  • 当局又于年内发出新闻稿及派发小册子、单张、简讯等传刊物,以报道机场核心计划的工程进展情况,并制作了新一辑的录影带,介绍机场核心计划、新机场和青马大桥。
    Press releases and promotional publications such as brochures, leaflets and newsletters were issued throughout the year to publicise ACP works progress.
  • 新的传部主任确实很内行。
    The new publicity manager is really on the ball.
  • 对这次高级会议没有作什么传。
    There has not been much publicity about this conference at the top level.
  • 对某事物做公开传;努力卖出去某事物。
    make publicity for; try to sell.
  • 属于、关于或用于传的。
    of or relating to serving as publicity.
  • 这可使传部门受损。
    This can hurt in the publicity department.
  • 谁负责组织货物的广告传?
    Who is responsible for running a publicity campaign?
  • 被雇来写广告词或传材料的人。
    a person employed to write advertising or publicity copy.
  • 每人都有责任传党的政策。
    Everyone should give publicity to the Party's policies.
  • 传家尤指报社或传媒等做传的人
    One who publicizes, especially a press or publicity agent.
  • 随后的传不禁使人们对这个国家的婚姻状况感到迷惑。
    The resulting publicity does wonders for the nation's marriages.
  • 攀登教堂钟楼是绝妙的传性噱头。
    Climbing up the church tower is a fine publicity stunt.
  • 他的任务是为儿童福利组织撰写传材料。
    His job is producing publicity for the child welfare organization.
  • 传员(广告员)们通过传媒介竭力吹捧这名新星。
    Publicity agents were beating the drum about the new star.
  • 总统必须当众誓就职。
    The President has to be sworn in publicly.
  • 布,布使公开知道的行为
    The act of making known publicly.
  • 每年春季,获奖者名单在正式的仪式上公开布。
    The winners are publicly announced at a formal ceremony each spring.
  • 判决当着公众布的正式的意见或判决,如陪审团的判决
    A publicly expressed opinion or judgment, such as the verdict of a jury.
  • 第二、取消一月十七日的反动命令,并布自己是完全错了;
    Rescind the reactionary Order of January 17 and publicly admit that you have been completely wrong.
  • 法西斯分子认为:只要对人们进行大量传,他们什么都会相信。
    The fascists considered that people would believe anything if enough propaganda was pumped in.
  • 为让公众买他们的商品而作了充分的传。
    Enough attractive information was pumped in order to let the public buy the goods.
  • 老师布她将惩罚那个坏学生。
    The teacher blazoned she would punish the bad student.
  • 他们异口同声地称不愿做这样的事。
    They put it about with one voice that they would do no such thing.
  • 把被告有罪的人处死。
    putting a condemned person to death.
  • 这家工厂布迁往另一座城市。
    The factory announced its removal to another town.
  • 布正式放弃财产所有权。
    He renounced his claim to the property.
  • 政府雇员誓不泄露官方机密.
    Government employees swear an oath not to reveal official secrets.
  • 伪教皇在教会分立中称教皇或被选为教皇的人,与教会律法选出的教皇对立
    A person claiming to be or elected pope in opposition to the one chosen by church law, as during a schism.
  • 学术论文一篇写好的正式著作,为了出版、讲演或读;学术文章或论文
    A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise.
  • 他每逢圣诞节都讲同一教旨.
    He preaches the same sermon every Christmas.
  • 喜欢扬儿女们长处的母亲们
    mothers who like to show off their children
  • 他们称看见了那架飞机.
    They reported sighting the plane.