  • 勒诺说,“戴维对人公平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。”去年五月勒诺接替卡森的职位时遭到另一竞者阿森尼奥·霍尔的严厉批评。
    "David (letterman) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone," said (Jay) Leno, who was raked over the coals by another competitor, Arsenio Hall, when Leno took over Johnny Carson's seat last May.
  • 也许,对目前已经引起论的议题最有说服力的评论是由卡特先生所作的。
    Maybe the most cogent comment on a topic which so far has generated more heat than light came from Mr Carter.
  • 孩子们为了什么在吵?
    What are the children casting out about?
  • 适中的价格可能注定它要成为以太网与atm之的牺牲品。
    Its middle-ground price will probably doom it to be an innocent casualty of the Ethernet vs. ATM war.
  • 灾难性的核战;灾难性的地震。
    cataclysmic nuclear war; a cataclysmic earthquake.
  • 决定性的或大规模的战
    A decisive or catastrophic conflict.
  • 值此纪念世界反法西斯战和中国抗日战胜利以及联合国成立五十周年之际,人们不应忘记,本世纪人类曾两度遭受世界大战的浩劫,战不时给人类带来灾难和痛苦。
    As the world marks the 50th anniversaries of the victories in the global anti-fascist war and China's War of Resistance Against Japan and the founding of the United Nations, it must not be forgotten that twice in this century mankind has suffered from the enormity of world war, that war has repeatedly brought man catastrophic suffering.
  • (八九)有些人,基于战的流动性,就从根本上否认战计划或战方针之相对的固定性,说这样的计划或方针是“机械的”东西。
    89. Because of the fluidity of war, some people categorically deny that war plans or policies can be relatively stable, describing such plans or policies as "mechanical".
  • 造成了无法计算的损失
    The war caused incalculable loss.
  • 引起普遍的苦难。
    War causes universal misery.
  • 他什么也不顾了,和经理辩起来。
    He threw caution to the winds and began arguing with the manager.
  • 但是,手持设备市场是由运行在相竞的操作系统上的很多不同设备所组成,如3com公司的palmos、plc公司的epoc操作系统、微软的windowsce、摩托罗拉公司的flexos、microware系统公司的os-9和sun公司的java等。
    But the handheld device market consists of many different devices running on competing operating systems:3Com Corp.'s Palm OS, Psion PLC'S EPOC operating system, Microsoft Corp.'s Windows CE, Motorola Corp.'s FlexOS, Microware Systems Corp.'s OS-9 and Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Java, for example.
  • 停止对抗;不再斗
    cease opposition; stop fighting.
  • 居民们祈祷战快快结束
    The citizens pray that the war will cease soon
  • 农民的斗没有停止过。
    The peasants' struggle has never ceased.
  • 在日本侵占台湾期间,台湾同胞一直坚持英勇不屈的斗
    Taiwan compatriots never ceased their dauntless struggle throughout the Japanese occupation.
  • 面对封建农奴制度的残酷统治,西藏劳动人民从未停止过反抗斗
    Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom, Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles.
  • 海浪永不停息的轰鸣声;不断的痛苦;每日每夜我们都生活在城市永不停息的噪音中;不懈的寻求幸福;保持民主水平的不懈努力;人类与干旱和隔绝之间不懈的斗;不断的饥饿。
    the ceaseless thunder of surf; in constant pain; night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city; the never-ending search for happiness; the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy; man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation; unremitting demands of hunger.
  • 我们要在这样广大的被敌占领地区发动普遍的游击战,将敌人的后方也变成他们的前线,使敌人在其整个占领地上不能停止战
    We shall have to extend guerrilla warfare all over this vast enemy-occupied area, make a front out of the enemy's rear, and force him to fight ceaselessly throughout the territory he occupies.
  • 公元552年突厥首领土门打败柔然,以漠北(蒙古高原大沙漠以北地区)为中心建立政权,尔后分裂为东西两部,为夺汗权斗不休。
    Tümaen, a Turki leader, defeated the Rouran in 552, and set up a state centered in Mobei (the area north of the vast deserts on the Mongolian Plateau). The Turki realm later split into the eastern and western sides which fought ceaselessly in their scramble for the khanate.
  • 人们相购票去听这位著名演员的音乐会。
    People fell over each other to get tickets for the celebrity concert.
  • 在对阿富汗的战中,太空(尤其是100多颗军事卫星)首次成了战机器的中心部件。这场战的一幕典型场景是:地面上一名士兵发现一个塔利班目标。
    A typical scene from the conflict in Afghanistan, where for the first time space -- specifically, more than one hundred orbiting military satellites -- has been a centerpiece of the war machine: A soldier on the ground spots a Taliban target.
  • 只要有了这种联系,就能把许多性质相同的地方性的斗汇合成全国性的斗,汇合成阶级斗
    It was just this contact that was needed to centralise the numerous local struggles, all of the same character, into one national struggle between classes.
  • 政府和人民在战中的不一致,就产生了只要集中不要民主的绝对集中主义的政府。
    The absence of unity between the government and the people in a war gives rise to a government of absolute centralism with all centralism and no democracy.
  • 我们要在加强和正确执行民主集中制方面,力上游!
    We should aim high in strengthening and correctly exercising democratic centralism!
  • 战时的政治制度大体上可以分为两类,一是民主集中的,一是绝对集中的,由战的性质所决定。
    Systems of government in wartime may generally be divided into two kinds, as determined by the nature of the war -- one kind is democratic centralism and the other absolute centralism.
  • 中国一九二六年到一九二七年的北伐战,也是依靠民主集中制取得了胜利。
    In the Northern Expedition of 1926-27, too, the victories were achieved through democratic centralism.
  • 由此,游击战的指挥原则,一方面反对绝对的集中主义,同时又反对绝对的分散主义,应该是战略的集中指挥和战役战斗的分散指挥。
    Hence, as opposed both to absolute centralization and to absolute decentralization, the principle of command in guerrilla war should be centralized strategic command and decentralized command in campaigns and battles.
  • 游击战的指挥方法,由于游击部队是低级的武装组织和分散行动的特性,不容许高度的集中主义,如同正规战的指挥方法那样。
    Since guerrilla units are a lower level of armed organization characterized by dispersed operations, the methods of command in guerrilla warfare do not allow as high a degree of centralization as in regular warfare.
  • 但所谓正规战是中国型的,只表现在集中兵力打运动战和指挥上、组织上的某种程度的集中性和计划性方面,其他则仍是游击性的,低级的,不能和外国军队一概而论,也和国民党的军队有些不同。
    But this regular warfare was of the Chinese type, regular only in its concentration of forces for mobile warfare and in a certain degree of centralization and planning in command and organization;in other respects it retained a guerrilla character and, as regular warfare, was on a low level and not comparable with the regular warfare of foreign armies or, in some ways, even with that of the Kuomintang army.
  • 然而游击战不是不要任何的集中指挥就能够顺利地发展的。
    However, guerrilla warfare cannot be successfully developed without some centralized command.
  • 可以肯定的一点是,战是必须付出牺牲的。
    War has no certainty except the certainty of sacrifice.