  • 這件標本上有很顔色.
    This specimen is richly variegated in colour.
  • 例如,女人更地微笑,而不是放聲大笑,尤其擅長對男於微笑,以此作為一種“社交潤滑劑”。
    For instance, women smile more than laugh, and are particularly adept at smiling and laughing with men as a kind of "social lubricant".
  • 我童年居住的地方有趣極了,藴含豐富的元文化色彩。
    The neighborhood of my childhood was interesting and richly multi-cultural.
  • 人是著名大學的高材生,被認為是卓越的計劃者,在工商業、金融及政府部門都應是內行。
    Many are graduates of the elite grandes ecoles.They are expected to be brilliant planners, equality adept at industry, finance and government.
  • 在狹窄的下顎間,100顆利牙突兀而出,這些利牙在戳魚時一定遊刃有餘。
    More than a hundred teeth jut from narrow jaws that must have been adept at snagging fish.
  • 數産煤少的國傢都有豐富的水力資源。
    The countries that are poorest in black coal have been most richly endowed by nature with white coal.
  • 沃爾特在這傢公司已幹了40年了,因而完全應該享受長期幸福的退休生活。
    Walter has been with this company for more than forty years and richly deserves a long and happy retirement.
  • 栒子屬的任何一種灌木;直立或攀援灌木,葉子在秋季顔色鮮豔,有許白色至略帶粉紅色的花和紅色或黑色的小果實。
    any shrub of the genus Cotoneaster: erect or creeping shrubs having richly colored autumn foliage and many small white to pinkish flowers followed by tiny red or black fruits.
  • 富饒而樣的海底環境是令人驚奇的。
    The richness and variety of the undersea environment are astounding.
  • 此外,還有許漂亮的街道,式樣繁,盎然生趣,裏沃黎街便是一例。我可以滿懷信心地說,從氣球上俯瞰巴黎,總有一天它會呈現出豐富的綫條,采的細節,萬般的面貌,簡樸中見某種難以名狀的偉大,優美中見某種有如奕棋般的出奇製勝的絶招。
    Let us add a quantity of fine, amusing, and varied streets, like the Rue de Rivoli,and I do not despair of Paris presenting to the eye, when viewed from a balloon, that richness of line, that opulence of detail, that diversity of aspect, that grandiose something in the simple, and unexpected in the beautiful, which characterizes a checker-board.
  • 力矩量級可以測量地震釋放的總能量,並且用它來描述大地震比用裏氏震級要精確得
    The moment magnitude scale measures the total energy released in an earthquake and it describes large earthquakes more accurately than does the Richter scale.
  • 裏剋:昨晚我們說了很事情,你說了我應該為我們倆考慮。
    Rick: Last night we said great many things.
  • 國傢長期堅持計劃免疫預防接種卡片制度,開展對兒童肺炎、腹瀉、佝僂病和缺鐵性貧血病的防治和愛嬰行動,促進母乳喂養,創建愛嬰醫院,開展營養指導、兒童生長發育監測、新生兒疾病篩查、兒童早期教育等項衛生保健服務,使兒童發育水平和營養狀況不斷改善。
    China has constantly upheld the prophylactic immunization filing system for children to prevent and control pneumonia, diarrhea, rickets and iron-deficiency anemia. China has also conducted a baby- friendly campaign, advocated breast feeding, built baby-friendly hospitals, provided health care services such as children's nutrition guide, monitoring of children's growth, examination of newborn infant diseases, and preschool education for children, increasingly improving children's growth level and nutrition conditions.
  • 搖晃的椅子散架了。作戰俘年,他崩潰了
    The rickety chair fell apart. He fell apart after years as a POW.
  • 魯迅的《阿q正傳》和老捨的《駱駝祥子》就是兩個最好的例子,這兩部文學作品被翻譯成國語文後,深受當地讀者歡迎。
    Two cases in point are Luxun's Story of Ah Q and Laoshe's Rickshaw Boy, both of which were translated into many foreign languages and were well-received.
  • 1.去除多餘氣體。
    1.Get rid of gas.
  • 加裏·萊茵科爾說這是個“甩掉包袱”的事例,而泰裏·布切爾聲稱馬拉納根本不應允許再參加世界杯,因為他以前吸毒(因為服用可卡因,這是種絶對不會提高你球技的毒品)意味着他給年輕的球迷留下了一個可怕的示範。
    Gary Lineker said it was a case of " good riddance", and Terry Butcher announced that Maradona should never have been allowed to play in the World Cup in the first place ,because his previous drug conviction (for taking cocaine, a drug which definitely does not enhance your ball skills) meant he was setting a terrible example to young fans.
  • 至於土匪,則我所走過的各縣全然絶了跡,哪怕從前是出土匪很的地方。
    But in the counties I visited, even including those that were formerly bandit-ridden, there was no trace of bandits.
  • 受傷賽馬騎師基金會的成員大是為她效過力的騎師,其董事會在各種男士俱樂部舉辦午餐會,王太後是在場的惟一女性。
    Trustee lunches for the Injured Jockeys' Fund--often jockeys who have ridden for her--are held at various gentlemen's clubs, and the Queen Mother is the only woman present.
  • 數國有及國有控股大中型工業虧損企業扭虧為盈或消除虧損,重點企業和老工業基地經濟效益進一步提高。
    Most state-owned and state holding large and medium-sized industrial deficit-ridden enterprises shall make up deficit and get surpluses or eliminate deficits. Key enterprises and old industrial bases shall further increase their economic performance.
  • 全年分三批安排了435個大中型項目,加上1998年的結轉項目,共需核銷銀行呆壞帳準備金700億元,全部實施後,纍计可減少大中型虧損企業860戶。
    As many as 435 large and medium-sized projects in total were arranged in three batches all the year around. Including the carried-over projects in 1998, more than RMB 70 billion of provisions for writing off the bank non-performing and bad debts would be required. Once those projects are completed, it may reduce as many as 860 large and medium-sized deficit-ridden enterprises on an accumulative basis.
  • 圍繞紡織、煤炭、冶金、有色、軍工等重點行業和重點企業的脫睏,抓緊確定兼併破産的項目,盡可能地使一批嚴重虧損和資不抵債、扭虧無望企業的問題得到解决,消滅一批虧損源。
    Centering on the shaking off difficulty for such important sectors and important enterprises as textile, coal, metallurgy, nonferrous metal, military industry and etc., the annexation and bankruptcy programs must be determined without losing any time and the problems of a number of severely deficit-ridden, insolvent and hopeless-in-making-up-deficit enterprises must be solved as many as possible, thus eliminating some sources of losses.
  • 甜的汁熱帶水果,粗厚鱗狀果皮,有光澤的黑籽。
    sweet pulpy tropical fruit with thick scaly rind and shiny black seeds.
  • 即便是一個在公衆面前講話的演講者也要和他的聽衆有許目光接觸。
    Even for a lecturer addressing his audience there is plenty of eye contact.
  • 亞洲東南樹種,卵形可食果實,被堅硬的刺外殼。
    tree of southeastern Asia having edible oval fruit with a hard spiny rind.
  • 甜瓜,西瓜上述兩種瓜蔓所結之果實,具有堅硬的瓜皮和汁的瓤
    The fruit of any of these plants, having a hard rind and juicy flesh.
  • 美洲熱帶樹種,果肉汁且帶甜味,被鱗狀厚重外殼,光亮的黑色種子。
    tropical American tree bearing sweet pulpy fruit with thick scaly rind and shiny black seeds.
  • 檸檬(果)這種樹的果實,有黃色芳香的外皮和汁的酸果肉
    The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp.
  • 個頭大的球狀水果,結實的紅褐色果皮裏有很的籽粒,果肉紅色,汁。
    large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind.
  • 所有衆的葫蘆科水果,有硬殼,汁肉甜美。
    any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh.
  • 球形或卵形的熱帶水果,粗厚黃褐色堅韌的果皮,黃色或淡紅色汁的果肉。
    globular or ovoid tropical fruit with thick russet leathery rind and juicy yellow or reddish flesh.
  • 葡萄柚果這種樹的大的圓形果實,生黃皮和汁的,略酸的漿肉
    The large, round fruit of this tree, having a yellow rind and juicy, somewhat acid pulp.