿办公室说,克林顿将抱一条新狗回家。他曾说,他的爱犬巴迪之死是他离开宫后发生的最糟的一件事。
    Former President Bill Clinton who said the death of his dog Buddy was the worst thing to happen to him after leaving the White House, is getting a new puppy to his house, his office says.
  • 斑驳的浅黄色和色猫头鹰,常居住在谷仓和其它建筑物中;啮齿动物的重要天敌。
    mottled buff and white owl often inhabiting barns and other structures; important in rodent control.
  • 初次见面时他企图欺骗我,但是我很快就明了他耍的花招。
    He tried to buffalo me at first meeting but I soon caught on to his tricks.
  • 布法罗大学的一项研究表明,饮用葡萄酒似乎对肺部健康有好处,但是在这一方面,主要的功劳应该归功于葡萄酒而不是红葡萄酒。
    Drinking wine appears to be good for the lungs, a University at Buffalo study has shown, and in this case, the primary credit goes to white wine rather than red.
  • 首届上海戏剧玉兰表演艺术配角奖得主。上海市戏曲学校首届昆曲班毕业,工丑角。曾得名丑华传浩、王传凇、周传沧等真传。
    Winner of the First Shanghai Drama Magnolia Minor Role Prize, Liu Yi Long is a graduator of Shanghai Traditional Opera School,mainly acts the buffoon, used to be given instructions by famous buffoons like Hua Chuan-Hao, Wang Chuan-Song and Zhou Chuan-Cang.
  • 迪克自己手起家,装了一台收音机。
    Dick built a radio from scratch.
  • 北美的一种多年生草本,鳞茎细,花带色。
    North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers.
  • 与洋葱同种;色的圆柱形球茎,平的暗绿色叶子。
    related to onions; white cylindrical bulb and flat dark-green leaves.
  • 具有浓密的穗状小花,结药用的球茎。
    having dense spikes of small white flowers and yielding a bulb with medicinal properties.