  • 1986年亨特凭《佩吉·苏成婚》闯入电影圈,她在片中饰尼古拉斯·凯和凯瑟琳·特纳的女儿。
    Hunt broke into films with 1986's Peggy Sue Got Married,in which she played the daughter of Nicolas Cage and Kathleen Turner.
  • 1998年8月,在萨斯菲尔德队打败塔拉雷斯队的比赛中,拉维特所在的萨斯菲尔德队以3比0大胜,而第一个入球就是拉维特罚进的。
    In August 1998, in a match between Sarsfield team and Talales team, Chilavert's Sarsfield team won the match by 3:0.The first shot was penalized by Chilavert.
  • 1998年8月,在萨斯菲尔德队打败塔拉雷斯队的比赛中,拉维特所在的萨斯菲尔德队以3比0大胜,而第一个入球就是拉维特罚进的。
    In August 1998, in a match between Sarsfield team and Talales team, Chilavert's Sarsfield teem won the match by 3:0. The first shot was penalized by Chilavert.
  • 他到那古老的城市里闲逛,看见很多怪的事物。
    He saw many strange thing during his perambulation in the old city.
  • 的敏锐或锐利得近乎不可思议的
    So keen and perceptive as to seem preternatural.
  • 我的存在,对我是一个永久的神,这就是生活。
    That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.
  • 我存在,乃是所谓生命的一个永久的迹。《飞鸟集》泰戈尔
    That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life. Tigore
  • 其实,在更远的将来,如果一些克隆人在决定生育的时候也选择要一个克隆的孩子来使家族传统不朽的话,你也不要太惊
    Indeed, it would not be surprising if, in the more distant future, some cloned individuals chose to perpetuate a family "tradition" by having a cloned child themselves when they decide to reproduce.
  • 他的怪行为弄得她莫明其妙。
    His strange behaviour had greatly perplexed her.
  • ”孩子们感到怪,问老人为什么只能摘10个。
    " The boys seemed perplexed and ask the old man why just ten.
  • 堕落家庭的傲慢的小孩-劳伦·德·塞;他们傲慢、自大、难应付。
    a snotty little scion of a degenerate family-Laurent Le Sage; they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety.
  • 我们再看看哈巴德这项神的建议。可是你别忘记,你必需真正去实行,不然,你只是「看」,那是没有用的。
    Peruse this bit of sage advice from the essayist and publisher Elbert Hubbard - but remember, perusing it won’t do you any good unless you apply it:
  • 这实在是非常怪,而且怪到很变态的一种心态。
    This is very strange. It is strange to the point of perversity.
  • 远处的钟声,柜台上的小盒,姑娘眼中的疑问,皮特心中怪的生命复苏感——这一切都是因为一个孩子的爱。
    The sound of the distant chiming, the little package lying on the counter, the question in the eyes of the girl, and the strange feeling of renewal struggling unreasonably in the heart of Pete, all had come to be because of the love of a child.
  • 怪的是他特别喜欢希刺克厉夫,相信他所说的一切(关于说话,他其实难得开口,要说就总说实话),而爱他远胜过爱凯蒂,凯蒂可是太调皮、太不规矩,够不上充当宠儿。
    He took to Heathcliff strangely, believing all he said (for that matter, he said precious little, and generally the truth), and petting him up far above Cathy, who was too mischievous and wayward for a favourite.
  • 因为这种怪现象必定伴着另外一件怪现象,那就是白色政权之间的战争。
    For this unusual phenomenon can occur only in conjunction with another unusual phenomenon, namely, war within the White regime.
  • 特伦,理查德·切尼维克斯1807-1886英国诗人和语言学家,著作包括词语研究和英国的过去和现在(1855年)
    British poet and philologist whose works include On the Study of Words(1851) and English Past and Present(1855).
  • 一个民族有几个哲学家没有什么稀,但一个民族能以哲理的眼光去观察事物,那就真是非常的事了。
    F'or a nation to have a few philosophers is not so unusual, bul for a nation to take things philosophically is terrific.
  • 朗道,莱夫·达维多维1908-1968原苏联物理学家。因为他在低温物理学上的贡献,获得了1962年诺贝尔奖
    Soviet physicist. He won a1962 Nobel Prize for his contributions to low-temperature physics.
  • 他是个钢琴奇才。
    He is a wizard at playing the piano.
  • 他们被吸引到教会来不是因为对上帝的虔诚,而是由于好
    They are drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity.
  • 他们被吸引到教会来不是因为对上帝的虔诚,而是由於好
    They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity
  • 但是主力军和游击队的关系,则是主力军在内线,游击队在外线,形成夹攻敌人的观。
    But as far as the relation between the main forces and the guerrilla units is concerned, the former are on the interior lines while the latter are on the exterior lines, presenting a remarkable spectacle of pincers around the enemy.
  • 这些教堂都高踞一切之上,而且,仿佛在这和声组合中又增添了一种和声,教堂那如箭穿空的尖顶,那透空的钟楼,那纤细如针的塔尖(这种针状的线条无非是屋顶尖角一种妙的夸张而已),时时刻刻把一面面山墙犬牙交错的边缘刺破了。
    and, like one harmony more in this mass of harmonies,they pierced in quick succession the multiple open work of the gables with slashed spires, with open-work bell towers,with slender pinnacles, whose line was also only a magnificent exaggeration of the acute angle of the roofs.
  • 紫穗槐属的任何一种植物,具有数羽状叶和紫色穗状花。
    any plant of the genus Amorpha having odd-pinnate leaves and purplish spicate flowers.
  • 南美洲一种半常绿的树,有数羽状的叶片,开金黄色的花,是一种观赏植物。
    semi-evergreen South American tree with odd-pinnate leaves and golden yellow flowers cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 长有怪的羽状叶子和长有长的总状花序或穗的马刺花的热带草本和灌木的属。
    genus of tropical herbs and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and spurred flowers in long racemes or spikes.
  • 长有怪的羽状叶子和华丽花的树和灌木的到处可见的属。
    cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and showy flowers; some species placed in genus Podalyria.
  • 通常长有怪的羽状叶子和大叶和粉的到微红的木质的热带灌木和乔木属。
    genus of tropical shrubs and trees having usually odd-pinnate leaves with large leaflets and pink to reddish wood.
  • 迈布里,伊德韦尔德1830-1904英国裔美国动态摄影先驱,以其通过一系列静物摄影机拍下的移动中的马的照片而著名
    British-born American motion-picture pioneer noted for his photographs of horses in motion, taken by a series of still cameras.
  • 突然,妈妈脚旁轻轻一声令人怜悯的哀鸣打破了怪的沉静。
    The strange silence was suddenly broken by a subdued,pitiful whining at Mother's feet.
  • 弗吉尼亚洲福尔斯丘市莫尼特财团的一位财务计划人士说:如果你担心失业怎么办?你应该动用你的积蓄去还债。如果你真的被解雇,你还有一个依靠:再用已经还清的信用卡去借债。
    What if you fear that you'll lose your job? You should still rain you savings to pay off you debt, says financial planner Lynn Hopewell of the Monitor Group in Falls Church, Va. Here's your fallback position if you do get the boot: borrow from the credit cards that you previously paid off.