  • 近来他们一直热衷于演奏硬摇滚。
    Lately they have been getting into hard rock.
  • 由拉丁语生的词,正规的拉丁语散文风格
    A Latinate word; a formal, Latinate prose style.
  • 前者是正的路线,后者是不正的路线。
    The former is the honest and the latter the dishonest way.
  • 自由法学派
    free-law school of law
  • 法院在法律问题上的顾问;经常是有人想影响法律诉讼结果而不是一个党
    an adviser to the court on some matter of law; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit but is not a party to it.
  • 过着正派清白的生活
    Led a clean life.
  • 这家报纸热烈拥护左候选人。
    The newspaper is whooping for leftist candidates.
  • 教宗使节的(罗马教皇的)使节的,受使节遣的或由使节批准授权的
    Of, directed by, or authorized by a legate.
  • 教宗将遣一个使节团到英国。
    The pope would send a legatine commission to England.
  • 由于会费是根据国民生产总值(国产总值)摊的,较为富裕的国家一般付得较多,较穷的国家则付得较少,尽管有些例外情况(例如虽然巴西的人均收入比列支敦士登要低得多,但巴西比列支敦士登付得多,这是因为巴西的国产总值高很多)。
    Since the assessments are based on gross national product (GNP), richer countries generally pay more and poorer countries less, although there are some exceptions (e.g., Brazil pays more than Liechtenstein even though its per capita income is much lower, because its total GNP is much higher).
  • 他对她说的是一谎言, 可她却全部接受.
    He tells her all those lies and she just laps them up.
  • 他的话是一派谎言.
    His story is a tissue of lies.
  • 现在,我谨邀请安子介副主席、霍英东副主席、姜恩柱社长、马毓真特员、刘镇武司令员、特区政府各位同事,以及在场的各位嘉宾共同举杯:为祖国的强大兴盛,为香港的繁荣稳定,为各位朋友的身心健康,乾杯!
    Now, may I invite Vice-Chairman Ann Tze-kai, Vice-Chairman Fok Ying-tung, Mr Jiang Enzhu, Director of the Hong Kong Branch of the Xinhua News Agency, Mr Ma Yuzhen, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the HKSAR, Lieutenant Liu Zhenwu, Commander of the PLA Garrison in Hong Kong, the colleagues of the HKSAR Government and our guests here to join me in a toast to the well-being of our motherland, the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and the excellent health of our guests here.
  • 也救生艇去援救还在下沉的轮船上的水手们。
    The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.
  • 喜欢这个派对吧?
    Liked the party, did you?
  • (语言学)用作生或者屈折形式的基础。
    (linguistics) serving as the basis for derived or inflected forms.
  • 在两人中作中间人的谈判代表。
    a negotiator who acts as a link between parties.
  • 台湾反对正在北京讨论直接三通。
    Taiwan opposition parties in Beijing discussing direct links.
  • 毛泽东在这里所解释的“统一”,是针对国民党反动企图利用“统一”的名义,以消灭共产党领导的抗日武装和抗日根据地的阴谋而提出的。
    Comrade Mao Tse-tung defined unification in order to counter the Kuomintang reactionaries' use of "unification" as a pretext for their schemes to liquidate the Communist-led anti-Japanese armed forces and base areas.
  • 西教会的用或从前用拉丁语作为其礼拜仪式语言的基督教会的,与之有关的,或来自此种教会的
    Of, relating to, or descended from those Christian churches that use or formerly used Latin as their liturgical language.
  • 在师主力部队之前先行出装甲车去侦察敌军的活动。
    Armoured cars were sent ahead of the main body of the division lo spot enemy troop movements.
  • 多麽蠢的话呀!一胡言!
    What a load of cobblers!
  • 杰克被去值夜班,时间从半夜至次日凌晨8时。
    Jack was assigned the lobster shift, from midnight until eight in the morning.
  • 象征逻辑的象征逻辑的或与象征逻辑有关的
    Of or relating to symbolic logic.
  • 目前中国仍有32名军事观察员分别在“联合国中东停战监督组织”、“联合国伊拉克--科威特观察团”、“联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特团”3个维和任务区执行任务。1997年5月,中国政府决定原则上参加联合国维和待命安排,并将在适当时候向联合国维和行动提供军事观察员、民事警察和工程、医疗、运输等后勤保障分队。
    China still has 32 military observers serving with the UNTSO, UNIKOM and MINURSO. In May 1997, the Chinese government decided that in principle China would take part in the UN's stand-by arrangements and would provide military observers, civilian policemen, and engineering, medical, transportation and other logistic service teams in due time for UN peace-keeping operations.
  • 开阔的田野中间不时耸立起两层楼的木造房屋,孤零零的,既没篱笆也没树木遮蔽,好像是即将到来的房屋大军出的前哨。
    Frequently there were two-story frame houses standing out in the open fields, without fence or trees, lone outposts of the approaching army of homes.
  • 尽管反对的坚强核心要求维持原状,但我们仍然希望能够改变规章。
    We lope to be able to change the regulations despite a hard core of objectors who want to leave things as they are.
  • 那个家族拥有一座气的大厦。
    The family owns a lordly mansion.
  • 那种“一人独吞”、“人莫予毒”的头,不过是封建主的老戏法,拿到二十世纪四十年代来,到底是行不通的。
    Such attitudes as "I and I alone will take everything" and "no one dare harm me" are nothing but the old tricks of feudal lords which simply will not work in the Nineteen Forties.
  • 这家公司在落杉矶指了一些他们的代理商。
    The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles.
  • 米诺卡岛位于地中海西部巴利阿里群岛中的一西班牙岛屿,18世纪不同时期被英国和法国曾多次占据,在西班牙内战时它是保皇的基地
    A Spanish island in the Balearics of the western Mediterranean Sea. Held by the British and the French at various times during the18th century, it was a Loyalist stronghold in the Spanish Civil War.
  • 新来的人认为如果老乔治这次没得到提名,他会老老实实地退出竞选,让位于年轻些的假选人。党的头头们却不这样看。
    The newcomers think that if old George didn't get the nomination this time he would loyally stand down and make way for a younger man. The party bosses know different.