  • “我出十块钱,请你们准我进民协会。”小劣绅说。
    "Here's ten yuan.Please let me join the peasant association," one of the smaller of the evil gentry will say.
  • 邻近的绅士因为不肯缴鸦片枪,被民协会捉了去游乡。
    The gentry of the neighbourhood who refused to surrender their opium pipes were arrested by the associations and paraded through the villages.
  • 新奇得很,民协会居然成立了好几个月,而且敢于反对绅士。
    Yet, surprisingly enough, the peasant associations have now been established several months, and have even dared to stand up to the gentry.
  • 有一个乡会很巧妙,捉了一个劣绅来,声言今天要给他戴高帽子。
    One ingenious township peasant association arrested an obnoxious member of the gentry and announced that he was to be crowned that very day.
  • 许多民运动的道理,和在汉口、长沙从绅士阶级那里听得的道理,完全相反。
    Many of the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha are saying.
  • 我们鼓励革命文艺家积极地亲近工兵,给他们以到群众中去的完全自由,给他们以创作真正革命文艺的完全自由。
    We encourage revolutionary writers and artists to be active in forming intimate contacts with the workers, peasants and soldiers, giving them complete freedom to go among the masses and to create a genuinely revolutionary literature and art.
  • 这样的庆祝在整个“正月”进行,即中国历年的第一个月,这是一个团聚和感恩的节日,充满了传统的惯例和仪式。
    The celebrations that take place during the "Zheng yue," or "first month" of the lunar year, are a time of reunion and thanksgiving, swathed in traditions and rituals. Considering that the Chinese population is very diverse geographically, demographically and ethnically, the way you spend your Spring Festival will vary depending on which part of China you are in during this time.
  • 民主共和国是较之一部分领土上的工民主专政制度在地域上更普及的民主,较之全中国主要地区上国民党的一党专政大大进步的政治制度,因此便更能保障抗日战争的普遍发动与彻底胜利。
    By 'a democratic republic' we mean a democracy which is geographically more extensive than that of the workers' and peasants' democratic dictatorship in one part of China and a political system which is far more progressive than the one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang in the main parts of China; it will therefore offer a better guarantee of the wide development of armed resistance to Japan and the achievement of complete victory.
  • 从高处往下看,那些田像是几何图案。
    Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern.
  • 道尔顿美国佐治亚西北部一城市,位于田纳西州的查塔努加东南。它是一个业区的工业中心。人口21,761
    A city of northwest Georgia southeast of Chattanooga, Tennessee. It is an industrial center in an agricultural region. Population,21, 761.
  • 这些进步分子既年轻又雄心勃勃,自信有能力在佐治亚州摆脱村中的白人至上主义者,建立一个有效率的政治基础、
    These progressives are young and ambitious, confident of their ability to build an effective power base in Georgia without the rural white supremacists.
  • 到1995年底,中国已初步形成作物种质资源保存体系,建成国家级贮存种子长期库及复份库各1座,地方中期库23座,国家级田间种质圃25个,其中试管苗圃种质库2个。
    China had initially formed a preservation system for germ plasma resources from crops, including one national germ plasma bank for long-term preservation and a duplicate one, 23 local germ plasma banks for mid-term preservation, and 25 national germ plasma nurseries, of which two are for test-tube culture.
  • 目前,中国大多数作物种质资源得到了保护,现已收集到各种作物种质33万份,其中对30万份种质材料进行了原份和复份保存。
    The germ plasma resources of most agricultural plants in China are preserved, including 330,000 specimens of germ plasma for various species of crops, of which 300,000 have duplicates.
  • 中国政府重视家畜禽遗传资源和作物种质资源保护。
    The government has placed much stress on the preservation of the genetic materials from domestic animals and fowls, as well as germ plasma resources from crops.
  • 西非水倡议所涉资金近4100万美元,它是一个公私合作项目,旨在为加纳、马里和尼日尔村地区提供饮用水和卫生设备。
    The West Africa Water Initiative, worth nearly $41 million, is a public-private partnership to provide potable water and sanitation to rural villages in Ghana, Mali and Niger.
  • 曾经有些教条主义者讥笑毛泽东注重村革命根据地为“上山主义”。
    The "principle of going up into the hills" was a dogmatist gibe against Comrade Mao Tse-tung for his emphasis on rural revolutionary bases.
  • 虽然我来自村,但我却以同吉尔在伦敦共住—个套间为乐—到底还是心在家就在。
    Although I come from the country, I enjoy sharing a flat in London with Gill –after all, home is where the heart is.
  • 但近年来,麦当劳不断受到反全球化运动、民间业组织团体以及巴黎罢工的冲击。
    More recently the multinational has come under fire from anti-globalization protesters, farmers' groups, and in Paris, striking workers.
  • 日本的田时价是多少?
    What is the going price of farmland in Japan?
  • 美国著名作家马克-吐温说,传教士“从贫困的中国民身上榨取13倍的罚款,因此让他们、他们的妻子和无辜的孩子们势必慢慢地饿死,而可以把这样获得的杀人代价用于传播福音”。
    According to Mark Twain, the renowned American writer, some of the missionaries imposed on the poor Chinese peasants fines 13 times the amount they were supposed to pay, driving their wives and innocent children to lingering death from starvation, so that they were thus able to use the money gained through such murder to propagate the Gospel.
  • 他们动辄对奴和奴隶实施剜目、割耳、断手、剁脚、投水等骇人听闻的酷刑。
    they would frequently punish serfs and slaves by gouging out their eyes, cutting off their ears, arms or legs, drowning them or inflicting other terrible penalties.
  • 奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建奴制度,动辄对奴和奴隶实施剜目、割耳、断手、剁脚、投水等骇人听闻的酷刑。
    Th serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments; they would frequently punish serfs and slaves by gouging out their eyes, cutting off their ears, arms or legs, drowning them or inflicting other terrible penalties.
  • 旧西藏通行了几百年的《十三法典》、《十六法典》把人分成三等九级,明文规定属于“下等下级人”的铁匠、屠夫、妇女,其“命价”为“草绳一根”,并用包括“挖眼、刖足、割舌、砍手、推崖、溺死”等残酷的刑法来维持这种三等九级的封建奴制度。
    According to the 13-Article Code and the 16-Article Code which had been enforced for several hundred years in old Tibet, Tibetans were divided into three classes and nine grades. The lives of ironsmiths, butchers and women, who were declared an inferior grade of inferior class in explicit terms, were as cheap and worthless as a straw rope. This feudal serf system with its hierarchy of three classes and nine grades was boltered by cruel punishments such as gouging out eyes, cutting off feet, removing the tongue, chopping off hands and arms, pushing an offender off a cliff or drowning.
  • 民们把这种鸡种改善了。
    The farmers graded the chicken up.
  • 我已决定毕业后到村去。
    I have determined on [upon] going to the countryside after graduation.
  • 我将去我叔叔的庄过暑假。
    I will spend my summer vacation in my uncle's grange.
  • 他们想买一座旧庄把它改建成一个旅馆。
    They want to buy the old grange and turn it into a hotel.
  • 中国军队除开展清仓利库和修旧利废等群众性节约活动外,还从事一些力所能及的副工业生产和经营活动,主要目的是为了安排随军家属和子女就业,改善基层部队官兵的物质文化生活。
    China's military personnel have launched a sequence of mass movements for practicing economy, such as conducting checkups of warehouses to make better use of the stored goods and repairing or utilizing old or discarded things. They have also done everything they can to join in agricultural and sideline production or engage in business, mainly for the purpose of providing employment for dependents of military personnel and improving the material and cultural lives of officers and men in grassroots units.
  • 不要因减息而使民借不到债,不要因清算老账而无偿收回典借的土地。
    Interest should not be so low as to make it impossible for the peasants to obtain loans, nor the settlement of old accounts be such as to enable the peasants to get back their mortgaged land gratis.
  • 继1984年由中央政府指导、动员全国9个省市援建西藏43个工程项目后,1994年,中央政府又决定在三四年内由中央政府和全国其他省市无偿援助西藏建设62项工程,包括业和水利、能源、交通和通讯、工业、社会事业和市政工程等项目。
    In 1984 some 43 projects were built for Tibet by nine provinces and municipalities mobilized and directed by the Central Government, and in 1994 the Central Government decided to build gratis another 62 projects for Tibet within three or four years, also with the cooperation of other provinces and municipalities of the country, involving agriculture and water conservancy, energy, communications and telecommunications, industry, and social welfare and municipal engineering.
  • 放牧地自耕居住在牧牛区的擅自占用土地的人,舍主或
    A squatter, homesteader, or farmer who settles in cattle-grazing territory.
  • 新增基本田2626.5万亩,围栏草场672万亩;
    A total of 26.265 million mu of basic farmland was developed, and 6.72 million mu of meadows were fenced in for livestock grazing.