  • 这套房间本来是准备给5人住的。
    The apartment was originally meant for five.
  • 波洛尼亚意大利中北部城市,在亚平宁山麓,位于佛罗伦萨东北偏北。最早为埃特鲁斯坎的城市,在公元前2世纪成为罗马的殖民地。著名的波洛尼亚大学在公元425年作为一个法学院建立。人455,853
    A city of north-central Italy at the foot of the Apennines north-northeast of Florence. It was originally an Etruscan town and became a Roman colony in the second century b.c. Its famed university was founded as a law school in a.d.425. Population,455, 853.
  • 缺口,孔
    A breach or an aperture.
  • 输出,喷嘴物体被释放出的开
    An aperture through which matter is discharged.
  • 进料原料从中通过而进入机器的孔
    The aperture through which such material enters a machine.
  • 显微镜上应用的带有宽径的两三个镜头。
    having 2 or 3 lenses with wide aperture for use in microscopes.
  • 腹足纲软体动物缺的两个边缘中的任一个
    Either of the margins of the aperture of a gastropod shell.
  • 由于东西急速通过或经过一开时而发出尖厉的声音。
    the sound made by something moving rapidly or by steam coming out of a small aperture.
  • 哨通过迫使空气穿过牙齿间隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音
    To produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips.
  • 甚小径终端(vsat)通信业务近几年发展较快,已有国内甚小径终端通信业务经营单位30个,服务小站用户15000个,其中双向小站用户超过6300个;
    The VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) communication service has developed very rapidly in recent years. There are now in the country 30 domestic VSAT communication service providers and 15,000 small station users, including over 6,300 two-way users.
  • 在其圆锥状壳的顶端有开的海生帽贝。
    marine limpet having a conical shell with an opening at the apex.
  • 门牙用于切或撕咬的牙齿,位于前部沿着齿弓顶端
    A tooth adapted for cutting or gnawing, located at the front of the mouth along the apex of the dental arch.
  • 漏斗一种顶端有一小洞或窄管用于输导流动物质进入小容器的圆锥形器皿
    A conical utensil having a small hole or narrow tube at the apex and used to channel the flow of a substance, as into a small-mouthed container.
  • 表面上他装得和蔼可亲,十分谦逊,轻松幽默,谈起话来满警句,然而在这一切的背后,他的内心一直是紧张的,还是有些缺乏自信。
    His inner tensions and some of his insecurities persist behind a deceptively casual facade of geniality,self-deprecation,easy humor and aphoristic conversational skill.
  • 区总经理奥斯卡·贝纳说:"我们需要更多的时间才能决定这些假猫头鹰是不是真的不起作用。"他说这些每只价值40美元的假猫头鹰,只能吓退百分之三十至四十盘旋在附近的海鸥。
    "We need to give them more time before we decide they don't work," said Oscar Pena, the Port District's general manager, who noted the owls, which cost about $40 apiece, only are supposed to scare 30 percent to 40 percent of the gulls that land nearby.
  • 他表示忏悔,满道歉,但接着又故态复萌了。
    He put ashes on his head, apologized profusely, but then went glibly about his business.
  • 格雷格对其行为表示道歉,并以那一次他酒喝多了为借
    Greg apologized for his behaviour and gave as his excuse that he was half seas over at the time.
  • 随口说声抱歉
    Blunder out an apology
  • 其实这个单词早在20世纪50年代就已经形成并被使用,直到辛普森把它当成头禅,才使"doh"变得家喻户晓。
    The Simpsons only popularized the term; it was actually used extensively in the 1950s, the OED found. Although it is often spelled "D'oh," the dictionary chose to omit the apostrophe.
  • 雅典俄亥俄州东南部一城市,位于玛丽埃塔以西阿巴拉契亚山脚。约1797年建立,是加工业和制造业中心。人21,265
    A city of southeast Ohio in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains west of Marietta. Settled c.1797, it is a processing and manufacturing center. Population,21, 265.
  • 最近人普查报告书所透露的信息,令华社对华文前景感到忧虑,新加坡的华文究竟低落到什么程度?
    Recent data released by a population census has raised concern in the Chinese community about the future of the Chinese language. Just how appalling is the standard of Chinese here?
  • 设备必须从外国进口
    Apparatus must be imported from foreign country.
  • 一条受伤了的狗的哀求的、受惊吓的目光;她伸出她的手乞讨,哀求的、迫切的;她声音中恳求的气。
    the appealing and frightened look worn by an injured dog; she holds out her hand for money, importunate, insistent; a pleading note in her voice.
  • 政治人物和各竞选阵营为了因应这种民粹本土意识,以水战和道德抹黑来攻击对手,较少以施政理念来吸引选民。
    To profit from the populist localisation , politicians and their campaigning aides resorted to war of words and demonising of rivals instead of appealing to the voters withtheir platforms.
  • 一只船出现在港附近。
    A ship appeared near the harbour.
  • 他目瞪呆,什么话也说不出来。
    He appeared dazed but said nothing.
  • 玛丽突然在门出现。
    Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.
  • 有个奇怪的人站在出现在了门
    a strange personage appeared at the door.
  • 布隆方丹南非中部一城市,位于金伯利东南偏东。因南非最高法院的上诉分院设在这里而被非正式地称作该国的司法首都。人102,600
    A city of central South Africa east-southeast of Kimberley. It is unofficially called the judicial capital of the country because the appellate division of the national supreme court sits here. Population,102, 600.
  • (取决于问题的复杂程度,这是上述程序中的一个绝佳问题。刑法很明确,但是作为基础的民事规范相当复杂并且可能被作出不同的解释。)马克·李奇是一个被克林顿赦免的臭名昭著的国际逃犯。他的案件就涉及到与进和国产石油有关的复杂的货物税。
    (Depending on the complexity of the issue, this is an excellent appellate issue.The criminal law is quite specific, however, the underlying civil tax code is so complicated that there can be different interpretations of the law.) Part of the tax case against the infamous Marc Rich, the international fugitive pardoned by President Clinton, involved excise taxes on complex transactions concerning imported and domestic oil shipments.
  • 颚形附器节肢动物的一个部附肢
    A jawlike appendage of an arthropod.
  • 因此患神经衰弱症的人更多,吃阿司匹灵药饼的人更多,患贵族病的人更多,患结肠炎、盲肠炎和消化不良症的人更多,患脑部软化和肝脏变硬的人更多,患十二指肠烂溃症和肠部撕裂症的人更多,胃部工作过度和肾脏负担过重的人更多,患膀胱发炎和脾脏损坏症的人更多,患心脏胀大和神经错乱的人更多,患胸部平坦和血压过高的人更多,患糖尿病、肾脏炎、脚气症、风湿痺、失眠症、动脉硬化症、痔疾、瘘管、慢性痢疾、慢性大便秘结、胃不佳和生之厌倦的人更多。
    Consequently more neurasthenia, more aspirin, more expensive illnesses, more colitis, appendicitis and dyspepsia, more softened brains and hardened livers, more ulcerated duodenums and lacerated intestines, overworked stomachs and overtaxed kidneys, inflamed bladders and outraged spleens, dilated hearts and shattered nerves, more flat chests and high blood pressure, more diabetes. Bright's disease, beri-beri, rheumatism, insomnia, arterio-sclerosis, piles, fistulas, chronic dysentry, chronic constipation, loss of appetite and weariness of life.