  • 计算机病毒的传播行为与生物病毒极其相似:它们可能从开始感染时就是致命的,可以被某特定的事件所引发(逻辑炸弹)。
    Computer viruses act like biologics in the way they can be set off: they can be virulent from the outset of the infection or they can be activated by a specific event (logic bomb).
  • 在系统网络体系结构(sna)中,激活话路时的一种功能,允许两个逻辑单元到逻辑单元(lu-lu)部分话路可以协商某话路参数。
    In SNA, a capability that allows two LU-LU half-sessions to negotiate the parame ters of a session, when the session is being activated.
  • 大体说来,湘中的那县是最先进的。
    Roughly speaking, the counties in central Hunan were the most advanced.
  • ?伯德把这不常参加锻炼的人分成三组。
    To find out, Bird divided his normally inactive subjects into three roughly equal groups.
  • 哈里总是粗暴地对待那有碍于他的生意计划的人。
    Harry rides roughshod over anybody who gets in the way of his business plans.
  • 市府官员对那不愿为修建新学校而毁家园的人们,不抱一点同情心。
    The city officials rode roughshod over the people who did not want their homes torn down for a new school.
  • 问题的解决本来是轻而易举的,但是“四人帮”横行时一直无人去解决。
    Some of these services could easily have been provided, but nobody bothered with them when the Gang of Four was riding roughshod.
  • 一旦里根先生不在其位,谁会控制国务院主张和平共存的人?谁会毫不留情地阻止国会里那挥金如土的议员使他们不至整垮经济?
    Once Mr.Reagan is gone, who will keep the detenteniks in the State Department in check? And who is going to ride roughshod over the big spenders in Congress and keep them from driving the economy into the ground?
  • 有家族遗传病的夫妇会选择克隆技术作为一种避免他们视为“生殖赌博”的方法。
    Some couples with genetic disease in their families will choose cloning as a way of avoiding what they regard as "reproductive roulette.
  • 这种过渡性的华语加强课程,并不要求全面提升华语的一般语言技能,只需着重在英华语对译能力的提升,利用这年轻官员原已具备的基本英语专业概念,通过华英语并用的双语教学法,训练成人学习者积极调动元认知与英语的潜存知识,让他们在最短时间成为在专业领域内英华兼通的双语人。
    Such courses should be specially customised for selected civil service officials. The proposed intensive CL course focuses on the mastery of English-Chinese translating skills through a bilingual approach to the teaching of CL. It will not only make full use of learners’ fundamental professional concepts but also actively activate their metacognition and background knowledge in English, thereby enabling them to be a bilingual in their own professional area within a short period.
  • 村子的原野里渐渐隆起一圆圆的小山包。
    Rounded hills swell gradually from the village plain.
  • 我们把船转为迎风方向停下,救起了那溺水者。
    We stopped to pick up the drowning men by rounding up the boat.
  • 请贵店送货员在圣诞节多送牛奶来.
    Ask your roundsman for extra milk over Christmas.
  • 谁能够使那人醒悟到小心的重要性呢?
    Who can rouse the people from their lack of care?
  • 不管你是想为日常散步增添一兴奋或是使自己活跃起来而去参加纺纱课程,用下面七条真实可测的收益来衡量一下你对时间的投资吧。
    Whether you're trying to muster up some excitement for your daily walk or rouse yourself to attend a Spinning class, check out these seven real and measurable returns on your investment of time.
  • 更生霉素放射线菌素群中的一种抗生素,c62h86n12o16,从细菌中分离出来,在某癌症的治疗中,被用作一种抗肿瘤的药物
    An antibiotic of the actinomycin group, C62H86N12O16, isolated from bacteria and used as an antineoplastic agent in the treatment of certain cancers.
  • 红霉素一种抗生素,可以由放线菌的变形得到链霉菌性红细胞增多,有效地抵制许多革兰氏阳性菌和一革兰氏阴性细菌
    An antibiotic obtained from a strain of the actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus, effective against many gram-positive bacteria and some gram-negative bacteria.
  • 他们当中一人后来到该泉州村落做了一次寻根之旅,受到那里宗亲的热情款待。
    Some of them made a trip to the village to search for their roots, and received a rousing reception from their kinsmen there.
  • 诡辩学家以为人性本善,有则以为人性本恶,可是他们的理论终究有象霍布斯(hobbes——十五世纪英国哲学家)和卢骚(十六世纪法国哲学家)的理论那么互相背驰。
    Some of the Sophists thought man's nature good,and some thought man's nature bad, but there wasn't the sharp contradiction of Hobbes and Rousseau.
  • 从放射链霉菌中得到的抗生素;有效的抵抗革兰阳性细菌和一革兰阴性细菌的药物。
    an antibiotic obtained from the actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus; effective against many Gram-positive bacteria and some Gram-negative.
  • 请找一旧衣服给门口的那个人。
    Please rout out some old clothes to give t the man at the door.
  • 看看我能否找出旧衣服给门口的那个人。
    I'll see if I can rout up some old clothes to give to the man at the door.
  • 如果在此路由器以外有多个pp网络,那么对这网络需要用同一方法安装路由。
    If there are multiple pp networks beyond the rout then you will need to install routes in the same way for these network.
  • 如果在此路由器以外有多个pp网络,那么对这网络需要用同一方法安装路由
    If there is multiple PP network beyond the rout then you will need to install routes in the same way for these network
  • 在为流量管理提供基础的情况下,外显路由的lsp是这样的一lsp,即它们通过mpls网络的路由已被授予了优先权,避免了前面提到的自动建立。
    Providing a basis for traffic engineering, explicitly routed LSPs are LSPs whose route through an MPLS network has been granted apriority, avoiding the automatic setup described earlier.
  • 另外一人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。
    Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
  • 雇佣文人受雇写一公文或商业文章的作者
    A writer hired to produce routine or commercial writing.
  • 在日常的工作中给管制员施加一时间压力。
    Given that controllers routinely work under some level of time pressure, the lower estimate is more reasonable than the higher estimate.
  • 大部分传真机放在公共地点,所以每位经过的同事都可以看,而有公司例行公事地检查雇员的电子邮件。
    Most fax machines are located in public places,so anyone who passes by can read them,and some businesses routinely screen their employees' e-mail.
  • 唐娜·黑尔(在国家航空和航天局负责有关设计插图工作,她是通过审查可以接触机密的人员)说,一高空拍摄到的地球的照片在公布之前通常都修去了背景中的不明飞行物。
    Donna Hare,a NASA design illustrator with secret clearance,said UFOs were routinely airbrushed out of high altitude photos of the Earth before being released to the public.
  • 通常由厂家作为软件提供的一程序和例行程序,如编译程序、装入程序、输入输出处理程序等。
    Programs and routines used by manufacturer-furnished software, such as compilers, loaders, input/output handlers, etc.
  • 幸福的伴侣不仅仅只在那常规的场合才给对方赠送礼物,或做活儿来减轻对方的负担。
    Happy couples give gifts on more than just routines occasions, or perform tasks in order to lighten the partner's burdens.