  • “是不是两年前?”“不多。”
    "Was it two years ago?" "There or thereabouts."
  • 不多该写毕业论文了。
    It is time to start work on my thesis.
  • 这样厚的钢板通常公是八分之一寸。
    The usual tolerance for steel plates of this thickness is 1/8 inch.
  • 开始的时候只有三分之一的省干起来,第二年超过三分之二,第三年才不多全部跟上,这是就全国范围讲的。
    Initially, in the country as a whole, only one third of the provinces launched the reform. By the second year, however, more than two thirds of them had done so, and the third year almost all the rest joined in.
  • 第三,美国确定货物原产地所采用的方法,导致双方统计上的异。
    Thirdly, the US method in determining the origin of goods also leads to the discrepancies in the statistics of the two sides.
  • 三是距离帝国主义的影响比较远一点,不比广东接近香港,不多什么都受英国的支配。
    And thirdly, unlike Kwangtung which is close to Hongkong and under British control in almost every respect, Kiangsi is comparatively remote from imperialist influence.
  • 他们因所需推翻否决案的三分之二的票数了六票而受挫。
    They fell six votes short of the two-thirds necessary to reverse the veto.
  • 该提议以一票之而未获学院委员会三分之二通过,男学生仍旧被拒之门外。
    The decision by Fellows of the college fell one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to change the status quo.
  • 我在一个广播电台找到一份好事,孩子们也都能和新环境打成一片。
    I found a good job at a radio station and the children thrived in their new environment.
  • 园区企业网络中高性能lan交换机与通用路由器之间的性能(吞吐量和包处理两方面的性能)距正在拉大。
    The performance gap -- in both throughput and packet processing -- between high performance LAN switches and general-purpose routers in the campus enterprise network is widening fast.
  • 对不起,怀特小姐出,周四才能回来。
    Sorry, Miss White is away until Thursday.
  • “缪斯尼埃,我们要把你的听揍扁!”
    “Musnier, we’ll beat thy servants.
  • “缪斯尼埃,我们要把你的听揍扁!”
    “Musnier, we’ll beat thy servants.
  • 她总是来得一分钟也不
    She always comes to the tick.
  • 六,贫富距,先进与落后距日大——科技、医疗、贸易的发展,并没有让人类社会变得更平均,反而是拉大彼此的距,甚至让弱者成为强者的点心。
    6.The widening gap between the rich and the poor, the developed and the undeveloped. The development of technology, medicine and trade has not made human society more equal, but instead, it has created bigger differences, to the extent that the weaker ones become the tidbits of the strong.
  • 这计画要想成功就得分秒不.
    The plan depends on ,split-second timing.
  • 为求出物体的距离,需要一种精确到误不出百万分之一秒的测时方法。
    A method of timing accurate to millionths of a second is needed to find the distance of objects.
  • 他的一生都在做毫无意义的烦人的苦事。
    he spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery.
  • 胖人在夏天的忍受力较
    The overweighted people's toleration is bad in summer.
  • 拙匠常怪工具差
    A bad workman always blames his tool
  • 头项的头发剪得不多了吗?
    Be that enough off the top?
  • 而且交通太差。
    And the traffic is bad.
  • 翻译员和通译员所面对的挑战就是要了解这些异。
    The challenge for translators and interpreters is to be aware of these differences.
  • 很多时候,翻译员因不熟悉语文之间的文化异,而作出错误或不妥的翻译。
    There are many examples of mis-translations or bad translations because the translators were ignorant of the cultural differences between languages.
  • 因此,翻译员和通译员所面对的挑战之一就是意识到异的存在,以及赶上我们周围所不断发生的变化。
    Thus, one of the challenges for translators and interpreters is to learn to appreciate differences and also to keep up with the constant change that is happening all around us.
  • 到1996年,西藏已建成无线电台2座,无线电视台2座,广播发射或转播台35座,电视转播(转)台240座,卫星地面接收站700多座。
    By 1996 Tibet had two radio stations, two TV stations, 35 radio broadcasting, relaying and transmitting stations, 240 television transponder stations and over 700 ground satellite receiving stations.
  • 到1996年,西藏已建成无线电台2座,无线电视台2座,广播发射或转播台35座,电视转播(转)台240座,卫星地面接收站700多座。
    By 1996 Tibet had two radio stations, two TV stations, 35 radio broadcasting, relaying and transmitting stations, 240 television transponder stations and over 700 ground satellite receiving stations.
  • 目前全自治区有电视台、电视录像转播台和电视转台共计137座,卫星地面接收站297座,广播电台、转播台、发射台共26座,各地县有线广播站74个,初步形成覆盖全区的卫星传输、无线电传输和有线广播传输相结合的广播电视网。
    At present, Tibet has 137 television and TV video relay stations and television transposer stations, 297 ground satellite stations, 26 radio broadcasting, relay and transmitting stations, and 74 wire broadcasting stations at prefectural and county levels. A broadcasting and television network which covers the whole region and combines satellite and wireless transmission with wire broadcasting has initially taken shape in Tibet.
  • 下面是ngio与其他技术之间在数据传输方式上的三大异:建立多个i/o通道(今天,数据传到处理器只有一个通道)。
    The following are the three major differences between other technology and NGIO for the way data travels: The creation of multiple I/O channels (today there's one channel for data traveling to the processor).
  • 我是出差。
    I am travelling on business.
  • 新加坡之小,是客观事实。一个小岛,不过六百多平方公里的土地,坐地铁从淡滨尼到裕廊西,一个多小时,不多已是从东北到西南,横贯全国了。
    As a matter of fact, the country covers only 600-odd square kilometres, and one can traverse it by train from the east end to the west in less than two hours.
  • 哎哟!我点儿把托盘弄掉了。
    Whoops! I nearly dropped the tray.