  • 降价清出降价处理(一系商品)
    To dispose of(a line of merchandise) at reduced prices.
  • 她将家具排在适当的地方。
    She disposed the furniture in proper order.
  • 不同的号码;他有很多不同的伪装;各种各样的实验都不能证明此原理为误;为其行为举不同的理由。
    assorted sizes; his disguises are many and various; various experiments have failed to disprove the theory; cited various reasons for his behavior.
  • 争执变得加激烈了。
    The dispute grew more violent.
  • 把打架、旷课、对师长不敬等行为入讨论范围内,那是不会有多少人反对的,然而把男性化的女生贴上“问题学生”的标签,却有很大的争议。
    While few would object to the inclusion of fighting, cutting classes and disrespect for teachers into the discussion, it is arguable that boys-like girls should be labeled as "problem students".
  • 一辆卡车与一火车相撞的事故使进出这座城市的铁路交通陷于混乱。
    An accident of the collision of a truck with a train has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.
  • 第一,在本机关范围内,有系统地开展统一战线工作,不断地向非党员宣传马主义和党的主张。
    First, they should systematically carry out united front work within their own organs and constantly disseminate Marxism-Leninism and the Party's positions among non-Party people.
  • 火车在远处鸣响了汽笛。
    A train whistled in the distance.
  • 时自伦敦开出的车可接上下午。
    The 9: 00 am train from London connects with the 12: 05 pm from Crewe.
  • 连续起来形成一个有特色的序音符。
    a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence.
  • 就这样,宁和一切歪曲马克思主义的企图进行了斗争。
    Thus , Lenin strongly resisted any attempt to distort Marxism.
  • 《考克斯报告》“洋洋洒洒”近900页,罗了不少材料,但这些材料或是蓄意编造的,或是经过极力歪曲的。
    The Cox Report, running to nearly 900 pages, lists many data, which are either intentionally fabricated or painstakingly distorted.
  • 五代宋辽金时期,因中原地区诸朝争夺统治权而无暇顾及西域,西域出现了几个地方政权并的局面。
    Internal strife in the Central Plains during the Five Dynasties period, and the Song, Liao and Jin dynasties distracted the attention of rulers of the Central Plains from the Western Regions, resulting in several local regimes existing side by side in the Western Regions.
  • 第三十八条 进境供拆船用的废旧船舶,由口岸动植物检疫机关实施检疫,发现有本法第十八条规定的名录所的病虫害的,作除害处理。
    Article 38 The old and disused ships entering the country for disassembling purposes shall be quarantined by the port animal and plant quarantine office. In the event that diseases, insect pests or harmful organisms specified in the catalogues mentioned in Article 18 of this Law are discovered, the said ships shall be subjected to a treatment of disinfection and disinfestation.
  • 为鼓励外商加大向中西部地区投资的力度,进一步促进西部地区经济发展,自1999年以来,国家已经制定了一系鼓励外商向中西部地区投资的优惠政策,主要涉及扩大中西部地区对外开放领域、拓宽投资方式、放宽对外商投资的限制、对在鼓励投资的领域设立的外商投资企业给予更加优惠的税收待遇、加大对投资项目的金融支持、设立国家级经济技术开发区以营造优良的投资环境等六个方面。
    In order to encourage foreign businesspeople to intensify investment in the central and western regions of China and further accelerate the economic development of the area, since 1999, the country has unveiled a series of preferential policies for foreign investment in central and western China, including the enlargement of open up areas, diversification of investment modes, relaxation of investment restrictions, more preferential taxation policy for foreign invested enterprises in encouraged fields, intensification of financial support to investment projects and the cultivation of a sound investment environment by establishing economic and technological development zones at national level.
  • 兰利市加拿大不颠哥伦比亚南部一城市,邻近华盛顿边界,位于温哥华东南偏东。是一个多种经营的农业区。人口15,124
    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, near the Washington border east-southeast of Vancouver. It is in a diversified farming area. Population,15, 124.
  • 他回答了一系问题;收集品的多样性给他留下了深刻印象。
    he answered a range of questions; he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection.
  • 《考克斯报告》选在这时出台,完全是别有用心的,是美国一些人近年来制造的一系反华事件后又一股反华逆流,他们的目的是转移视线,煽动反华情绪,诋毁中国形象,试图把中美关系拉向后退,遏制中国发展。
    It seems totally intentional that the Cox Report was published under current circumstances. It is another adverse current against China among the series of anti-China events created by some people in the United States over recent years. Their purpose is to divert public attention, fan anti-China feelings, defame China's image and try to hold back Sino-US relations so as to stop China's development.
  •  为了防止易制毒化学品流入非法渠道,打击有关违法犯罪活动,中国立法机构和政府还发布了一系严格管制易制毒化学品的法规和规章。
    To prevent precursor chemicals from being diverted into illegal channels, and crack down on relevant illegal or criminal activities, Chinese legislative bodies and the Chinese government have also issued a series of laws and regulations for the strict control of such chemicals.
  • 为了防止易制毒化学品流入非法渠道,打击有关违法犯罪活动,中国立法机构和政府还发布了一系严格管制易制毒化学品的法规和规章。
    To prevent precursor chemicals diverting into illegal channels, and crack down on relevant illegal or criminal activities, Chinese legislative bodies and the Chinese government have also issued a series of laws and regulations for the strict control of such chemicals.
  • 在完成5跳中的第三跳后,他名第二,可是,结果在跳一个向内翻腾两周半时,裁判对他空中动作的给分都不超过6.5分,因此他与奖牌无缘。
    He was second after the third of five dives, only to fall out of a medal spot with an inward, 2 1/2 somersault that drew scores no higher than 6.5 for execution.
  • 车员:它分为几个包房。
    It is divided into several compartments.
  • 财政法中的一览表,在此表中出对股息的征税。
    Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charged on income from dividends.
  • 医生,我想说的是,我觉得自己的一生就像是在铁轨上的一枚硬币。而那辆'oleunionpacific(车名称)每天都会开过,来来回回,从我身上辗过,但我不会失去光泽。我不会失去光泽。《越狱》
    What I'm trying to tell you, Doc,is I just feel like I've been a penny on the train tracks my entire life.And that 'ole Union Pacific just keeps on coming, every day,back and forth, just running me down, running me over,but I will not flatten. I will not flatten.
  • 卡西姆在接受采访时说:"看看阿拉法特的统治给我们带来了什么:难民还住在难民营里,西岸和加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人仍在受以色人的压迫,但阿拉法特身边的人却得到了很好的照顾"卡西姆在美国堪萨斯大学获得了政治学硕士学位,后在密苏里大学获得博士学位。
    "Look where Arafat's rule has gotten us, " Qassem said in an interview. "The refugees are still in camps, the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza are still oppressed by the Israelis, but the men closest to Arafat are well taken care of."Qassem studied in America, receiving a master's degree in political science from Kansas State University and a doctorate from the University of Missouri.
  • 我们同林彪、“四人帮”斗争的中心内容之一,就是反对他们伪造、篡改、割裂马主义、毛泽东思想。
    One of the key points of our struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four was opposition to their falsification, doctoring and fragmenting of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 那些白雪覆盖的山峰的图片是从“世界各地”来的,这是一个bbc二台新的电视系节目,专门放映世界各国的纪录片。有人说,应该办出高水平的节目,于是他们从中国开始。
    The snow-capped pictures came form "Worldwide", a new BBC2 series showing documentaries from different countries. Think big, someone said, so they started with China.
  • 28.为筹备这些活动,儿童基金会在2002年期间主办了下活动:编写包括培训资料在内适用于儿童的资料、主要文件方便儿童阅读的版本、录像记录片和儿童世界水论坛展览资料;
    28. In preparation for those events, during 2002 UNICEF is sponsoring the following activities:preparation of materials, including training materials,to work with children; child-friendly versions of key documents, video documentaries and exhibition materials for the Children’s World Water Forum;
  • 每年确定一个主题,拍摄宣传介绍北京古都景观的系专题片;
    Special documentary films shall be made to present the scenes in this ancient capital city, and these documentary films can focus on a different theme each year.
  • 辩护状陈了主要论点,并附有证据和文书的正式纲要
    A formal outline listing main contentions along with supporting evidence and documentation.
  • 联合国核查委员会已经出伊拉克化学武器的大部分情况。unscom1999年关于这一问题的报告已用文件记录在案。
    UNMOVIC already laid out much of this, and it is documented for all of us to read in UNSCOM's 1999 report on the subject.
  • 这份planted的中国资料于1995年被一个受多重约束的专家小组(包括美国核武器科学家)评估过,评估结果于1998年才让考克斯委员会得到,但却从未公开后,planted资料也未被公开,但是已经有媒体报告说,专家与安全官员(doe与fbi之间)就下两点存在严重分歧,(1)中国秘密资料的有效性(2)对其内容的解释。不幸的是考克斯委员会接受了安全官员的意见,开始寻找防御漏洞,而没有听从专家们的评估意见。
    The planted PRC document was "assessed" in 1995 by a multi-disciplinary group of Experts [including US nuclear weapons scientists] and that assessment was later made available to the Cox Committee in 1998. The assessment has never been made public--nor has the "planted" document--but there have been media reports that there were significant differences of opinion between the Experts and the Security officials [DOE and FBI] as to (1) the validity of the PRC Secret document and (2) the interpretation of the contents, Unfortunately, the Cox Committee accepted the opinion of the gumshoes looking for a hole in the fence rather that Experts' net assessment.