  • 苹果司的quicktime也是该领域中一项领先的产品。
    Apple Computer Inc.'s QuickTime is a front-runner, too.
  • 司奖给他一个金杯,以感谢他为司发展所作出的创造性成就。
    He was awarded a gold cup in acknowledgment of his creative achievements for the development of the company.
  • unisys和ibm的子司sequent计算机系统司提供的分区功能允许管理员在同一台机器上运行不同的操作系统,例如在一个分区运行windowsnt,而在另一分区运行unix。
    Unisys Corp. and Sequent Computer Systems Inc., an IBM subsidiary, offer partitioning capabilities that allow administrators to run different operating systems within the same box -- for instance, with Windows NT running on one partition and Unix running on another.
  • 径流成因公式
    genetic formula of runoff
  • 超过170顷的土地已植有林木,以减少雨水从山坡流下。
    More than 170 hectares were afforested, reducing water runoff from the hillsides.
  • 敝人向贵司申请担任会计员一事,承蒙回复,十分感谢。
    I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
  • 司送她一份礼物,答谢她为司所做的工作。
    She was given a present in acknowledgment of her work for the business.
  • 东南九龙发展计划的新发展区包括旧?德机场停机坪及跑道(280顷),以及新填海区(133顷)。新发展区可容纳约25万人,提供约75000个就业机会。
    The new development area of SEKD — comprising the former Kai Tak airport apron and runway (280 hectares) and new reclamation areas (133 hectares) — can accommodate a population of about 250 000 and will provide about 75 000 employment opportunities.
  • 机场隧道供车辆免费使用,为来往红磡与香港国际机场的车辆提供直接通道。该隧道在一九八二年启用,全长1.3里,贯穿机场跑道下面,直达九龙湾。年内每日行车量55000架次。
    The toll-free Airport Tunnel provides direct access from Hung Hom to Hong Kong International Airport, and passes underneath the airport runway to Kowloon Bay. Opened in 1982, the 1.3-kilometre tunnel was used by 55 000 vehicles daily in 1997.
  • 这个冬天奥斯汀护士很忙,心情和身体都不太好,她本来可以随便写一封文格式的感谢信.但她没有这样做。
    Nurse Austen, was busy, harassed and not feeling too well that winter. She could have written just ordinary routine notes of acknowledgement. But that was not her way.
  • 美国好富顿司将写有“中国法律正,法官办案快速”的锦旗送到法院。
    In acknowledgement of this, the E. F. Houghton Company presented the court with a silk banner reading: "Chinese law is just; judges try cases expeditiously."
  • 那头牛向我冲过来。
    The bull rushed at me.
  • 美国好富顿司将写有“中国法律正,法官办案快速”的锦旗送到法院。
    In acknowledgement of this, the E.F. Houghton Company presented the court with a silk banner reading: "Chinese law is just; judges try cases expeditiously."
  • 他是认的全国最优秀的诗人。
    He is generally acknowledged to is the finest poet in the land.
  • 他是认的全国最优秀的诗人。
    He is generally acknowledged to be the finest poet in the land.
  • 新首相是一位认的有远见的政治家。
    The new prime minister is generally acknowledged as a farsighted statesman.
  • 搜索引擎司争着提供这种功能。
    Search-engine vendors are rushing to provide that capability.
  • 他被认为这门学科的最高权威。
    He is acknowledged to be the highest authority on the subject.
  • 他作为一个权威已得到举世认。
    As an authority he has got generally acknowledged over the world.
  • 他在同认的最可能夺魁的人竞争时表现不凡。
    He made a good showing in competition with acknowledged front-runners.
  • 是大家所公认的
    It is universally acknowledged that......
  • 像每个正直的民应该的那样尊敬法律——伯特兰·罗素。
    respect for law which every right-minded citizen ought to have- Bertrand Russell.
  • 认为明星的地位。
    the status of being acknowledged as a star.
  • 环视一下她在拉塞尔参议员办大楼里的家具,54岁的希拉里称自己在走向新的生活。
    Surveying her suite in the Russell Senate office Building, Clinton, 54, declares that she has moved on.
  • 据eink司的副总裁兼总经理russellwilcox称,这种墨水可以涂在任何表面,从墙到计算机屏幕。
    This ink can be spread on any surface -- from walls to computer screens -- says Russell Wilcox, vice president and general manager at E Ink.
  • 他被认为美国最杰出的作家。
    He was acknowledged as America's finest writer.
  • 具有没有被认的价值。
    having value that is not acknowledged.
  • 开承认的;开表明的
    Openly acknowledged by oneself; declared
  • 没有宣布或者没有开的让人知晓。
    not announced or openly acknowledged.
  • 他是认的全国最优秀的诗人。
    He was generally acknowledged to be the finest poet in the land.
  • 我方无法承认贵司对于包装欠缺所作的损坏赔偿的索赔。
    We cannot acknowledge your claim for damage due to defective packing.
  • 公主沙皇的女儿
    The daughter of a Russian czar.