  • 如果不是34岁的菲利普·丹尼斯在法庭上被地方法无可奈何地无罪释放,这样的漏洞还不会引起人们的注意。
    The get-out came to light during a court case in which motorist Philip Dennis, 34, was let off by magistrates.
  • “好了,那么,譬如说,”腾格拉尔重又继续说道,“唐太斯现在刚刚航海回来,途中又在厄尔巴岛靠过,这次航海以后,假如有人向检察告发,说他是一个拿破仑党的眼线的话——”
    "Well, then, I should say, for instance," resumed Danglars, "that if after a voyage such as Dantès has just made, in which he touched at the Island of Elba, some one were to denounce him to the king's procureur as a Bonapartist agent" --
  • 但是制订鼓励人们储蓄奖励办法是当务之急,员们说他们想要寻求不致过分影响联邦岁入的办法,至少几年之内不致影响。
    But devising incentives to encourage people to save more is a high priority, and the officials said they wanted to explore approaches that would not make much of a dent in Federal revenues, at least for some years.
  • 他头不疼了,於是他的每个感又恢复了敏锐
    His headache has departed; his every sense seem to have gained keenness
  • 他头不疼了,於是他的每个感又恢复了敏锐。
    His headache have departed; his every sense seem to have gained keenness.
  • 市中心糟糕的住房环境;被告可怜的遭遇;法错误的判断。
    deplorable housing conditions in the inner city; woeful treatment of the accused; woeful errors of judgment.
  • 颠覆;罢从宝座上移走;免除
    To remove from the throne; depose.
  • 裁决这份文件须寄存在法庭。
    The judge ruled that the document had to be deposited with the court.
  • 裁决这份文件须寄存在法庭。
    The judge rule that the document have to is deposited with the court.
  • 形容那个杀人犯是一个品质败坏的人。
    The judge described the murderer as a depraved character.
  • 极度脱水身体、器或身体的一部分的极度失水,如由于疾病或缺乏流质引起
    Excessive loss of water from the body or from an organ or a body part, as from illness or fluid deprivation.
  • 职位是长的人的代理人或助手。
    a deputy or assistant to someone bearing the title of chancellor.
  • (九)如立法会全体议员的四分之一联合动议,指控行政长有严重违法或渎职行为而不辞职,经立法会通过进行调查,立法会可委托终审法院首席法负责组成独立的调查委员会,并担任主席。
    9.If a motion initiated jointly by one-fourth of all the Members of the Legislative Council charges the Chief Executive with serious breach of law or dereliction of duty and if he or she refuses to resign, the council may, after passing a motion for investigation, give a mandate to the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal to form and chair an independent investigation committee.
  • 好些革命军军家里的年尊老太爷,烟瘾极重,靠一杆“枪”救命的,都被“万岁”(劣绅讥诮农民之称)们缴了去。
    Quite a number of venerable fathers of officers in the revolutionary army, old men who were opium-addicts and inseparable from their pipes, have been disarmed by the "emperors" (as the peasants are called derisively by the evil gentry).
  • 两年之后,他成为公司董事长兼首席执行,时年39岁。1998年,他将公司改组后成立了现在的vivendi公司。
    Two years later he became chairman and chief executive at the age of 39. He relaunched Generale des Eaux as Vivendi in 1998.
  •  (六)委派员列席立法会并代表政府发言。
    To designate officials to sit in on the meetings of the Legislative Council and to speak on behalf of the government.
  • 舰队司令用作英国海军上校的非正式名称,暂时用在舰队师或小舰队内
    Used as an unofficial designation for a captain in the British Navy temporarily in command of a fleet division or squadron.
  • 本着维护亚太地区持久和平与稳定的积极意愿,中国国防部和其他有关部门的员及学者日益广泛和深入地参与关于亚太安全的各类研讨和相关活动,增进了中国与有关国家间的相互了解与信任。
    Desirous of maintaining lasting peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, officials and scholars from China's Ministry of National Defense and other departments concerned have involved themselves more extensively and deeply in symposiums and other activities on Asia-Pacific security. This has promoted mutual understanding and trust between China and the countries concerned.
  • 告诫那男子切莫再去威胁其妻。
    The judge told the man to desist from threatening his wife.
  • 这位军昨天派遣了30架飞机。
    The officer detached thirty planes yesterday.
  • 那位军派了三十名士兵去守火车站。
    The officer detached thirty men to guard the railroad station.
  • 在这件司中,她努力保持职业的公正
    Strove to maintain her professional detachment in the case.
  • 红军大队七月中刚到酃县时,第二十九团兵即因政治动摇,欲回湘南家乡,不受约束;第二十八团反对往湘南,欲往赣南,但也不愿回永新。
    When the major detachment of the Red Army had arrived in Linghsien in mid-July, the officers and men of the 29th Regiment, who were wavering politically and wanted to return to their homes in southern Hunan, refused to obey orders, while the 28th Regiment was against going to southern Hunan and wanted to go to southern Kiangsi, but in any case did not want to return to Yunghsin.
  • 人类没有专门用于探查地面振动的感觉器
    Humans have no sense organs designed specifically to detect terrestrial vibrations.
  • ioc的员担心,基因疗法使得运动员能够将hgh基因注入自身的dna而躲过检测。
    IOC officials fear that gene therapy could allow athletes to insert the HGH gene in their DNA and avoid detection.
  • 痴呆智力能力,例如记忆力、精神集中的能力、判断力等的恶化,常因某器病疾或头脑紊乱,引起经常伴随着情感波动和性情的变化
    Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is often accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.
  • 指疾病;以器和细胞的逐渐退化以及伴随着的功能丧失为特点。
    of illness; marked by gradual deterioration of organs and cells along with loss of function.
  • 认为有机体的生命程序不只是靠个别器的运作而是其整体组织的理论。
    theory that the total organization of an organism rather than the functioning of individual organs is the determinant of life processes.
  • 那个敌军军简直是魔鬼的化身。
    That enemy officer is a devil incarnate / an incarnate fiend.
  • 这个年轻的法最初的生涯是给一个老律师当助手。
    The young judge began his career by deviling for an old lawver.
  • 这个法最初给一个能干的律师当助手。
    The judge began his working life as a young man by deviling for a clever lawyer.
  • 三位行政会议成员将与港府员一起研究分析在这些范畴的机会和挑战,希望在切磋钻研中共创新理念。他们会向各方面的专家、前线工作者,及其他关注这些事宜的人士徵询意见。
    The three Members and Government officials will put forward their views in helping me to devise these polices. It is an informal set-up.