  • 另一方面,就算没有政府的密切监督,我也怀疑和我同一代的人,会有什么惊人之举。
    Having said so, I have my doubts as to whether my peers will take any further action in the absence of the watchful eye.
  • 诚然,玛侬是死在荒凉的沙漠里的,但是她是死在一个真心爱她的情人的怀抱里的。玛侬死后,这个情人为她挖了一个墓穴,他的眼泪洒落在她身上,并且连同他的心也一起埋葬在里面了。
    Manon died in a desert, it is true, but in the terms of the man who loved her with all the strength of his soul and who, when she was dead, dug a grave for her, watered it with his tears and buried his heart with her;
  • 据伊普女士和设在香港的沃森·怀亚特(watsonwyatt)的董事莫娜·w·钱(monaw.chan)说,最急需和跳槽倾向最强的是金融、会计、销售和市场营销各部门的人员,还包括那些担任总经理职务的人。
    The people most in demand, and most likely to job hop , are in finance and accounting, sales and marketing , and include those filling general-manager posts, according to Ms.Yip and Mona W. Chan, a director at Watson Wyatt in Hong Kong.
  • 对于党的这样一个重大原则表示任何怀疑和动摇,都是不正确的,都是同中国人民的根本利益相违背的。
    It is incorrect and against the fundamental interests of the Chinese people to have any doubt or to waver to any degree on this important principle of our Party.
  • 怀疑一种疑虑的感情,常导致犹豫不定
    A feeling of doubt that often results in wavering.
  • 她逐渐对同伴心怀不满。
    She began to weary of her companions.
  • 但是让哈瓦一直耿耿于怀的就是当年的那桩婚姻:她在14岁时被迫嫁给了一个自称30岁而实际上"差不多60岁,而且结过两次婚"的男人。当时的情景至今历历在目。
    Her one resentment, still fresh in her mind, was being forced to wed at 14 to a man who claimed to be 30 but was "about 60 and married twice before as well."
  • 她踉踉跄跄地扑进我的怀里,我们都哭了。
    She stumbled into my arms and we wept together.
  • 孩子扑到妈妈怀里,妈妈高兴得流下眼泪。
    The boy threw himself into his mother's arms while she wept for joy.
  • 怀特:那该是什么时候?
    When would that be?
  • 怀疑她是否会出席。
    I doubt whether she will be present.
  • 怀特有四个孙子。
    White has four grandsons.
  • 可能性是可实现的事情,是从成功中分离出的-a.n.怀特黑德。
    possibility is...achievability, abstracted from achievement- A.N.Whitehead.
  • 在怀念中的故乡
    My Native Land For Whom I Yearn
  • 黑熊的生活范围十分广泛,包括加拿大的大部分地区,美国加利福尼亚洲北部的西海岸以南地区,靠近墨西哥的洛基山地区,怀俄明洲、明尼苏达洲的北部;
    Their range is extensive: Most of Canada, south on the West Coast through northern California, in Rocky Mountain states to Mexico, north MN, WI, and MI;
  • 显然,它又去打架了。我怀疑它气管或肺部受到严重损伤。
    He obviously had been in a fight,and I suspected a badly damaged windpipe or lung.
  • 最后他的号中了,把自己所赢的钱揽入怀中。
    At last his number came up, and he raked in his winnings.
  • 拿我们那边几个纵队来说,在第一年打了很多胜仗,去年七月份二十三天消灭敌人九个半旅,可是一到大别山,前后才歼敌四个旅,因此就有个别的人怀疑是否局面变坏了。
    Take our columns there for instance. They won many battles in the first year, wiping out nine and a half enemy brigades over 23 days during July last year. However, when they reached the Dabie Mountains, they annihilated only four enemy brigades in all, so that some people suspected that the situation was taking a turn for the worse.
  • 怀有希望的;表达愿望的
    Having or expressing a wish
  • 他满怀渴望地沉溺于出名的梦想之中。
    he wishfully indulged in dreams of fame.
  • 怀特先生来电话,要跟你讲话。
    Mr.White on the phone, wishing to spesak to you.
  • 姐姐穿上那条裙子一定会很漂亮,他满怀渴望地想着,就像是个天使。
    his sister would have looked beautiful in that dress, he thought wistfully, just like an angel.
  • 他的同事们满怀疑团地听他讲冒险的经过。
    His fellow workers listened to his adventure story with / in disbelief.
  • 此项研究旨在让子宫受损不能怀孕的妇女生育自己的孩子。
    The immediate aim of this work is to help women whose damaged wombs prevent them from conceiving.
  • 怀疑他是否能获奖。
    I'm wondering if he will carry off the prize.
  • 怀疑他是否能获奖。
    I am wondering if he will carry off the prize.
  • 她一刻也没有怀疑过她所爱的人是值得尊重的。
    Not for a moment do she raise the question of the worthiness of the man she love.
  • 哦。……,令人怀念的歌!我去和他一起唱。
    Wow... that song bring back memories. I'll go up and join him.
  • 哦。……,令人怀念的歌!我去和他一起唱。
    Wow... that song brings back memories. I 'll go up and join him.
  • 是的,她的名字叫海伦·怀特,她的汉语说得很好。
    Yes.Her name is Helen Wright.She speaks very good Chinese.
  • 怀特夫人买了一只新的金戒指,让记在她父亲的账上。
    Mrs. Wright bought a new gold ring and charged it to her fater.
  • 随着实用飞行器的成功,怀特兄弟赢得了就得的荣誉。
    With the success of a practical flying machine, the Wright brothers came into their own.