  • 未付清的欠款;數額未付清;未償清的債務。
    outstanding bills; the amount still owed; undischarged debts.
  • 然沒付清這輛車的錢
    She still owes for the car.
  • 弗雷澤博士預測說,臭氧空洞將於2005年開始收縮變小,直到本世紀中期被完全填滿,但填滿後有十年屬於比較容易被破壞的過渡期。
    He predicted that the hole in the ozone layer would contract steadily from about 2005 and disappear by mid-century, although the ozone would be vulnerable for a decade.
  • 但是你然想把包裝單獨列為一項,是嗎?
    But you still want to have a separate clause for packaging, right?
  • 我的手仍在痛。
    My hand is still pained.
  • 那景象便是如此,至今想起令他激動。他不知道畫出墻上那幅領港船的畫傢是否能把那場面畫下來。
    Such was the picture, and he thrilled to the memory of it, wondering if the man could paint it who had painted the pilot- schooner on the wall.
  • 如果約好和女伴兒或者哥們兒與一位異性見面,最後卻取消約會然算是不合禮貌的。
    cancelling on your gal pals or boy buddies for a member of the opposite sexis still uncouth.
  • 一些老礦工舊在這些河裏淘金。
    Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams.
  • 在很久以前發現財富的小溪裏,現在然有一些老礦工在用淘盤淘金。
    Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams where fortunes were found long ago.
  • 我父母親過去一直吵得你死我活,然而反常的是他們然彼此愛着。
    My parents used to fight like cat and dog yet paradoxically they still loved each other.
  • 令人沮喪的是不確定性然使討論陷於癱瘓,特別是在美國。
    The bad news is that uncertainty still paralyzes discussion, espedaily in the U.S.
  • 在中國,維護人民的生存權利,改善人民的生存條件,至今然是一個首要問題。
    However, to protect the people's right to subsistence and improve their living conditions remains an issue of paramount importance in China today.
  • 他們然不知道她的出身地和家庭門第。
    They still do not know her place of birth or her parentage.
  • 家庭生活教育為福利計劃一個重要部分,並以善導子女為主題。
    Family life education continued to play an important part in the welfare programme, with emphasis on good parental guidance to the children.
  • 但就在這時,蔣介石政府然同日本繼續談判,甚至接受日本同中國地方當局議定所謂和平解决的辦法。
    But at the same time the Chiang Kai-shek government continued to parley with the Japanese aggressors and even accepted the so-called peaceful settlements they concluded with local authorities.
  • 但是喬治的鸚鵡亨利在那兒。
    But George's parrot, Henry, was still there.
  • 前者的地産將分成五份,每一份的生産方法都一舊貫,結果五個部分的總産量比前毫無增益。
    The landed property of the former will be divided into five parts, and every part will be worked in as bad a manner as the whole was heretofore.
  • 六個月過去了,我們然沒有他們的消息。
    Six months had passed, and we still had no news of them.
  • guzmanderojas認為詞典的容量需擴充以達到約90%的精確率。
    Guzman de rojas say the dictionary capacity still must is expanded to arrive at a passable accuracy rate of 90 percent.
  • 有一個旅客未在其中.
    One passenger is still unaccounted for.
  • 在婚姻生活中充滿激情的最初幾年過去之後的相當長的一段時間內,性對於他們是極其重要的。
    Sex remains vital for them long after the first passionate years of a relationship have passed.
  • 讓我看一下……沒錯,你們的護照然有效,機票也沒問題。
    Let's see... Yes, your passports are still valid and your tickets are in order.
  • 他很生氣,他然耐心聽我講。
    He was angry, yet he listened to me patiently.
  • 帕蒂,你在哪兒?然沒有人接電話,加裏衹好挂上。於是他撥了警察分局的電話。
    Where are you Patty? With still no answer,Gary hangs up and dials the police department.
  • 雖然企業不用為再售商品納稅,但銷售稅然會影響企業:它提高了消費者所付的價格。
    Although businesses are exempt from paying a sales tax on merchandise they buy for resale, the sales tax does affect business:It increases the prices customers have to pay.
  • 於是大部分人接受了,有些人做兩份工並且非常努力地工作,但衹能得到很少的報酬。”
    Most just accept it, and some take a second job working harder, but again accepting a small paycheck."
  • 值勤時睡着了的衛兵被說成是“不值他的????”,於是他在下次發工資時得到的????會少些(今天英語中用“不值他的????”這一表達指在工作中不稱職的人)。
    And guard who fell asleep while on duty was said to be "not worth his salt," and as a result he would get a little less salt on his next payday! (The expression, "not worth his salt," is still used today in English to refer to a person felt to be incapable of doing a job).
  • 中國國有企業是國傢納稅的主體。
    State-owned enterprises are still major tax payers in China.
  • 享有特權者領取政府工資並可指派任務的退休美國情報部門官員
    An officially retired U.S. intelligence officer who is actually still on the government's payroll and is available for assignments.
  • 雖然康柏然是pc銷售的老大,但是戴爾在美國非常接近地排在第二位,而實際上在公司的臺式機銷售上已經擊敗了康柏。
    While Compaq is still the PC sales leader, Dell is a close second in the U.S. and actually beats Compaq in corporate desktop-PC sales.
  • 目前,利用個人計算機進行此類運算然比使用生物計算機快得多。
    At the moment, it is still much faster to use a PC to perform such calculations.
  • 儘管如此,中國主動采取了停火和軍隊後撤等重大措施,並建議結束衝突、重開談判、和平解决邊界問題。
    Even though, China still voluntarily ceased fire and withdrew its troops, and suggested the two parties end conflicts, revive negotiations and resolve the boundary issue peacefully.